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Is there a GOD?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • Absolutely no question--I know

    Votes: 150 25.6%
  • I cannot know for sure--but strongly believe in the existance of god

    Votes: 71 12.1%
  • I am very uncertain but inclined to believe in god

    Votes: 35 6.0%
  • God's existance is equally probable and improbable

    Votes: 51 8.7%
  • I dont think the existance of god is probable

    Votes: 112 19.1%
  • I know there is no GOD we are a random quirk of nature

    Votes: 167 28.5%

  • Total voters
All true weird,
I included this as the second quote on long post of his quotes back there ...
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure."
Incidentally, I omitted the one about "God does not throw dice" because it is probably one where he has (arguably) been proven wrong (Uncertainty Principle etc). But having said that ;) - I accept that he was a romantic, loved the world, loved learning about it's ways, and sure, had a name for what started the big bang ( as you and Allan have referred to) - and yep it was God.

And he mentions god (or God if you prefer) several times in those quotes.

In the end, the thread is open to many interpretations is it not - I mean
God? Y/N
Interventionist? Y/N
listens to prayers? Y/N
walks through walls? Y/N
etc etc ( could fill up the 10000 word limit (again lol)

PS should we spell that god of God?
Bit like are you a small "l" liberal ? or a capital "L" ?
Personally I'm happy to spell that "god" - although, since he's related to Mother Nature (who I love :)) , I guess I could promote him to "God" ;) semantics? sure it is.

PS the following link to poetry thread only if you're having trouble getting to sleep lol
The original (open to opinion) inhabitants of individual land masses on earth had a belief in something beyond what was solid or real.Spirits,Dreamtime or Inti for example.

In the days when people did not know how nature worked they came up with all sorts of ideas and explanations.The greatest ignorance is to hold these old beliefs from those who did not know into our present world.
Do not really get this line of argument, you have just read in these posts that some of the our most brilliant scientists of our time, that have contributed to our present knowledge ... still hold these 'old beliefs'

And if anything , their work in the cutting edge of discoveries has only reaffirmed these 'old beliefs' in God.
To the question "Is there a God?". Yes.

The Bible gives us an infallible account of the entire history of our planet, including it's creation.

There is evidence all around us to support the Bible account.

One that I have recently read is how canyons form. The average atheist evolutionist will say that it took millions of years for the Grand Canyon to form. However, there is no evidence to support this statement.

They simply make up a number, and that's their evidence. Why not make it trillions?

There is, however, evidence to support rapid formation of canyons, including the Grand Canyon.

If the world was covered in water, as recorded in the Bible, the Grand Canyon could have formed very quickly, as the waters receeded from the land, rapidly carving a massive canyon. The land would have been nice and soft as well after a couple of months of being underwater.

Evolutionists will disagree though, and say that it was the river that gradually took millions of years to erode the Canyon.

In recent times, huge canyons have been seen to form in a matter of days from large volumes of water rushing through them.

All evidence points to the Bible's account of a flood, which must then cause people to ask themselves, could the rest of the Bible also be true?

Anyone who is 100% sure there is a God care to explain how they are this way?---Other than Faith.

If you really want to know, i suggest you read the Qur'an. It was written around 600AD. So 1400+ years ago. And have a look at some of the facts mentioned regarding the universe (no, not your trading universe LOL ;)), medicine, anatomy, embryology, and look at when these facts were known from Science (centuries later) and then think about WHO could have known this back in the 600s.

Then you may find your answer.

Many non-Muslim scholars (often renowned for other works) have studied the Qur'an and its miracles and their results are in the public arena if you are keen to follow up.
In the days when people did not know how nature worked they came up with all sorts of ideas and explanations.The greatest ignorance is to hold these old beliefs from those who did not know into our present world.
no argument from me wysiwyg ;)
And I'd bet London to a brick that
a) JC lived,
b) he had some great ideas, and yet
c) he thought the earth was flat.:2twocents

(and if he DID know that the earth moved around the sun, it's a shame he didn't mention it to his disciples, so that the first Pope - and subsequent - could've been better prepared for his role as expert on everything.

Here's another question which might test whether we're prepared to treat this as a scientific question, or something we were taught in Sunday School.

Does it matter if we blaspheme? i.e. Does this life-force that set the earth going back at the big bang
d) even listen in on conversations, let alone
e) care what is said ?

I would argue that our consciences are where this grand plan catches up with us. It's an internal thing - nothing to do with an external force.

fwiw, I also think that apes are almost identical to us, - morals, social interaction etc - possibly spend more time nude, and possibly eat bananas unpeeled - but otherwise ....the same, if not pretty damned similar :confused:
Hi AnalysisParalysis,

As also a Christian, I am sorry to say that I do not completely believe the stories of ‘creation’ as told in the ‘old testament’ as necessarily literally accurate.

Genesis is an interesting book. My priest actually pointed this out to me, creation is actually told twice ... as I believe there were two popular accounts at the time, and as a result they were simply placed one after the other in the book. My thoughts are more inline with Collins' (the scientist I mentioned earlier).

The Catholic stance on ‘creation’ is quite abit more liberal compared to the more fundamentalists ...

Catholics are at liberty to believe that creation took a few days or a much longer period, according to how they see the evidence, and subject to any future judgment of the Church (Pius XII’s 1950 encyclical Humani Generis 36–37). They need not be hostile to modern cosmology. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "[M]any scientific studies . . . have splendidly enriched our knowledge of the age and dimensions of the cosmos, the development of life forms, and the appearance of man. These studies invite us to even greater admiration for the greatness of the Creator" (CCC 283). Still, science has its limits (CCC 284, 2293–4).

Ones interpretation of how creation is told in Genesis, as told as two different stories ... should not have any bearing or influence on one’s belief in the actual existence of a God.
If you really want to know, i suggest you read the Qur'an. It was written around 600AD. So 1400+ years ago. And have a look at some of the facts mentioned regarding the universe (no, not your trading universe LOL ;)), medicine, anatomy, embryology, and look at when these facts were known from Science (centuries later) and then think about WHO could have known this back in the 600s.

Then you may find your answer.

Many non-Muslim scholars (often renowned for other works) have studied the Qur'an and its miracles and their results are in the public arena if you are keen to follow up.

Nizar, would be able some names/links to information? Not that I'm doubting your statement, I'm just too lazy to try and find info on it myself without being pointed in the right direction:D
One that I have recently read is how canyons form. The average atheist evolutionist will say that it took millions of years for the Grand Canyon to form. However, there is no evidence to support this statement.

They simply make up a number, and that's their evidence. Why not make it trillions?
Perhaps at least a quick google search will give you some idea. Unlike fictional stories collated & edited into an ancient text, geology has strict guidelines of scientific stuidy that are adhered to.

Quick question for the bible theorists - why are there no account of dinosaurs in the bible? Were fossils created by an untrusting God to test our faith?
fwiw, I also think that apes are almost identical to us, - morals, social interaction etc - possibly spend more time nude, and possibly eat bananas unpeeled - but otherwise ....the same, if not pretty damned similar :confused:

Mankind has free will. We have knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, and are able to choose to do either.

Animals live by instinct. Strongest survive etc.
the Grand Canyon could have formed very quickly, as the waters receeded from the land, rapidly carving a massive canyon. The land would have been nice and soft as well after a couple of months of being underwater.

You have given a valid scientific theory on how the Grand Canyon could have been formed.
I thought you were trying to prove that god does exist.
One that I have recently read is how canyons form. The average atheist evolutionist will say that it took millions of years for the Grand Canyon to form. However, there is no evidence to support this statement
Now you're onto something, AP - there are massive canyons on Mars as well !;)
Is it the same God do you reckon?
Maybe the difference is .....mmmm, over on Mars, Noah's equivalent was a lousy shipbuilder, and it sank, all hands lost :eek: (and paws, and hooves, and webbed feet, and wings and ...)

Did you see that post about "(strict) creationists wrong (oops)" - the weight of all the INSECTS on Earth (just the insects!) would have been enough to sink the Ark :2twocents
While a god may be the reason for many , before thinking man came along (from who or where:confused: )the earth was in perfect balance.
The right amount of all life forms (and the terrain) for each to live off the other.At the top of the food chain the numbers were the lower end the numbers were many.Thinking man is the only life form that can defy the laws of nature.This does not make sense.:2twocents

2020..gee your :2twocents jar must be getting low.:D

p.s. .. or you have piles..:D
Just To lighten the mood every now and then CHEERS :D B.B.....

.... A couple of the people were so caught up in the joy of the moment that they got out of their cars and started walking towards me. I bet they wanted to pray or ask what church I attended, but this is when I noticed the light had changed. So, I waved to all my sisters and brothers grinning, and drove on through the intersection. I noticed I was the only car that got through the intersection before the light changed again and I felt kind of sad that had to leave them after all the love we had shared, so I slowed the car down, leaned out of the window and gave them all the Hawaiian good luck sign one last time as I drove away. Praise the Lord for such wonderful folks!
lol - good one BB - couldn't help thinking of Ned Flanders (as in Homer Simpsons neighbour);)

Wysiwyg - Piles? you mean like the bloke that went to the fancy dress ball as a jetty lol.
If you're referring to my swear jar, then yes , that's my principal retirement fund :)
Good point about Man-the-intelligent being the principal species responsible for stuffing things up.
As someone said, when Noah was collecting the animals it's a shame that man didnt miss the boat. :(


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Perhaps at least a quick google search will give you some idea. Unlike fictional stories collated & edited into an ancient text, geology has strict guidelines of scientific stuidy that are adhered to.

Quick question for the bible theorists - why are there no account of dinosaurs in the bible? Were fossils created by an untrusting God to test our faith?

As there are fossils of dinosaurs, we know that they existed. The Bible tells us of a worldwide flood, where God destroyed everything on the planet, save Noah and his family, and the animals he had on board.

Apparently only a few dinosaurs grew really big, and possibly only because they lived for a long time. Climate change after the flood, coupled with increased disease and the like, would explain why many species became extinct. Noah probably had some species of dinosaur on board, apparently the average size of a dinosaur was only about the size of a sheep. Presumably he had some young adults of various species with him. Again, a lot of species became extinct, much like today we have animals becoming extinct due to the climate and environment being unable to sustain them.

The word dinosaur is only a couple of hundred of years old, so this would explain it's absence from the Bible.

The Bible does mention large creatures. God talks to Job about a "behemoth", that "moves it's tail like a cedar tree", as an example. An elephant has a very small tail, so it would have been a Brachiasaurus or similar. Job 40: 15-19

Fossils of fish are found at tops of mountains. A worldwide flood would explain this.

Evidence points to dinosaurs co-existing with man, such as Indian cave drawings of dinosaurs and man together.

Isa 30:6 talks of a fiery flying serpent, which may have been a pterydactyl.

Malachi 1:3 mentions "dragons of the wilderness".