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International Index Trading

yep would start the same but I get volume discounts after 300 and then again after 1000 trades each month.

(you can too if you sign up for unbundled pricing)

How much of a discount is it? Not sure that I would rack up that many trades in a month though, I'll still check it out anyway. Thanks for the heads up

Quick question for you guys that follow EStoxx50.

I'm looking at the 24/7 and 31/7 expiry options >> spreads are showing but no activity, 7/8 and 14/8 expiry options >> no spreads no activity, 21/8 and 18/9 this is where the action's at.

Why is there a lack of activity in the front months, the weekly expiries in Jul and Aug is also unusual.

I'm used to trading XJO options where all the activity is on the front months and there's only 1 expiry per month so I'm slightly confused.

I've also printed off the relevant info off the Eurex website but if someone can give me a heads up on the nuances of these contracts i would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.
Anyone heard from Glenn Neely lately?



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Anyone see the arvo action on the HSI? A 500 tick gap over lunch then worked its way back to almost flat by close.

Pretty hard to trade though with the 1 min range over 50 ticks for the first 30 min. Insane. 767 tick range for the day.
good luck with HSI Trembling Hand - I haven't touched it since it bit my hand ages ago when I missed closing out before lunch & it did precisely as you say - gapped waaaaay over my stop at the reopen

nicked this from another site...

From the Wall Street Examiner yesterday -

Treasury Auctions:
I was pretty disgusted with what I witnessed in the market this morning. I had discussed beginning a couple of weeks ago that the government would want to bring yields down before the big auctions this week, and that to do that, they’d need to foment a selloff in stocks. For whatever reason, they either did not or could not do it last week or Monday as the yields rose
throughout last week. I just can’t believe that with $42 billion in 2 year notes and $27 billion in 1 year bills being auctioned today that the stock market selloff this morning, accompanied by a hefty drop in yields, right up to the INSTANT of the auctions was a coincidence. The selloff in stocks, and rally in the bond pits ended PRECISELY at the completion of the 2 year note auction at 1 PM.
This stinks to high heaven. If this is not blatant government fraud, then I don’t know what is.
The indirect bid amounts have been flip-flopping between big increases versus the prior auction of the same paper, and big reductions. It looks as though the indirect bidders are trying to go shorter term.
The dropoff in indirect bids in the 2 year note and 20 year TIPS was huge. If that continues with the 5 and 7 year notes, that could be the precursor of greater trouble ahead that we have all been expecting.
good luck with HSI Trembling Hand - I haven't touched it since it bit my hand ages ago when I missed closing out before lunch & it did precisely as you say - gapped waaaaay over my stop at the reopen

Yep I did that when I first started trading it. Thought it closed at 6:30. hit out for a quick short scalp on 1 contract cool at 6:14. went 25 ticks my way then I went to close but there was no more market!! I knew straight away it was going to gap up next day and tried to hedge with the SPI. Waste of time SPI opened up 60 ticks,

HSI opened up some 600 ticks higher!!!

Luckily that has never happened to me, but I've seen it happen! 80tick daily stop, gaps 300 ticks over lunch. Try explaining that to your risk manager lol...

I think its prudent to invest in a cfd acct that trades HSI post market so you can hedge yourself if things go horribly wrong.
Mind keeping us informed? I currently have no backup, and really don't want to find myself on the wrong end of a 100 tick drop (or 500 for HSI).
Taiwan has been a good leading indicator for the falls then rise and on today's performance, currently down 2% ........................

EDIT then again maybe its just chasing China's big drop yesterday arvo
Taiwan has been a good leading indicator for the falls then rise and on today's performance, currently down 2% ........................

EDIT then again maybe its just chasing China's big drop yesterday arvo

I still have a chart of taiwain leading the SPI from open to close by 5minutes from late last yr. It was eerily accurate.

MrJ. I will post findings when they get back to me.
Too many dodgy providers though..
I will judge them on:
-Spread (in/out of mkt hours)
-Execution speed
-If I can take my money out at end of the day..
I still have a chart of taiwain leading the SPI from open to close by 5minutes from late last yr. It was eerily accurate.

Wouldn't be suprised, with the sgx traders who have a part time punt on the kiddies index, oh sorry SPI.
Taiwan has been a good leading indicator for the falls then rise and on today's performance, currently down 2% ........................

EDIT then again maybe its just chasing China's big drop yesterday arvo

I don't know what to make of market correlation yet. Sometimes seems strong, sometimes weak. Today it's obviously strong, as the STW put the brakes on the SPI earlier, and now it's moving back up the SPI is 'free'. In any case, the correlation seems enough to use it as a trading rule.

I still have a chart of taiwain leading the SPI from open to close by 5minutes from late last yr. It was eerily accurate.

Interesting. I've gotten the feeling that there's something there. I guess it's no more than a larger, more liquid market influencing the movement of a smaller one.
Anyone noticed that crude BOT on the HSI 2-3 levels past the best bid/ask.

very very unwelcome development

Farggin Citadel!! :bigun2:
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