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Julia Goes to Peris

If the ALP doesn't split this year, or get Rudd back in to the Lodge, it will be in Opposition for two generations.

Every man, woman and dog, is sick of this politicking.


You very wise young grasshopper!

Although, I suspect Julia's ego is prepared to see the party loose rather than let Rudd have another go. Ironically though I think Rudd could make a successful comeback sooner if Julia lost the election as opposed to trying to toss her again.

Is it possible the territory would rebell and labor loose it's senator there?
Ah. Now I get it. Julia wants a soul-mate for Tim.

Julia Gillard with her preferred Senate candidate for NT, Nova Peris, and Peris's children Jack, 9, Destiny, 11, and partner Scott Appleton. Picture: Kym Smith Source: The Australian
Mis Gillard is certainly creating a lot of division in the Labor Party. There maybe an implosion any time soon.


Probably the best left wing publication about. Good quality contributors.

There is a contest between ALP factions in the NT, and throughout Australia.

It will be interesting to see how it pans out.

The usual ABC and ALP suspects such as Mark Colvin and Craig Emerson are strangely silent in their typhoid like voluminous output on Twitter.

Read and subscribe if you are a leftie. They deserve to survive. Not afraid to upset the Louis Quinzes of the ALP.

Talking of which, what happened at ICAC today?

I doubt though, just getting back to topic, that Julia Goes to Peris is the answer.

I can see why Julia decide to simply demand Nova Peris is a Senate candidate.

As GG pointed out the Labour machine hasn't go a great record in securing quality indigenous candidates.
Good story n The Age on the subject

Sorry, origin of the facts about Nova Peris is unknown but presume they are correct.

Great addition to the team...
Some of us thought Bob Carr a terrible choice, but there appears perhaps to be a pattern here.

Julia "BIG~RED" Gillard's latest captain's pick !

Did you know that Nova Peris
* was not a member of the ALP
* has lived in Canberra for 15 years
* previously stated that she would like to get into politics in the NT (hoping someone would ask her), but both major parties ignored her
* did not know who the father of her first daughter was
* married the bloke who drew the short straw
* was known as greased lightning, but not for her sporting prowess
* was evicted by Cathy Freeman for trashing the house she had generously loaned her
* was picked up drunk in Darwin mall, having a punch-up with her then husband
* didn't turn up for a celebrity race the next day as she had a black eye
* was very unsportsmanlike towards team mates in the Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games
* posed for a nude calendar
* sponsors Telstra and Novotel withdrew their sponsorships
* took fellow hockey team members on a fishing trip to Bathurst Island (Charters, exclusive lodge accommodation) and charged it to the NT Government
* is an arrogant bitch with expectations of living off the public purse.
* should fit into Julia's team pretty well...
* Looks like it is a good pick ! + Sound judgement.
Don't you think ?
I reckon this lady would have had the backing of some NT ALP members, in a fair fight against Sen. Crossin.



If they had have appointed Scrymgour, nothing would have been said. It would have been lauded as a good appointment.

But she is a free mind.

Nova has made a motza out of the Feds and the NT government with the stronger futures stuff. Much like that lunatic Bess Price.

Nova has made enemies every where she goes. This will be no different.
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