Apathetic at Best
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11 hours ago 4 Shares
Carbon Dioxide Levels In Earth's Atmosphere Reach 'Highest In 800,000 Years'
Mike Wood in NEWS
"The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be." So wrote hitchhiker, science fiction author, environmentalist and general genius Douglas Adams of the Earth's position in the universe.
Bear that in mind, then, as we tell you that the Earth has now passed a carbon threshold from which there is no return.
For the first time since records began, atmospheric carbon has exceeded 410 parts per million - which won't mean that much to you, but trust me, it's bad.
In fact, don't just trust me as climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe, also tweeted: "As a scientist, what concerns me the most is what this continued rise actually means: that we are continuing full speed ahead with an unprecedented experiment with our planet, the only home we have."
Credit: PA
410 parts per million is closer than ever to the level that scientists begin to classify as unsafe. "It's another milestone in the upward increase in CO2 over time," said Ralph Keeling, head of the CO2 programme at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
"It puts us closer to some targets we don't really want to get to, like getting over 450 or 500 ppm. That's pretty much dangerous territory."
The Earth's CO2 levels have been this high before, but only when sea levels were far higher. Back then, Antarctica didn't exist because the Earth was so warm, so you can imagine the potential for disaster that exists should we continue on the path that we're on.
The last time the Earth's CO2 levels were pushing 450-500 parts per million, it 'was sustained over long periods of time, whereas today the global CO2 concentration is increasing rapidly', according to a report co-authored by Hayhoe.
The huge increase in our current CO2 level dates back just 200 years - in fact, before the Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century, the level was just 280 parts per million.
If you're feeling terrible about this, then perhaps we can look again to the incomparable Douglas Adams. On the subject inevitable death, he wrote the following: "Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far.
"Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer."
Featured Image Credit: PA
Humans started meddling in climate change when they started burning the bush 70k years plus ago for game and consequently deserts. When they started oak building sailing ship armadas. When imbeciles cleared the prairies for dust storms and tornadoes. When they built huge dams in China that buggered up the reliability of monsoons. When they sealed up the ozone hole over antarctica which caused it to warm up ever since.
I said quite a few years back that the increase is linear, not exponential as feared. The linear rate though has been faster than many models. Bit that doesn't mean a non linear effect won't kick in and we get a step change.According to some scientists, its not going to be nearly so bad as the models are predicting:
If only I could! The esteemed climate cardinals, keep reminding me of their prophetic powers and decrying as heretics those daring to turn their eyes aside.Forget the models...
So I take it that boat will need to be built, after all!...
With a watery bottom it's all just going to slide off and a 2 or 3 metre sea level rise will occur very quickly from there.
If only the alarmists would change their ways like we "deniers" have.....
Yep its call the weather and its been changing in response to numerous cycles of varying duration throughout the entirety of Earth's history, some deniers have held this view from inception and therefore haven't changed, others have chosen to await confirmation via the results reported from application of the empirical scientific method.Deniers have changed?
So CC exists now, just alert rather than alarmed Sifu?
Yep its call the weather and its been changing in response to numerous cycles of varying duration throughout the entirety of Earth's history, some deniers have held this view from inception and therefore haven't changed, others have chosen to await confirmation via the results reported from application of the empirical scientific method.
Thanks for the sermonising.You know everyone know that the weather changes right? It's the magnitude and frequency that's the problem.
Has the world always had 7Billion people, and growing?
Deforestation was on the same scale?
Energy uses? Pollution? Roads? Industries? Mode of travel? etc. etc.
Isn't there some theory of thermal dynamics; Newton's laws of things remaining the same unless something else acted on it.
From a few million monkies swinging in the trees to DiCaprio and his jets... it's fair to say the world aren't exactly in the same condition as it was when we got it.
But then there are those eggheads with their fancy lab coats and decades of knowing what the heck they're talking about... trying to be all smart and telling us about the weather like we can't switch on the TV or read the news to see with our own eyes.
Oh wait, you're saying that the scientific studies on CC so far aren't conclusive, more need to be done to be absolutely sure 100% that we're screwed.
As my mother always say, you wait until the flood reaches your ankle then you jump.
Has the world always had 7Billion people, and growing?
Deforestation was on the same scale?
Energy uses? Pollution? Roads? Industries? Mode of travel? etc. etc.
Where is empirical science to be found within the Climate religion?
I agree that there is empirical evidence of an increased amount of sensationalised media reporting!Increasing world evidence of droughts, fires, floods, cyclones( or hurricanes what ever you want to call them), plus the record breaking temperatures around the world that have been occurring over the last decade or more.
You are referring to the ice age.The climate has never stopped changing. It has been warmer than at present (many many times, including recently - only a few thousand years at most), it has changed at a faster rate than it currently is, and has always been in a chaotic cycle.
'Unstoppable' implies that it 'should' or was sitting stable, at some baseline, until humans started playing around. No climate scientist says this, and most of the people saying it are the climate alarmists. If it was currently 'unstoppable' (stoppable from doing what exactly?), whatever couldn't be stopped would have happened hundreds of millions/billions of years ago.
I am not a climate denier (sic), no doubt humans are interacting with the climate, but what the vocal folks say about it is complete nonsense. The actual climate scientists, biased as they are, mostly don't agree with the full on alarmists you hear from on social and mainstream media. They're inherently biased and no doubt their predictions will turn out to be massively exaggerated, just as their previous predictions which have had time to play out were seen to be. Yes, we are playing with the climate, but no one seems capable of being rational about it. They're either irrationally alarmist or playing ostrich. Anyone anywhere in the middle is accused by everyone else of being at their opposite extreme.
Sigh, such a hard Grasshopper to teach.Deniers have changed?
So CC exists now, just alert rather than alarmed Sifu?
SNIP: Suzuki, who did not return calls to respond, spends a lot of time hectoring others about over-population (but he has five children), reducing our carbon footprint (he has a jet-set lifestyle of the rich and famous), living smaller (he owns four houses in B.C. and an apartment in Port Douglas, Australia) and much else besides. So much hypocrisy from this guru of green.
If Suzuki was really convinced that the Earth is going to perish because of increasing amounts of man-made carbon being released into the atmosphere, would he seriously own a vacation getaway in Australia, so far away from Vancouver?
The amount of CO2 created by one economy airfare from Vancouver to Cairns, Australia, is 4.5 tonnes, according to an online carbon calculator, or one-third of the total amount the average British Columbian produces in an entire year (13.7 tonnes), according to a report called By the Numbers: Canadian GHG Emissions.
In short, David Suzuki doesn’t live like he believes his own press releases. He’s essentially told his message to F-off by the way he lives. When faced with a choice, he chooses his comfort over his convictions. It’s long past time we all stopped believing his press releases, too
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