Presumably if legislation is passed for this, ISP's will be forced to apply the filter?
Any point in lobbying our ISP's not to participate? Has anyone already done this? What response?
Wysiwyg: don't ever trust what a politician says, especially someone like Senator Conroy. Remember that there are religious zealouts like Jim Wallace from the Christian Lobby (or some such name) behind Conroy et al and they wield considerable influence.
When you have religious beliefs dictating formation of public policy, we are very much at risk.
There's a political risk in opposing this for the Opposition, in that the government will be quick to label them 'unwilling to protect our innocent children" and more nonsense like that.
Yeah true Julia the old "anyone who does not support the internet filter supports child pr0n" worst part is voters may not see through the irrational garbage.
Not sure about lobbying ISP's but iinet have already been rather vocal on the issue. I know back when the filter was first conceived iinet signed up to the trial to demonstrate how ridiculous it was but they later pulled out due to the scope of the filtered content altering to content other than child pr0n.