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Imminent and severe market correction

Hi davo8. I'm looking to stock up on Xmas cheer. I've got one carton com'n when oil stays below 100 for more than a week. I'll wager ya another one this is the bottom.
I'll take that bet, only let's make it 10 cartons?

Hey davo8, I called the USD earlier today in the gold thread. Safe as houses... well maybe not US houses.



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I'll take that bet, only let's make it 10 cartons?

Gosh, dhukka... what do ya think I am... a regular p!ss pot!

It'll take me two or three years to drink 10 cartons.

But are you sure you're good for 10.
Well Japan is officially half-way into recession, with a 0.6% contraction last quarter. The wheel continues to turn...


Gosh, dhukka... what do ya think I am... a regular p!ss pot!

It'll take me two or three years to drink 10 cartons.

But are you sure you're good for 10.

It would probably take me longer, but I'm sure my old man could polish them off in a couple of months. Don't worry about me, I'm good for it. So do you feel lucky? Well do ya punk?
So do you feel lucky? Well do ya punk?

How about telling us exactly what the bet is? Could be there are others would like a piece of that action. Sounds like better odds than the market is offering.
How about telling us exactly what the bet is? Could be there are others would like a piece of that action. Sounds like better odds than the market is offering.

I thought it was pretty obvious davo, Whiskers has called the bottom for the stockmarket (again). I'll bet 10 cartons of beer that the August 5th 4882 closing low on the XAO was not the bottom.
I thought it was pretty obvious davo, Whiskers has called the bottom for the stockmarket (again). I'll bet 10 cartons of beer that the August 5th 4882 closing low on the XAO was not the bottom.

No, no, no, no, no, not quite correct.

Previously, I said I'd be surprised if, and I don't think the market will go lower... which I was... cos I didn't figure oil going balistic.

However, this time I'm definately saying it won't go lower. :
Cripes, The Aussie economy and banking system must be in trouble. I just watched an article on our banking system on CNN Latin America. The Latin Americans are worried about the credit crunch hitting them now. What's next, Africa?
However, this time I'm definately saying it won't go lower. :

Brave call there Whiskers

I can see the same conditions emerging in the indices - ascending wedges - in the FTSE & DOW, with the FTSE again leading the breakdown. XAO just 'mushing' around being torn between the financials & resources again.

Give it time for this episode to work it's way through then we can get back to the USD counter trades re-emerging again?
I've heard this is where I signup for a free 10 cartons courtesy of whiskers?

That low is only 5% away, that's only 2 days of negative moves with current volatility...

October I think will be nasty with the next batch of US results.. that's where we may see a new major low. Not enough bad news out there yet. US financials still falling rapidly last week, indicating there is still plenty of room to fall.
However, this time I'm definately saying it won't go lower. :

So you're prepared to sell an out of the money digital put option on the XAO with a strike price of 4882 for a premium of $500 (no cheap beer, thanks!) and a payoff of $500? Expiring when?

Have you done a Black-Scholes on that?
Food for thought.


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Is the fat lady starting to sing ?

Fear over resources boom

Fears are growing that the commodities boom is ending as investors who have fled the oil market desert gold, copper and other metals.
Oil prices have slumped 23% in four weeks, while gold and copper have fallen by similar amounts and last week lead plunged 15%.

The falls follow a fundamental shift in financial flows as investors prepare for a global slowdown, News Ltd reports.

"Commodity booms end ugly, they always do, and there has never been an exception," Access Economics director Chris Richardson told the newspaper.

"The speed and weight of money behind this move has been quite breathtaking," ANZ foreign exchange strategist Tony Morriss said.
Re: Is the fat lady starting to sing ?

Not even clearing her throat.

Commodity booms are multi-year affairs. A few weeks in the wrong direction is just a blip. It'll take a lot more than that.

The current very rapid USD move looks a lot more like a gigantic short covering by world currency traders. Too far, too fast, time for a correction. The trend on the USD is still down, oil up, but not so fast.

The really bad stuff is getting close now. October, I think. Good month for bad news.
Re: Is the fat lady starting to sing ?

The current very rapid USD move looks a lot more like a gigantic short covering by world currency traders. Too far, too fast, time for a correction. The trend on the USD is still down, oil up, but not so fast.


The following article from 'Compare Shares' is worth reading:
The spread between Corporate Bonds and Government Bonds are blowing out once again. As the risk for holding a corporate bond is perceived higher, the yields will often increase to entice buyers to holding a bond with the higher risk.

As the bond market is a snapshot of the wider credit market, large market moves downward seem probable in the next few weeks.

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