An interesting subject.
One post in here mentions or asks the question 'what would we do in Australia if rockets were landing on our cities?"
Israel is an interesting and fairly unique case (I never studied history, since history repeats itself so often I wouldn’t be surprised to be proved wrong on that statement). They have been given a country, attacked by their neighbours directly and indirectly after the first war and have themselves attacked other nations directly and indirectly. I’m not sure, is Palestine a recognised state, or is it part of Israel? Either way they treat them like crap and have believe if the worlds eye wasn’t on them they’d most likely kill every last one of the Palestinians. It’s gone on for so long and I think it will go on until one side destroys the other completely. Perhaps the changing of the world super power will change things, perhaps not.
I don’t think any of the countries in that region can work together to come to an agreement on the subject of Israel. The ruling parties will always want to use the conflict to better their own political interests (only natural). I’m sure both sides will commit atrocities on the other for years/centuries (if they make it that far) to come. The west will always side with Israel (with a sprinkling of dissenters) until a change in world power makes it economically unviable to do so. We can now put to bed the notion that Jews control America (they have too much to lose if America fails to have allowed the GFC)
The east will always side with Palestine, probably less to do with actual support but more to do with their greater distaste for one over the other, and being able to exert greater influence over the Palestinians. I’m sure there will still be unrest in that region without Israel thanks to the strong religious beliefs and poor education making it easy pickings in raising an army of zealots.
I’ll always smile when people complain about Israel getting away with murder; they’re got a very big powerful brother who’ll look after them until someone else kicks his ****. I’ve learnt that there is no such thing as persecution, crimes against humanity, war crimes, unless the biggest bully in the school yard says so.
If only there were massive oil reserves in Israel, it’d all seem worth it and the conflict could help drive up oil prices…what a waste
One post in here mentions or asks the question 'what would we do in Australia if rockets were landing on our cities?"
Israel is an interesting and fairly unique case (I never studied history, since history repeats itself so often I wouldn’t be surprised to be proved wrong on that statement). They have been given a country, attacked by their neighbours directly and indirectly after the first war and have themselves attacked other nations directly and indirectly. I’m not sure, is Palestine a recognised state, or is it part of Israel? Either way they treat them like crap and have believe if the worlds eye wasn’t on them they’d most likely kill every last one of the Palestinians. It’s gone on for so long and I think it will go on until one side destroys the other completely. Perhaps the changing of the world super power will change things, perhaps not.
I don’t think any of the countries in that region can work together to come to an agreement on the subject of Israel. The ruling parties will always want to use the conflict to better their own political interests (only natural). I’m sure both sides will commit atrocities on the other for years/centuries (if they make it that far) to come. The west will always side with Israel (with a sprinkling of dissenters) until a change in world power makes it economically unviable to do so. We can now put to bed the notion that Jews control America (they have too much to lose if America fails to have allowed the GFC)
The east will always side with Palestine, probably less to do with actual support but more to do with their greater distaste for one over the other, and being able to exert greater influence over the Palestinians. I’m sure there will still be unrest in that region without Israel thanks to the strong religious beliefs and poor education making it easy pickings in raising an army of zealots.
I’ll always smile when people complain about Israel getting away with murder; they’re got a very big powerful brother who’ll look after them until someone else kicks his ****. I’ve learnt that there is no such thing as persecution, crimes against humanity, war crimes, unless the biggest bully in the school yard says so.
If only there were massive oil reserves in Israel, it’d all seem worth it and the conflict could help drive up oil prices…what a waste