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Interactive Brokers Troubleshooting

I don't understand the minTick value on IB.


I put in a LMT BUY order for CLI on the LSE with a limit of $564.5 - all good

I put in a LMT BUY order for CLI on the LSE with a limit of $564.55 - not good

Error message is

"The price 5.645499999999999 does not conform to the minimum price variation of 0.005 for this contract"

I've only encountered this problem on the LSE stocks, but it is cropping up all too often....
I don't understand the minTick value on IB.

Similar error message on loads of LSE stock:

LMT BUY order for ABD on the LSE with a limit of $715.5 - all good
LMT BUY order for ABD on the LSE with a limit of $715.4 - not good

Error message is
"The price 7.154 does not conform to the minimum price variation of 0.005 for this contract"

It seems as though the "minimum price variation" gives the change in the least significant digit that is allowed - e.g. 0.005 means that the 4th significant digit can vary by 5?

Anyway, I only came across this while debugging my java API orders, which were failing due to this. At the moment I am just rounding all orders to three significant digits, but I would guess this will result in significant slippage. I guess I should really be pulling the minTick value from reqContractDetails, for every order, and interpreting it as above.
Anyone else have problems with the ASX @ 2 pm today? the SPI index just flat-lined and there was also a huge spike in the SPI futures around this time.
Also the BHP share price has flat lined also.
Why doesn't the SPI index on IB report the new index value at 4.10pm (for the 30th it's 2.10 pm), while other services like Google do?

Few questions:

--Anyone use Amibroker's IB controller?
--It seems like TWS goes weird or breaks down a few times per week, is that right? I think I'd go insane if that happened with my current broker. How do you manage when that happens? Is there a phone line where they will put thru orders for you?
It seems like TWS goes weird or breaks down a few times per week

I havent had any stability issues, quite the opposite actually.

What wierd problems are you or someone experiences.???

They have all contact details on their site, I use:

Sydney: (02) 9240-5143
USA, Chargo: 0011 1 (312) 542-6901

I do find the US and more professional & experienced support centre.


Curious if anyone has done trace's to Hong Kong, US or European market data servers to see if they get any "request timed out" lines when they do so?

To check you do the following -

1. Click on the windows symbol in the bottom left hand corner.

2. In the little box at the bottom where it says "search programs and files", type in cmd and at the top you should see under "programs" cmd. Click on it and it should open a little black box.

3. From here you can check your tracing route to IB in Hong Kong, USA and Europe. Type in the following for Hong Kong - tracert for Europe tracert and for USA tracert

When I do this my Hong Kong connection is fine which is the server that I am connected to, but when I test both Europe and USA I get "request timed out" on approx. 3 of the lines. What this means is that my data for these markets can be disconnected/interrupted which is a real pain and seems to happen regularly.

Does anyone understand more about this and a possible solution for these connections?

Is anyone getting similar results to mine as mentioned above?


Did you sort this out? Just signing up with a margin account and interested to know of any peculiarities.

Trace route request time out doesn't mean you cant not get to those destination

some network block ICMP ping and trace route packets for security reasons and hence traceroute and ping packet will be dropped so you wont get a response but other traffics like http/https they let it through or whatever they configure to pass and to drop.

network traffics are based on ports and packet type so at each gate keeper they know
what is what and they can configure what to let through and what to block
Did you sort this out? Just signing up with a margin account and interested to know of any peculiarities.

What did they say when you ticketed them?

I did not understand it either but only do a margin loan for a day or so whilst waiting for cash transfers

BTW do you all find your bank charges you $20 for any IB withdrawals as it is treated as an overseas bank - even though it comes from bank or america in OZ

Also you are unable to transfer to/from any bank like RABO or UBANK as they do not have a BIC number?
Quick question - I know IB offers realtime ASX data at a price, but do they offer free delayed ASX data?
Is it possible to get the current profit and loss in a column for the stock you are holding.
The P/L columns works fine for the day you bought the stock but the next day it calculating based on the open price for that day.

Edit: found the answer : Unrealized P & L column
Does anyone have problems with IB calculating P/L?

Did a trade last night and the profit/loss doesn't add up:

BOT 47 @ 19.5
SLD 47 @ 21.0
Realised P/L -11.34

Should be a profit of 70.5 minus commission, which is 58.5, but instead IB is showing me -11.34??

IB tell me they can't sort this out until my activity statement is available (tomorrow).

Just wondering whether there are regularly short term glitches with IB profits that don't add up?

run Audit Trails , to check for details of your trade.
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