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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

A comment by a friend of mine today:-

" I find it ironic when I did my env science degree at UQ some 20 years ago, the lecturers and professors were warning exactly what is playing out. One professor was particularly concerned about food production (it was an ag college) and look at what is playing out. Farmers in Australia are taking this very seriously, they are looking at worst case scenarios so they can make decisions around the long term viability of their operations or what crops they can adapt to. And try telling my friend in Western Samoa this is all a hoax, his community is watching this unfold. It doesn’t take a genius to look at the cause and effect of continuing on this path. And as Michael says if the science is found to ever be wrong at least we won’t be pigs swilling in our own trough and our kids will have an intelligent economic system that respects the earth" and another:-

"almost every single one of mr cane's 'facts' is a distortion, if not a downright misrepresentation. each falsification is created in the same way and is a standard practice of every climate change contrarian

i prefer the word 'contrarian' to denialist. mr cane, and his like, are simply contrary—as in mary, mary—for the sake of being contradictory. they are generally people with a noticeable lack of formal education who wish to make up for that inadequacy by demonstrating that they can 'do' science or maths just like someone who has considerably more expertise

their standard practice works as follows:

all graphs of natural phenomena show rises and falls—ebbs, flows, increases, decreases—over an historical period. by isolating small sections of these graphs, or samples of statistics extracted from them (i.e., zooming in on those instances of fall, ebbs and decreases) you then argue that this accumulation of negatives must necessarily mean an overall negative

zoom out to the whole graph, however, and it becomes evident that the sections of ‘falls’ on the graph are outweighed by the ‘rises’, and that the overall trend of the graph is upwards

the other ploy of contrarians is to argue graph-by-graph (or one set of statistics at a time). in fluid or dynamic systems (such as climate) overall trends are much more important than individual instances of change. for example, while rainfall in one isolated region may appear to have increased, the evaporation rate may also have increased. on top of that, while precipitation totals might very well have increased, that rain may have arrived in short, heavy bursts and run-off may have been far greater than normal. a contrarian, will select 1 section from the overall set of statistics to support their misrepresentation

governments often use a similar sleight-of-hand, claiming that they have injected a further $Xm in one area of expenditure (health, for instance), while quietly extracting an even greater amount from the overall expenditure in that area

the best thing to do with climate change contrarians like mr cane is to ignore their preposterous claims for the simple and glaringly obvious reason that real life events are rapidly overtaking them

i apologise for taking up much more of your time, lisa, than replying to mr cane’s ignorance warrants…"
I don't have much respect for the Extinction Rebellion protesters massing in Melbourne.
1. They aren't helping their cause.
2. They set up a cafe latte place and a camp in the gardens so they can have fun.

Truthfully it's just a bonding exercise that damages their cause and hurts the people of Melbourne. Glad I will be in Auckland from tomorrow.
Sweden being led by Australians.

Marchers protesting nuclear bomb tests rest in a field near airport in London March 30, 1959. In early 2019, more than 90% of the world's 13,865 nuclear weapons were owned by Russia and the United States.
Did anyone ever think that setting off nuclear bombs was a good and safe idea?
Check this out.

Nuclear Weapons Tests and Environmental Consequences: A Global Perspective
Remus Prăvălie
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This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
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The beginning of the atomic age marked the outset of nuclear weapons testing, which is responsible for the radioactive contamination of a large number of sites worldwide. The paper aims to analyze nuclear weapons tests conducted in the second half of the twentieth century, highlighting the impact of radioactive pollution on the atmospheric, aquatic, and underground environments. Special attention was given to the concentration of main radioactive isotopes which were released, such as 14C, 137Cs, and 90Sr, generally stored in the atmosphere and marine environment. In addition, an attempt was made to trace the spatial delimitation of the most heavily contaminated sites worldwide, and to note the human exposure which has caused a significantly increased incidence of thyroidal cancer locally and regionally. The United States is one of the important examples of assessing the correlation between the increase in the thyroid cancer incidence rate and the continental-scale radioactive contamination with 131I, a radioactive isotope which was released in large amounts during the nuclear tests carried out in the main test site, Nevada.
Meet the supposedly ‘sinister’ grandparents and youth standing up for climate action

You may have heard recently that some very dangerous people are menacing our streets. You may have heard that these no-goodniks are carrying on and on about something called ecological disaster and the climate crisis. No big deal: just the future of life on this planet.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk recently described Extinction Rebellion protestors – who belong to a movement that emphasises non-violence as a bedrock philosophy – as “dangerous, reckless, irresponsible” and “sinister.” Queensland Police Minister Mark Ryan sledged these environmentalists for being a “cohort of extremists.” The federal government’s publicity department, also known as News Corp, chimed in, calling them a “feral species.”

With the climate change movement gathering momentum around the country and around the world, more and more people recognising that we are in the early stages of a sixth mass extinction and the window of time to act is running out, one thing is certain: we are going to see many more protests in coming months. And we are going to hear many more colourful words being assigned to protestors – from politicians and News Corp commentators in particular.

So, who exactly are these horrible fiends? These wild, gormless, terrifying monsters? Let’s meet a few and stare directly into the face of danger.
slowly we inch to the rest of the sentence
Yes my signature has become highly inaccurate. The descent to infinite madness has accelerated to the point where it must be measured via Mach numbers.

I tender your attempt at humour as exhibit 1
slowly we inch.
'what propaganda that is' , verb included , adjective, pronoun, the lot.
Now we have the question , what the *$_)@&% is Wayne talking about.
Wayne come in Wayne.
slowly we inch.
'what propaganda that is' , verb included , adjective, pronoun, the lot.
Now we have the question , what the *$_)@&% is Wayne talking about.
Wayne come in Wayne.

The vids bazz posted
propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature.
carry on Wayne.
We could chip and buy wayneL a decent dictionary but, on his past form posting here he's not likely to understand that he's actually not using words which mean what he thinks.
propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature.
carry on Wayne.
There is nothing more that needs to be said, bruh. Ex cops pontificating on something they know f****all about, is even more asinine than the prognostications have a 16-year-old mental case body shield.
We could chip and buy wayneL a decent dictionary but, on his past form posting here he's not likely to understand that he's actually not using words which mean what he thinks.
Nice try mate. I know exactly what these words mean.

Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
    "he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda"
There is nothing more that needs to be said, bruh. Ex cops pontificating on something they know f****all about, is even more asinine than the prognostications have a 16-year-old mental case body shield.
You continue to make claims without merit, and without being able to substantiate them.
Oddly enough, you attack "people" on a regular basis, yet cry "ad hom" at any opportunity.
In perhaps thousands of posts you have not displayed any appreciation of climate science, but still post your twaddle.
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