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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

PM urged to let his "disciples" speak
Lindsay Fox warns of "dictator" regime
Kevin Rudd says he's using his team

Real tax reform would involve increasing the tax-free threshold to about $25,000. As the industrious Mr.Fox suggested years ago.

REAL TAX REFORM hey Churchie Boy.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

All too familiar ...... I am living in a George Orwell novel. Sound familiar?...................

"Napoleon is always right."
Neat summary, TS. Along with "1984" probably the best known of Orwell's fiction. Sadly, it has turned out not to be fiction.

About damn time Ms Bligh actually did something useful.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence?
It does not look like it after today's poll.
I wonder what odds the bookies will be offering after today.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

For anyone who missed tonight's 7.30 Report interview with David Marr on the essay he has written about Rudd, following considerable one on one time with the PM, and extensive interviews with his colleagues, it's absolutely worth watching. Completely damning of Mr Rudd whom David Marr describes as having "an angry heart", this anger being the foundation of all he is.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence?
It does not look like it after today's poll.
I wonder what odds the bookies will be offering after today.

Sportingbet Australia current Labour 1.47 Coalition 2.60
Good odds if you ask me.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Coalition at 2.60 - I'd take a piece of that action!

I would say the odds are there for a reason.
I'm with you on hoping the coalition gets up but watching the sad breaking news of two diggers killed overseas..Rudd did an excellent job of breaking that news but managed also to sell the super tax after questions were asked on a solemn note.
Salesman made most of the sad situation..but i think he tarnished it by not sticking to the subject.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hi Julia. I sat completely gobsmacked through this interview. The revered Rudd of the Left, being criticized by...David Marr? And on the (national broadcaster, completely non-partisan) ABC 7:30 report! Dear God what next -(national broadcaster, completely non-partisan) -Tony Jones criticizing global warming alarmism?

Seems to be a lot of latter day conversions amongst the left - like St Paul at Damascus. Or is the hidden agenda to install the (even more left) 'La Gillardine'. Be very afraid.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The Helen Clark Labour government in NZ - enough said.
A period of political power, followed by the overwhelming return of a conservative government. I hope Australia doesn't make the same mistake (of being blinded, by gender bias, to the real political idealogy of their candidates).
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Sportingbet Australia current Labour 1.47 Coalition 2.60
Good odds if you ask me.
Bevo, I think the bookies are 2 months behind the media!!! Perhaps you should update them on the latest news.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Agree. When people suggest all would be cured by swapping Mr Rudd for Ms Gillard, I don't get it at all. They sing from the same songbook, she is just a lot more media-savvy and less tense than Rudd.
If, however, they were to elevate Stephen Smith, you'd have someone thoughtful and intelligent, whom I've never seen other than calm and measured.
If he were in charge, I'd rather vote for him than for Tony Abbott with Abbot's stand against abortion, against stem cell research and other ultra conservative, old fashioned views.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

...Abbot's stand against abortion, against stem cell research and other ultra conservative, old fashioned views.
Yes this this is the knock on him, I wish he would adopt a more contemporary stance on social policy. Wouldn't mind seeing him come out against the Sen Conroy internet filtering proposal either, unless he has and I've missed it, in which case I apologize.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Wouldn't mind seeing him come out against the Sen Conroy internet filtering proposal either, unless he has and I've missed it, in which case I apologize.
They are still sitting on the fence on the filter. Suspect their natural inclination is to support it, but they are probably weighing this up with the overwhelming electorate opposition to it. If they have any political sense, they will refuse to support it.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Unfortunately Julia sensoring the interent would be a great advantage to all pollies, China use it to great effect to suppress what can be said by the people.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Julia do you not think with modern medical science and stem cell research, that people will soon be living to 120 years and beyond? What will this all do to social securities and pensions and the cost of it?
Who will pay for it?
Maybe, just maybe, this might not be madness in Abbott's thinking, and besides who wants to live to 120. The standard of life even at 80 is not as enjoyable as it was 10,20 or 30 years ago.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I think WA let Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swann know where they stand today and it wasn't just the organised protestors who gave them a bit of stick, very proud to be a Sandgroper today
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Noco, stem cell research is not necessarily to do with prolonging ordinary life, but rather to ameliorate disabling diseases, e.g. Parkinsons. Even to possibly restore full function to paraplegics. It's about improving the quality of life, not prolonging it.

If anything, results from this research would reduce demands on the health system because there would be less requirement to treat disease and disability.

Besides, it's imo simply morally wrong not to proceed with the possibility of offering some people a better quality of life if we can possibly do this.
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