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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Given that Thunberg's message is consistently about the science of climate change, you are creating a false argument.
Only as a platitude Robbee. This girl would not be able to have a serious scientific debate with any credible not alarmist scientist.

When are you gonna figure out she's a globalist's marrionette?
she's a globalist's marrionette
Globalist reptilians manipulate kids because smoke is distracting to all type of snakes. They flee every time a bush is set on fire. You can dig a bottomless pit in your backyard and light a fire. Cover the hole with leaves and moss to have the smoke last for one or two days to achieve the desired result. The reason a hole is recommended is to avoid the fire spreading to other areas in case of a strong wind. Reptilians and humans are identified by their responses to fires.
Only as a platitude Robbee. This girl would not be able to have a serious scientific debate with any credible not alarmist scientist.

Are we looking for unicorns now Wayne?
Those "credible but not alarmed"climate scientists you are spruiking would make rocking horse poo look rich.

There is absolutely no credible climate science that isn't seriously alarmed about the current trajectory of global warming. Zilch. Zero.

The range of alarm might go from serious to catastrophic but that's it. And why do we want to waste breath beating our gums on just how far down the track of disaster we are instead of recognising we have a very serious problem and doing our utmost to dig our way out ?
In stark contrast to snakes, attention is given to the image of the ostrich in Chinese historical books, in which the saying that an ostrich had the ability to eat fire and iron is recorded. The heating doesn't worry them with their head in the sand.
I'm not sure what you mean here.

That my attempts to buy something “green” are being frustrated by interpretation of the word “green” to mean “environmentally friendly” or something about CO2.

In actual fact I want green as in red or blue. Nothing at all to do with CO2 or any other environmental issue.

So my point is that the issue seems to have become dominant to a somewhat ridiculous extent.

Well maybe you should specify " I want a widget in colour green please" .

Avoids the ambiguity.


I see, so:

Credible scientist - those bas agrees with.

Non-credible scientist - those bas doesn't agree with.

Mkay, I'll be sure to let them know of your adjudication
I see, so:
Credible scientist - those Bas agrees with.
Non-credible scientist - those bas doesn't agree with.
Mkay, I'll be sure to let them know of your adjudication.
Indeed Wayne, about right. 97% of scientists agree. A back-and-forward argument is fine by me. But imho, "Radio Climate Change" isn't how an ASF thread should be used.

As if (genuinely revered host) Joe hasn't got enough to deal with!
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Radio Climate Mouth, Alan Jones has defended himself and also spoke with Swedish climate scientist Dr Nils Axel-Morner who says it’s “completely nonsense” to claim sea levels are rising.
The air is cooler by about 4.8363813 degrees than 1788 and lands are shrinking and getting more sea-water on them. Extreme cold is snapping the Greenland glaciers to at least make up some of the shrunken soil volumes.
The air is cooler by about 4.8363813 degrees than 1788

Intriguing Bi polar... I am so fascinated at the degree of certainty given to the relative temperatures from 1788 to 2019. By the way are these morning temperatures or afternoon readings ? On the sunny side of the slopes or in the shade. Just wondering...

No doubt the razor sharp questioning skills of Alan Jones would have elicited the answers (correct or whatever..)

Keep up the good work.
Credible scientist - those bas agrees with.

Non-credible scientist - those bas doesn't agree with.

O God No Wayne !! I think there are far more "credible" people than me to judge how credible a scientists work is in this area.

I believe they are called peer review processes. Essentially if someone has some research they believe adds value to the scientific endeavour they write a paper for a respected scientific journal and the paper is evaluated to see if it meets good scientific standards (e.g., acknowledges and builds upon other work in the field, relies on logical reasoning and well-designed studies, backs up claims with evidence, etc.).

And if its good it gets published.

If it isn't it goes on Watts Up or Heartland or the new host of "Pay for Print don't worry about Peer Review" journals.
A razor sharp mouth would know instantly that it won't matter , the drop is the same in morning or afternoon. Obviously the distance from the First Fleet's mooring point to shore has increased and reduced the total value of real estate which so troubled Governor Bligh and raised the relative capital cache of the Rum Corps.
Peer review, while important, says nothing about the veracity of the science.

Every piece of equine exercise physiology, nutrition and biomechanics paper I read is peer reviewed.


That doesn't take away the fact that 90% of it is unmitigated drivel.

Dammit, and don't get me started on hoof capsule physiology/purfusion... Nobody knows WTF is going on in there.

Peer review
Schmeer review
Given it is not climate science, why are you bothering to post it?
As for wayneL's posts - more of the same rubbish - you could form a club.
Oh really.

Wanna sit down with me and go through some of the dross? I feckin dare you Robbee.

Show me how peer review does anything except dot I's and cross T's.

Have a look at some of the other soft sciences... pychology, gender theory, woman's studies anyone?

It's subjective BS and you know it.
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