I think you're misunderstanding me, Frinky, or I expressed what I meant badly.
Doesn't my comment above pretty much make the same point you're making re women almost always being advantaged over the bloke?
What I was referring to when I said that no fault divorce is more sensible is a comparison with times that you're probably too young to remember. Back then one party had to be deemed to be "at fault" usually on the basis of adultery. So private investigators would make like Dick Tracy and follow the so called adulterous partner around until they could acquire incriminating evidence which was then submitted to the court.
Often, if a couple had amicably agreed to part, in the absence of any other grounds than a lengthy three year separation, they agreed to a jacked up adultery case where one of them admitted being unfaithful in order to have the divorce through quickly.
It was all very unsavoury and unnecessarily painful all round.
By comparison, today's no fault divorce is way more civilised.
That is quite distinct from the financial arrangements involved.