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International Index Trading

Dow currently looking at 70-oddpt gap down for the open. Could be a case of Citi priming the market to expect the worst - then coming in better than expected. Regardless I get the feeling this could be one of the key news events for the market this year
Exhaustive across that mid point on the DOW by the looks. Not game to be long yet, and not willing to short into that area. Massive volume on the end of it, rounding it up.

Perhaps more importantly, a double bottom on C, it reversing, and beginning to clear out intraday resistance.
And I'll just fade myself as we speak. ROFL. Anyone else found that to be a good strategy?
Wouldn't be surprised to see the fed step in if the S&P falls another few points. At this rate any test of last week's lows, will see them taken out.
I'm looking under $22 for the big C ......... then I still wouldn't buy it , rather buy BoA and take that risk ........... not .
You feel it's a question of when not if, where these lows will break. All the speed and volume is to the downside. All of these up spikes are sold hard.

60+ point breakdown target for the dow if it goes through this low and pivot.
Thanks for the info Seaking
The limits for overnight hours trading (non-RTH)
are 5% ... the 5% is calculated at the start of each quarter.
Just reading the CME website as I type this ... thanks for the lead!
don't know if any of you guys use CMC but they're not making prices in several US indices until 2:30pm UK time due to underlyings being limit down. its shaping up for a wild open!
Anyone seen this before!!! ??? WOW!!

I haven't been trading them long enough to see this before no...

Isnt this the Chinese curse..."May you live in interesting times" hahahaha
Doesn't get much more interesting.
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