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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Smoking lobbyists were not into "denialism" either. They already knew the facts behind it (decades after). Profiting off a situation while feeding false data is not "denialism".
Truly delusional comment. Try some facts.
AGW denialism is straight out of the tobacco lobbyist's playbook.
Truly delusional comment. Try some facts.
AGW denialism is straight out of the tobacco lobbyist's playbook.
Corporations lying is not "denialism".
You believing that no one is making money from climate change is denialism. Business profiting from lying is not.
Corporations lying is not "denialism".
You believing that no one is making money from climate change is denialism. Business profiting from lying is not.
Get a decent education - your comments are beyond the pale.
Get a decent education - your comments are beyond the pale.
Propagandist last time I checked. Although I know how you lot like abusing the "denialist" label (buzzword for CC advocates).
Corporations lying is not "denialism".
You believing that no one is making money from climate change is denialism. Business profiting from lying is not.

Whilel there are still big dollars being made in fossil fuels, if one were to follow the money faithfully there's huge fortunes being made via the green agenda. Look to see who the biggest alarmists are and follow the money.
Propagandist last time I checked. Although I know how you lot like abusing the "denialist" label (buzzword for CC advocates).
This is a summary of my earlier link:
"At the beginning of the fifties, research was published showing a statistical link between smoking and lung cancer. At the same time the tobacco industry’s own research began to find carcinogens in smoke and began to confirm the relationship between smoking and cancer. This posed a serious problem for the industry: whether to admit to the health problems and try and find marketable solutions, or whether to basically deny everything."
Climate science denial actually engaged some of the very same tobacco health denialists in the early days, and their theme is wholly borrowed from the lies and distortions of that disgusting industry.
Its propaganda not denyaganda. "Denialist" insinuates that they refuse to believe the facts. That isn't whats going on. They know the facts and are spreading misinformation. I know denialist, denier, denialism has been picked up as the "label" but its not a solid fit.

Those that believe those lies would be labeled under "denialists" in my book.
Whilel there are still big dollars being made in fossil fuels, if one were to follow the money faithfully there's huge fortunes being made via the green agenda. Look to see who the biggest alarmists are and follow the money.
How exactly, wayneL?
The tobacco industry publicly denied and continues to deny that it is clear that smoking causes lung cancer - that is, because not everyone dies of cancer, it clearly is not a "cause."
Until recently the industry has denied its product is addictive.
Tobacco companies deny that they target the young.
These are bald faced LIES.
Your point about the green agenda is true in that renewables is a huge and expanding industry. Beyond that it's your usual dross.
Oh, tell us about these extremely wealthy alarmists seeing you appear to be following the money.
"Denialist" insinuates that they refuse to believe the facts. That isn't whats going on.
OMG, you live in an alternative universe. Try the likes of Bolt, Jones and a few crazies in the Coalition, and the One Nation twit called Malcolm Roberts who continue to be on the public record claiming the facts are lies. Every day there are media articles I could link to which show some new fool re-creating climate facts because they believe climate change is a massive scam.
Those that believe those lies would be labeled under "denialists" in my book.
No, again you confuse concepts. "Gullible" better applies to that group.
Denial is plain and simple NOT BELIEVING THE SCIENCE.
No, again you confuse concepts. "Gullible" better applies to that group.
Denial is plain and simple NOT BELIEVING THE SCIENCE.
You literally mixed these two things up when they are same group.

Corporations know the truth and spread misinformation to profit. They may believe the science but put out lies so business doesn't suffer. Thats a propagandist. Denier is a new buzzword label.

All the above that you mentioned can be classed as deniers.
You literally mixed these two things up when they are same group.
If you believe lies you are stupid!
The distinction is that stupid people don't need to deny anything, just believe stupid stuff! For example, they will say "climate always changes" and CO2 is good for plants! They don't need to think about the science, because everything is just "weather" and you can't predict that.
On the other hand, denialists, when confronted with the science, claim it is false, fraudulent, manipulated or doesn't prove anything.
All the above that you mentioned can be classed as deniers.
Nope - except that it seems to work for you.
They deny the overwhelming science based on a few notes of propaganda from polluters.
"Co2 is good for plants" isn't a lie now is it. We could triple C02 and plants would love it.
Its used as misinformation.
Does lead in paint or in petrol actually cause any problems or do just a few unlucky people get a bit sick ?

Isn't asbestos a great product ? Cheap. excellent as a protector against heat. Shame a few unlucky people fall ill. But thems the breaks folks.

Aren't the pokies a great way to pass a harmless evening of fun and merriment ? Of course you have to be careful not to over do it but you are all big people and you don't need a nanny state to tell you how to live do you ?

You have pain ? Poor guy. Here , we have some of the best , legal painkillers around. And we can make sure you get all you ever want and don't worry nothing ill go wrong because we wouldn;t promote something that was going to addict you would we?

MoXJo is perfectly correct. In the world of Big Business Profit is No 1 (and 2 and 3 ) Issues of public morality, product safety, consequences of misuse need to be weighed against .... How much profit will we make? /can we get away with it? / who do we have to convince that there is no real problem?/ what will it take to make this disappear ?

The above examples can be multiplied 10 times over. The consequences in individual human suffering have been huge - but that is where the problem largely stops .

The use of the same mindset and tactics by the fossil fuel industry to undermine the facts about the effect of excessive CO2 emission on our climate has had consequences far beyond the sickness and premature deaths of millions of people.

The fact is that the industry was well aware of the science since the mid sixties. Nonetheless it has steadfastly used every trick it could to obscure, cast doubt, deny, ridicule and misrepresent the issue. The consequences will be catastrophic for our world.
What might be really special would be voicing opinions informed by evidence.
Or is that pushing the boat a bit too far ?
Joe, this post tells you why Global Warming threads need to be banned on General Chat. It seems that 135 pages of evidence isn't enough for Bas ..!

What most disappoints me, is that Explod, a poster I respect, would put a 'Like' on the source post.

Big shout out to moXJO and Wayne, who are fighting the battle for normal people on this thread.
What might be really special would be voicing opinions informed by evidence.
Or is that pushing the boat a bit too far ?
Explod, you add a 'Like'? You're better than this!
Bas, imho, is a ruthless propagandist, driven by ideology. Is that what you want to buy into?
Arctic extra slow in freezing up this year despite autumn well under way in the Northern hemisphere.
You can see on the orange line where the freezing used be up to at this time of year.
It appears the water is too warm despite no sunlight.
Traders still able to send their ships around!
I refer people to the poll on this site

Where over 50% say GW is serious and a matter of urgency, and another 30% say that we should take some action to reduce greenhouse gases.

That means that those who say GW is not a problem represent only 20% of the members of this site who aren't generally known for their Left leaning views.
Empirical data has nothing to do with the opinions of people on a stock forum. That is merely a reflection of the marxist control of the narrative.

As ever, I refer people to my well-documented moderate views on this.
Empirical data has nothing to do with the opinions of people on a stock forum. That is merely a reflection of the marxist control of the narrative.

As ever, I refer people to my well-documented moderate views on this.

Bit of conflict going on there............carry on gents
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