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JIN - Jumbo Interactive

Well done. Seems like a pretty good result. I may have to eat humble pie on this one. Time will tell.

All informed educated decisions at the end of the day, could go either way....I dont take other people negative views as a bad things give me more information to research in those area of concerned.

I am now more optimistic on this business than when I first bought in...I calculated it as a mine with end date 2013
but in the last 12-18 months look like it discovered more resource to mine...

if it bag another contract, it should be rerate as a growth stock and the leader in its market much like carsales seek etc....
ROE and others, at what point are you intending to sell?
I won't be influenced by market price in my decision - I would only sell if the fundamentals started to materially deteriorate. It's hard to say what that would look like in advance, but it's handy to keep an eye on margins, subscription numbers, customer participation and of course the returns they are getting on the capital they are putting into technology and marketing.
ROE and others, at what point are you intending to sell?

Not for a while, it still has plenty of potential and I have all the time in the world to wait until then
I am not worry about volatility....I am a business owner sort of investor, not trading for profit

As long as it provide me reasonable yield and business intact and it has further growth options ahead I continue to hold...this is less than CCP 6 baggers and I still hold CCP...

I Follow Phil Fisher principles when to sell.. in the book common stock uncommon profit...

Fair enough, pretty much what I was expecting. Given that their is volatility though, isn't there merit in accumulating shares (i.e. selling high and buying low over and over)? Still trying to iron out my strategy. I've worked out what to buy, now trying to work out when to sell. I'm about 20% up on JIN, which is quite nice, but as you say the fundamentals are still good. But of course, if I sold some now at say 150, then rebought some more at 125, I'd be better positioned for long-term growth... Of course the flip-side is that they never go down again, but in the current climate that seems unlikely. I'd value both of your thoughts (and anyone elses) both on JIN and when value investing generally.

There are many ways to skin a cat and what works for you I think you keep doing it

buy and hold vs trading vs buy low sell high they all have their advantages and disadvantages

I chose to buy and hold mostly for dividend and the income stream, right or wrong it is something I always do and will be doing...

I do sell in and out but that is purely on business fundamental and or when I need the cash for something big.

I have surplus cash each month and my dividend income stream is reasonably large so if I need the cash for holiday or buy a car I can always spend the dividend or the surplus cash so no need for me to sell stocks unless Phil Fisher criteria is triggered.
I don't see the point in having two masters (technical and fundamental). Every time I have tried it is like playing tug of war with your mind. Which one do you listen to when they disagree? Timing the market with perfection to etch every little gain out of a stock is much, much harder to put in practice than it seems. With JIN, if you trade in and out frequently, what if they land a US contract and it doubles over night and you were out of the stock waiting for a decline?

Thanks Ves for your comments as well. Excellent point with the US contract.

I guess you're lucky ROE that you have enough cash to play with that you can buy the shares in whichever company interests you, rather than choosing between companies. On second thought, that's probably much more due to skill and planning than lucky. Anywho...

In terms of buying and holding for dividend stream, surely JIN seems like an odd candidate? There are many companies with a much higher payout than JIN (e.g. AAD), albeit maybe with less growth potential. But that would go more towards capital growth than dividends?

JIN at current yield of 3c give me close to 7.5c fully franked on my entry price
now share gone up a couple hundred % is what market responding to earning increase, not much I can do apart from
selling out which I dont want just yet....

I dont want to waste space on stock thread talking about general investment stuff but I have very clear
strategy regarding dividend, when to sell seriously it doesn't bother me if the stock done a 100% and I need to freak out whether to sell or not .... I am over that sort of stuff, I'm more of an old man with a Toyota chucking along rather than a teenager with a fast car and doing burn out and spins

same stuff was discussed on NVT threat I still hold NVT and just pocket 20c dividend a year despite all the Volatility....I'm out unless it's JIN related news post...

Sorry, I forgot that JIN was MUCH cheaper not so long ago, when you were smart enough to buy - which would of course greatly affect div yield. Thanks again for your insights ROE, sorry everyone else from distracting from the thread.
Announcement from JIN this morning that they have developed and are now implementing new technologies into their business model..

From statement:
Clearly its technology such as this is leading the way to retailers accepting the online influence and integrating it into their models aswell..

Will be interesting to see which retailers decide to use the signs and how the commissions are split between the parties...

Yeh I like this one snatch (may I call you snatch? ). I'm going to wait for $1.51 and get some then. Maybe early next week...

The digital scratchies look promising, big US market for scratchies and digital scratchies could be made available in Australia in the future
The digital scratchies look promising, big US market for scratchies and digital scratchies could be made available in Australia in the future
Surely the government will make it legal eventually... despite pressure from the independants and Greens to curb gambling in Australia. They will get their fair share of taxes, which they will surely need if our tax base is set to shrink...
(may I call you snatch? ).

No objections from me haha

Surely the government will make it legal eventually... despite pressure from the independants and Greens to curb gambling in Australia. They will get their fair share of taxes, which they will surely need if our tax base is set to shrink...

I echo this thinking. Labour is obsessed with having a budget surplus at the moment, so I feel the risk of laws hardening around heavily taxed industries is presently low...
Tech/A or Boggo or Canoz - what does the bar on the 12th of September mean in the context of today's price action? It looks to have rejected the low on that that day, however subsequent price action seems to indicate that someone is trying to get out. Today's bar looks indecisive, some selling at top levels, but buyer's meeting supply at the lower range. The fact that it breached the previous low on the 12th looks significant...

I couldn't draw a wave count on this chart for any period over the last year if I tried.

Again pure curiousity on my behalf...
The 12 th bar would have you anticipating support at the low with supply being swamped.
So you would anticipate the same on Monday
Your not going to know until trading begins on Monday.
So in the context of the whole chart supply is being exhausted at some levels
However supply keeps swamping buyers as sellers watch to see if support holds.

I would be waiting to see a final very high volume down bar before feeling as though supply is near to exhaustion.
I take it that stocks that have big impulsive moves (ie. 800% rises like this one) become very volatile after the initial move ends because the next phase starts seeing more supply to meet whatever demand is left?
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