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Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd Song dedications

Na na nana, na na nana, hey hey hey, goodbyeeeeee!

Re: Rudd song dedications

Good thread!

May as well burn some bridges with the break-up song
(Language warning):

Re: Rudd song dedications

One of the bitterest pills for Rudd to swallow is that Wayne Swan, whom he hates, is swanning off to Canada tomorrow to take Rudd's place at the G20 meeting along with the other high profile world leaders.

Re: Rudd song dedications

One of the bitterest pills for Rudd to swallow is that Wayne Swan, whom he hates, is swanning off to Canada tomorrow to take Rudd's place at the G20 meeting along with the other high profile world leaders.
Yep, that must be really tough. I didn't know Rudd hated Swan? What's the basis for this and how do you know that, Calliope?

To be fair to Kevin Rudd, he behaved with a fair bit of courage today, even managed to be a bit funny. Must have been hell for him.
Re: Rudd song dedications

One of the bitterest pills for Rudd to swallow is that Wayne Swan, whom he hates, is swanning off to Canada tomorrow to take Rudd's place at the G20 meeting along with the other high profile world leaders.

Dunno mate i reckon if i had just been shafted by my peers i would be quite happy to go home to the family and maybe reflect a bit not rush off overseas,
When things get tough rally round the family
You are so far off the mark,engage the brain before pressing enter
Re: Rudd song dedications

Its true, Julia, Swan and Rudd were the unlikeliest pair. Swan hates Rudd and vizey verzie alright.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Thanks everyone i have really enjoyed reading most of your kevin's expense of-course.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hey guys it’s me Kevin Rudd. Remember that $900 I lent you last year?

Yeah, I lost my job and I’m gonna need that back…..


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hey guys it’s me Kevin Rudd. Remember that $900 I lent you last year?

Yeah, I lost my job and I’m gonna need that back…..

Sorry Bro i spent mine on cheap wine and hookers.

any chance of some more?
Re: Rudd song dedications

Don't ask me it's just the way it is!

RUN DMC/Jason Nevins The Way it is!

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