You take them to FOS over the years with westpac, cba etc?
What a waste of space the govt bodies are. TOTAL. COMPLETE and utter jokes. ASIC APRA Ombusmen and so on.
You make the claim ,,, press it ... they deny it in TPD ... deny it again, you present more and more evidence backed up with multiple medical reports, pictures and so on, still denied. A person in a wheelchair no legs, quadriplegic TPD denied. Denied for 5 years, ASIC cant do a thing nor APRA nor Ombudsman or anyone.
Most claims go away .... deny 90% of them ... 50% of claims go away and give up in 12 months, 75% in 2-3 years and waves of lawyers and insurance doctors from the other side.
I found and find a scorched earth approach the only way. Formal complaints to ASIC and APRA over directs duties and under corporations act enforcement of the sham nature of the company. A case in federal court over the claim via say deliberate delay which is denial of justice asking for damages and extreme damages along with criminal charges for negligence against lawyers individually and law firms, for criminal negligence and removal from the bar, makes them blink. Denying the law, clearly broken in many cases, to deny paying a claim, even delaying it, is not just negligence once you point out the law and the signed evidence clearly the law was breached, it becomes willful negligence and so on.
Lawyers have their little club and no lawyer will do this. I am not a lawyer, just a buzzing noise they wonder about as their body parts seem to fall off.
One well funded private company, a $2- dollar company ... decided not to pay long service leave and underpay then sack a person. Fair Work useless ... in the end. It would have ended in Federal court. Long service leave a pillar of any employment contract which under Fair Work act the goverment , FEDERAL ... rules the roost, one of the pillars is you cant sack someone, demote or injure them. Even for long service leave. So someone not being credited with 15 years long service leave, not a lot .... in dollar terms about 3 months pay, or say $15k, employer denies it In NSW go to fair work commission they send you to the ombudsman then back and forth. Turns out In NSW its the Industrial relations commission. You go there, they still deny it .... length of service ,,,, you have to prove it ... all 15 years. All bank records back 15 years, impossible beyond 7, super records .... they work ... still denied.
This a well funded and smart arsed crook employer knows. Oh and 15 years of tax records supplied, investigated eventually taking 12 months NSW Industrial relations, the eventually admit they are powerless to act, all funding has been cut off. Even if it had NOT since you did not have every single pay slip for 15 years, but tax records and Super ... but only 7 out of 15 year bank statements without 100% of every pay slip ... even if they HAD funding they would NOT proceed on your behalf. Your instructed to go to local small claims or County court with 2,000 pages of evidence over a 15 k debt. the other side, thinking it would evaporate and using lawyers, its l ready cost them 50k in legal fees.
In the court, if you have the stamina, and most don't, it just not worth it, the case eventually when heard will take 30 seconds for the judge to decide YES you worked there clearly for 15 years. Use a lawyer yourself ? for this .... .... you loose 100 k .... in this case, and they annoyed a local court judge who got so annoyed it went to the next level up as he was about to go berserk for their tactics, it took 18 months, i suspect 200k in legal fees as the directors outside the company lost any protection as they were acting outside the law .... all over 15k !!
Few would do this, I sadly did for a poor person screwed so hard ... by some cretins. It took a toll on them ... their lives and so too for me. Time freely and given ... without regret. The toll for me was a side of humanity I despise. I would have let it go but it was mingled with other issues of getting other much needed medical and in a nightmare. I suppose I spent 100o plus hours of legal alone on this let alone emotional support.
Such is life, payback is a bitch ... not for me ... not even the cost inflicted which never crossed my mind till long after it. It was about right and wrong and getting help for an injured person as silly as this sounds.
Beware of the whole process and justice side of it. Few winners, if any, no matter which way one goes.