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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

More distortions, more deceptions, more Roger Pielke Jnr, more Wayne BS
There is plenty of quality detailed analysis of the effect of global warming on size and strength of hurricanes.
It is clear both from facts on the ground and the effects of extra energy and moisture in the atmosphere that extreme weather events are becoming more extreme.
The scientific basis for this can be found here.

Global Warming and Hurricanes
An Overview of Current Research Results
Ah denial. Carry on my religious friends.
Read the article from RP and try to understand that his claims do not discount the veracity of the science at all.
For example, let's review this from RP:
If a hurricane from early in the 20th century resulted in no reported damage, then according to G19 it did not exist. That’s one reason why we don’t use economic data to make conclusions about climate. A second reason for the mismatched counts is that G19 counts many non-hurricanes as hurricanes, and disproportionately so in the second half of the dataset.
But the science is about more events of greater intensity, so neither of RP's above points is relevant.
Add to the above his false claim:
These conclusions have been reinforced by the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), U.S. National Climate Assessment, and most recently of the World Meteorological Organization.
Whereas the scientific consensus (WMO/IPCC) is that:
Tropical cyclone intensities globally will likely increase on average (by 1 to 10% according to model projections for a 2 degree Celsius global warming). This change would imply an even larger percentage increase in the destructive potential per storm, assuming no reduction in storm size.
The real point, however, is that the science paper has proposed an improved methodology, ans RP is still stuck in the mud.
He appears not to understand climate science, so you keep using him as a poster boy and I will show why he should not dabble in climate science.
Comedy gold Robee.

Faced with something that does not agree with your religious canon, is unthinkingly considered blasphemy which must be smeared and as hommed(sic).

Go on, I dare you, have a debate with Rog on "the science".
Comedy gold Robee.

Faced with something that does not agree with your religious canon, is unthinkingly considered blasphemy which must be smeared and as hommed(sic).

Go on, I dare you, have a debate with Rog on "the science".
There is nothing to debate on the science, but if you think of something, do let us all know.
By the way, I gave reasons why RP's article was flawed, so when will you actually start to offer the same in support of what you add to threads, and cease with your personal remarks which make your commentary even more worthless.
Personal remarks.... Oh that's even funnier Rob.

Come on, don't be a coward take him on.
You cannot help yourself, can you!
What is to be debated?
You find yourself in disagreement with Roger pielke Jr, and quite content to say so here yet you do not have the cajonies to address him personally, via the readily available social media.

I would be quite interested in his responses to what you have to say here.

So, the question not having my mind is, are you interested in reasonable debate or are you more interested in propagandizing the membership on a stock forum?
This is the third time I have asked about what would be up for debate.
You as usual offer nothing.
But you are very good at making derogatory personal remarks.
I remember wife and I competing in 42odd° at State Dressage Champs in Nov, back in mid 80s.

ItsI weather bro

Don’t remember much about the 80s but do remember going to the trots but can’t nail the exact temperature at the time
I remember wife and I competing in 42odd° at State Dressage Champs in Nov, back in mid 80s.

ItsI weather bro
They did not have bush fires everywhere in October/nov back then. And I remember those temperatures in shearing sheds years before that, but up to 10 degrees hotter now. Of course many of those properties have since turned to desert.
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