Pushing a point of view. True enough.
However it's a point of view supported by the data, and underlined by deductive logical reasoning.
What's your point of view supported by?
If you find it unconvincing, again, rather than just stating an opinion, back it up with the data, or theory that refutes my argument or interpretation thereof.
We have all seen the results of your deductive logical reasoning in the past Duc, so I'd be more convinced if you just took a wild guess.
I probably agree with you mo more points in this debate than disagree. I recognize the potential for inflation but I fail to see the transmission mechanism to the real economy in the short to medium term based on a lot of the same data you use.
Note I am not, and have never in this thread claimed that what we are in is a period of deflation. I see opposing forces at work that are currently and will continue to approximately offset each other in the medium term.