Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Julia Goes to Peris

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
For the next exciting stunt by a sitting PM, watch this new movie.

What a stunt.

Julia Goes to Peris


White girl in power, meets black girl with prowess.

After enduring no setbacks they conquer Australia.

The End.

I can tell you a lot of people are pi$$ed off about this little stunt in the NT.

And that is all it is, a stunt.

I will ask it again, how did people in good conscience vote for this red head lying dog?
After 15 years what was it that Trish Crossin did again in the senate?
I can tell you a lot of people are pi$$ed off about this little stunt in the NT.

And that is all it is, a stunt.

My ALP contacts in Darwin and the Alice are none too happy with this move.

It may be a pre-emptive move against Kevin Rudd I have been told by a high ranking Left member of Federal ALP caucus.

After 15 years what was it that Trish Crossin did again in the senate?

It may be a pre-emptive move against Kevin Rudd I have been told by a high ranking Left member of Federal ALP caucus.
That's it. She voted for Kevin Rudd.

That Labor and its supporters see the enemy within as a bigger threat than the Opposition illustrates the internal strife they are in.
That's it. She voted for Kevin Rudd.

That Labor and its supporters see the enemy within as a bigger threat than the Opposition illustrates the internal strife they are in.

Agree doc.

If the ALP doesn't split this year, or get Rudd back in to the Lodge, it will be in Opposition for two generations.

Every man, woman and dog, is sick of this politicking.

They just can't move on from the union mentality, now they are treating the upcoming election as a branch stacking excercise.
Why can't they get over themselves and realise they are there to further the country, not to further their self interests.:cry:

This election is going to be a bloodbath. IMO
They just can't move on from the union mentality, now they are treating the upcoming election as a branch stacking excercise.
Why can't they get over themselves and realise they are there to further the country, not to further their self interests.:cry:

This election is going to be a bloodbath. IMO

That is certainly the feeling in the ALP.

Interestingly the LNP feel in Queensland it will be closer and are mobilising for a big push coming up to the election.

It must be demoralising for the true believers, the good ALP people.

Gillard and her posse are hell bent on dividing their party and the nation.

15 years in the Senate is a great run, time to move on...the noalition of course like to see useless members stick around, Lady Joh, John Howard and Bill O'Chee come to mind.
15 years in the Senate is a great run, time to move on...the noalition of course like to see useless members stick around, Lady Joh, John Howard and Bill O'Chee come to mind.

Fred Daly, a gentleman and very long serving ALP member in opposition and as minister, who served in both the Curtin and Whitlam ministeries would be spinning in his grave to hear such drivel.

Absolute poppycock, showing a lack of knowledge of history and appreciation of service.

15 years in the Senate is a great run, time to move on...the noalition of course like to see useless members stick around, Lady Joh, John Howard and Bill O'Chee come to mind.

Well then how long has Gillard been there, time to move on? 15 years this year. yeh
I reckon this lady would have had the backing of some NT ALP members, in a fair fight against Sen. Crossin.

Former NT deputy chief minister, Marion Scrymgour, who was Australia's first indigenous female minister, had put her hand up to run against Senator Crossin in ALP's NT Senate battle.
Ms Scrymgour told ABC Radio, Ms Gillard had phoned her before the Peris announcement, letting her know the race was over.
''I think people are cranky. It just robs the territory of the right to have a say,'' she said.

Read more:

15 years in the Senate is a great run, time to move on...the noalition of course like to see useless members stick around, Lady Joh, John Howard and Bill O'Chee come to mind.
Labor can tell their own to f off till their heart's content as far as I'm concerned.
15 years in the Senate is a great run, time to move on...the noalition of course like to see useless members stick around, Lady Joh, John Howard and Bill O'Chee come to mind.

If it aint broke don't fix it or if Crossin had been doing a bad job she should have been replaced long ago. Nope the reason this was done is it's a hamfisted vote grabbing attempt, fortunately the electorate aren't dumb enough to fall for such an obviously cynical tactic. Just another example of Gillard treating the voters with contempt.
I notice that the ABC are strangely quiet on the Julia goes to Peris issue.

Not a tweek on the Drum, not a mention in Opinion. Absent from Twitter.

Where are Colvin and Emerson?

Gone missing?

Through Shame no doubt.

This will go down as the most shameful episode in NT ALP history.

15 years in the Senate is a great run, time to move on...the noalition of course like to see useless members stick around, Lady Joh, John Howard and Bill O'Chee come to mind.

Wasn't Slipper an MP for longer than your 15 years and yet Gillard promoted him to speaker most likely in the knowledge that he came with baggage.

Nah, you are grasping at straws - doesn't do your credibility any good...:D

In both instances, it seems Gillard has pulled the strings in an attempt to keep her in power. I don't see Abbott being so desperate...:rolleyes:

And, if Abbott did anything like this you would have him hung and quartered...:D