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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Which begs the question, who should we be the listening to?
That is a really important question which I do not have the answer to.

On the causes and consequences of climate change ? How about climate change scientists.
On the possible causes, consequences, preparation for and treatment of infectious diseases ? How about medical and biological scientists .

Could do a lot worse than respecting the knowledge of experts in both these fields.
Humans tend to respond to an immediate threat far more than they do to one that's seen as being more distant.

Even investing ultimately revolves around that. People place a higher value on now than tomorrow, and if they're going to delay consumption in order to invest then they expect a reward for doing so. Much the same concept really - anything into the future is discounted and no matter how bad it is, it tends to be seen as unimportant until it's imminent.
Well the kids are taking climate change seriously, they are taking days off school to protest about it, the shame is they aren't taking the science seriously.
From the article:
Half of all Australian year 10 students do not meet the NAPLAN benchmark for scientific literacy.

Results in Victoria and NSW are even less encouraging, where fewer than half of year 10 students tested meet the proficiency standard for science.
The other reason climate change isn't a clear and present danger is, most people know there is very little point in worrying about it because it is beyond their control.
With regard corona virus, they feel they have some control over whether they catch it or not, therefore they believe they may be able to change the outcome.
Constantly telling everyone everyday climate change is going to end the World, just further reinforces their feeling of helplessness and they just switch off or become increasingly depressed about it.
That is unless the person is of the type, that is ever the pessimist and loves to dwell on tragedy.

What you do speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say.
That's interesting. IFocus quotes a simple graph produced by climate scientists to illustrate global warming.
Wayne parroted response is another beat up by a nasty, vacuous UK rag showing how the rich and famous swan around.

Yep nothing changes does it Wayne ? You'll still be trotting out this denial xhit until your last breath.
What am I denying bas?

Look over there rich people acting badly
What's your view on the graph posted by IFocus at #3482 ?
There has been heaps of analysis on those graphs by those with varying views and agendas.

Those with a knowledge of data,stats and scaling will see it for what it is.
There has been heaps of analysis on those graphs by those with varying views and agendas.

Those with a knowledge of data,stats and scaling will see it for what it is.

So what is your view and what is it based on ?

Sobering isn't it ?

The people who know this stuff inside and out. Researched it until the only unknowns are "how long ?" and "how bad ?" And in the end they have to throw their hands up and say "I've done my best" "let's enjoy what we have now"

I wonder what are the thoughts of those who have spent their life successfully derailing action on CC ? There is no doubt they have succeeded. I suppose they should be pleased that all those efforts to move to a clean renewable energy economy and restoring our trashed soils will not prevail any time soon.

It's business as usual. With everything that means.
That's heavy Explod
Damned sad indeed but as you've probably gathered I've given up hope now too. It's why I don't post much anymore on it. Some of the cc deniers' here have obviously lost the ability or have never learnt to know by their own observations.

Just open another can and party.
And this, the trees are now just dying from the heat. Now this has not happened before.


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