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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Love your logical thinking Orr
Is Dr. Ottmar Edenhoefer considered "tainted" in climate change circles?
What was his quote "deniers" use?

The whole "denier" label was a construct to smear those who questioned anything about the science or made the wrong noise. Originally stolen from "holocaust denier". You were originally a nazi from memory but that didn't market as well.
Look up dictionary terms and its pretty much guaranteed to have CC mentioned.
Carbon trading is redistribution of money. Dr. Ottmar Edenhoefer has stated recently that low incomes should be subsidized. I thought the whole premise of Carbon trading was to enable developing countries to get greener faster?

Its a true statement but its misinterpreted.
"This was a take from the denial that tobacco caused cancer and had nothing to do do with what you claimed, especially because a good number of the "denialists" from the tobacco camp moved into denying that CO2 could be responsible for warming the planet.

A. McCormick, (BAT 1962), Smoking and Health: Policy on Research, Minutes of Southampton Meeting, : “When the health question was first raised we had to start by denying it at the PR level. But by continuing that policy we had got ourselves into a corner and left no room to manoeuvre. In other words if we did get a breakthrough and were able to improve our product we should have to about-face, and this was practically impossible at the PR level.”

Helmut Wakeham, (Philip Morris, 1970), Head of Research and Development of Philip Morris, writes: “Let's face it. We are interested in evidence which we believe denies the allegations that cigarette smoking causes disease.” 32
"Cigarette denier" was never a thing.
The phrase "cigarette denier" was never used against smokers.
Climate change "denier" has been spewed out as a buzzword to anyone that looks cockeyed at anything to do with CC.
The phrase "cigarette denier" was never used against smokers.
Climate change "denier" has been spewed out as a buzzword to anyone that looks cockeyed at anything to do with CC.
Another false claim - keep it up!
Another false claim - keep it up!
Umm no.... The only other times it was used in such a way consistently was:
Denier of religion or God. And that was a longggg time ago.
And "Holocaust denier". And this is the money shot.
"Denier" is simply a label to slur. Bit like "deplorables" that Hillarys team came up with. Try and dehumanize your opposition and silence any questioning.

If I go back through the thread I'm sure "nazi" was thrown around as well. That got bumped because well, a step to far. And it got blowback.
denial that tobacco caused cancer
That says "denial" by the way. Not denier.
I know L and R can be easy to mix up (Not as hard as a Chaplin speech).
But I'll hold your hand till we get there.
Everyone can take a breather, we are doing o.k

Which obviously leaves the opening, for the chanters to scream, "we have to do better".

From the article:
ANU researchers Andrew Blakers and Matt Stocks said Australia's emissions would fall by 4 per cent between next year and 2022 with up to 17 gigawatts of wind and solar power "locked-in" and set to be deployed by the end of next year.

Emission reductions in the power sector are falling at 10 megatonnes a year due to the fast rate of wind and solar photovoltaics being brought into the system.

Overall emissions out to 2022 would fall as increases in other parts of the economy would be more than offset by the reductions from electricity production
If current renewable energy deployment rates were continued out to 2030, the researchers found this would cut emissions by 125 megatonnes. Australia currently produces 540 megatonnes.

I note:
They said solar PV and wind are now cheaper than new-build fossil or nuclear power stations and will soon compete directly with existing black coal power stations.

So as long as they let the market decide (not the politics) ...should be OK.
I think when the new hydro scheme is finished it will make a big difference.

As we have been saying, storage is the issue as it always will be with renewables, the main issue is intermittency and storage is the only thing that can overcome that.
The cost of renewables is comparable with fossil fuel, but twice as much is required and or storage to compliment it is required.
The public whipping themselves into a lather over it wont change it, it will take time, but it is happening as quickly as practicable IMO.
The public whipping themselves into a lather over it wont change it, it will take time, but it is happening as quickly as practicable IMO.
There is no incentive for "storage" so why build it?
Renewables have no priority in the delivery mix, so it makes no sense to add a battery to wind or solar which presently have zero fuel costs.
Then there are the Tassie and Snowy battery projects in the literal pipeline which stymie private sector interest in batteries.
Lithium ion or flow batteries (plus small-scale localised pumped hydro) could very quickly address the intermittency concerns of the network with sensible policies in place, but we don't appear to have an Energy Minister with his light on, upstairs.
Nice day for fishing.
Renewables have no priority in the delivery mix, so it makes no sense to add a battery to wind or solar which presently have zero fuel costs.

Having your generation go to waste is pretty good incentive unless you've managed to get someone else to pay for it even when it's not physically delivered.

9am to 4pm today there was constant spill of varying amounts of large scale solar generation, including literally the whole lot between 10:30 and 13:00. Not the first time and sure won't be the last, it's becoming a reasonably common event.

Agreed it may not provide a financial incentive in practice due to hedging arrangements and so on but in a rational market it would.

It does of course highlight that we need storages capable of being charged constantly for 7 hours on a day like today, and on some days it's more.

Then there are the Tassie and Snowy battery projects in the literal pipeline which stymie private sector interest in batteries.

4985 MW of dispatchable generation closing over the next 10 years across the NEM plus there's already a shortfall on what's required for a secure system in Victoria.

Snowy and Hydro Tas between them are planning to add 3200 - 3500 MW over the next decade. Snowy 2.0 and Marinus Link 1 & 2 with associated generation.

AGL are in the process of commissioning 210 MW of new gas-fired plant in SA.

It would be fair to say that Snowy and HT between them are pulling the rug out from under further investment in gas-fired generation to some extent but there's nothing stopping anyone jumping in and building the required small pumped hydros and a few batteries and doing so promptly. There's a need for 1500 MW in the very near future and SH or HT certainly aren't standing in the way of it.

In the 2030's, which isn't that far away given the lead time, there's even more opportunity for the private sector with a huge amount of existing plant closing mostly in the 2030 - 2035 period and that includes some currently operating batteries reaching end of life and being scrapped at that point.
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