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House prices to keep rising for years

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Agents as annoying as they are do provide a service of sorts, some people wouldnt have a clue when it came to values and selling or buying so it's worthwhile from that perspective.

The second bit I fully agree with, there should be tram conductors to help women with prams and old people etc, it's pathetic that we have so many unemployed and there's no one on trams or trains to help out.

ebay would be at least 4-5% of final selling price, yeah good result

and no, trams are running fine without conductors, they where slackers

full tram, what does the conductor do, nothing

Doctor Robots

You are getting a bit twitchy doctor THINGA MY everyone laments the loss of conductors, they could direct older people, the tourists and most often proivided some enterternment.

And the Government is better having more low end taxpayers than paying the dole.

That Phd Robots seems to have dented you thinking somehow. Anyway I will think about that and give you an answer in due course,.... on you iq level perhaps?

Of course that may be a tad unfair dOCTOR robosts as you probably do not know what iq means.


oh yeah, great day satanoperca you looking out to the sky now?

what, all the connies went on the dole? wouldnt surprise me couldnt work on the trams so I would doubt anyone else would employ them

thats why we now have fijians, sudanese, samoans, chinese, indians, Kiwis, Sth Americans WORKING in the country

and makes me extremely proud to see these people walking tall and enjoying Australia


Doctor Robots

oh yeah, great day satanoperca you looking out to the sky now?

Yes Dr, sitting up in the sky, overlooking the City, watching out for the dolphins and seal downstairs in the Yarra river, while sitting in front of two monitors watching stocks, planning next move, but as you famously say, sunshine and lollipops are abound for those that are willing to give it a go.

Should also add, glad I opted out of RE for the moment and are in the biggest equity curve I have seen in my life, hoping I can keep some off it as all things work in ebs and flows and good times arn't all the time. Cherish the moment with one eye and with the other look for the next opportunity.

Monday night and the red flows freely after a day of green for me at the market. Got to love those green shoots, I hope someone is watering them or I just have to move to more fertile grounds.

Conclusion to RE after >6000 posts, it will always go up in the long run due to population growth, being an finite resource heavily governed and inflation (hedge).

Is it overpriced in relation to wages, GDP, house hold incomes etc? Are Australians over indebted?Has loose and cheap credit added fuel to prices?Do high prices benefit society? Should we be so focus/obsessed as a nation as evident by the size of this thread with investing in a single asset class?Will interest rates go up?Has the FHBG affected prices?Are we going to be flooded with cashed up overseas investors?Is Australia a sought after place to live?Are auction results accurate?Do we have a subprime?Should NG be abolished?Is it a good time to buy?Renting vs Buying?Your right I'm wrong.

Make your own conclusions. I have enjoyed the discussions and input from all, but standing on the side lines at the moment.


Out to play soccer with my son on the board walk, more fun than getting on a tram but all the same, just enjoying the moment.

Way to long of a post.

You're living in a fantasy world if you think it's going to be like that.

And ebay charge $200 flat rate to list property and they don't get anything else, even if it sells
You're living in a fantasy world if you think it's going to be like that.

And ebay charge $200 flat rate to list property and they don't get anything else, even if it sells

Could you qualify that???, in this modern world anything is possible, and younger people are thinking very differently, in fact it is all by thier mobiles phones, an explanation would be good on this point
Could you qualify that???, in this modern world anything is possible, and younger people are thinking very differently, in fact it is all by thier mobiles phones, an explanation would be good on this point

Well to do a barter website like ebay will mean you have to hire people to maintain it and the more traffic it generates, the more money it cost to maintain, hence the cost.

Sure there are some free classified type sites ( but those aren't auction type and don't generate the type of traffic you want if you're a seller. Yes, you will always get a few free websites that let you sell things but if you're a seller those cost are irrelevant if it doesn't bring in the traffic - location, location, location

Well lets think outside the website (the square if you like). I sold a property by just putting a sign out the front "For Sale" enquire within" took nine months, had the Scetion 32 ready and, presto 10% above the agent quote, as well as no fees.
Well lets think outside the website (the square if you like). I sold a property by just putting a sign out the front "For Sale" enquire within" took nine months, had the Scetion 32 ready and, presto 10% above the agent quote, as well as no fees.

well if it took me 9 months to sell one of my stock, i'll still have inventory til my great, great grand kids, but i sorta get your drift
The Top 100 hotspots quoted on TODAY TONITE - so it must be true. Start buying people before its too late, if TT has said it then its gotta be true.

And to make it more convincing I have put it in quotes.



The Top 100 hotspots quoted on TODAY TONITE - so it must be true. Start buying people before its too late, if TT has said it then its gotta be true.

And to make it more convincing I have put it in quotes.



I hate to say it but the suburb I bought in late last year at a nice discount is on that list



its wednesday night, we got beats and rhymes on online broadcast

or for those in Melbourne 87.60, 87.70, 87.80 on the FM dial

get it pumping through the Bose system

Doctor Robots
Sincere questions i would like answered with facts and not opinion guesstimates if possible.

1. Current austrailian population including illegal citizens and other riffraff to the closest estimatable number .

2. Austalias projected growth in population INCLUDING immigration and illegal aliens skipping the border for the next 10 years .

3 The TOTAL number of registered seperate adresses out there INCLUDING flats , bedsits ,units, caravan park permanent dwellings and other Permanant accomodation .

I do realise my question may not have any available answers but i figured here was a good a place as any to ask .

Or even point me the way to where i may find these answers.

Thankyou in advance for any effort taken in this matter .
Looking though noticed a familiar house has just been sold for $290000, the impressive part was that it sold for $190000 on the 15th of May. New Kitchen, New Bathroom, New paint & Carpet. Amazing
Sydney market doing very well this year, and median according to APM has passed the previous 2004 peak to a new record: (

There's also an interesting graphic on the article attached that shows how although Sydney has many very expensive areas, and a high median which tends to get a lot of focus, there are whole regions like the West and South-West of the city with medians of $375k and $360k respectively. These are all established area's with reasonable infrastructure, public transport and so on.




  • SydMediansSep09.jpg
    58 KB · Views: 92

great posting Beej, top effort man

still highlights location is very important and much research is required, its not just walk up and of you go

still plenty of opportunity for all, fix up the garden, lick of paint, new driveway, clean the windows and bang Equitymate!

might take 5yrs, 10yrs but on the way to paradise

doctor robots

good evening all, great day

apologies for the late log in, out on the pushie, great to see people out enjoying themselves, plenty of new immigrants

just to summarize:

1. property doing well


Doctor Robots
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