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House prices to keep rising for years

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" House prices to keep rising for years "

haha funny stuff .....


Never fear house price double every 7 just didn't go up this year or the year before maybe do a 100% growth on year 7 ....we are different we can do 100% in one year..
it goes down because my neighbour keep lowering his price not because of anything else

just in case anyone missed the names of the websites i listed earlier:

apm property

Looks like the robot is malfunctioning, but that's what happens when you drive off a cliff looking in the rear vision mirror with beej whispering sweet nothings in your ear and kincella in the back seat with his ......... up your ..........

just in case anyone missed the names of the websites i listed earlier:

apm property



i have had numerous requests by PM for the links, so here they are again for those interested


sorry, sorry everybody i got one of the addresses wrong, so here they are in the correct format:

apologies for the error


i have had numerous requests by PM for the links, so here they are again for those interested


for the PM or from the PM.

Cause I'm sure he has no idea about what happens in the real world also.
Looks like the robot is malfunctioning, but that's what happens when you drive off a cliff looking in the rear vision mirror with beej whispering sweet nothings in your ear and kincella in the back seat with his ......... up your ..........

That's Comedy Gold. :thankyou:
Looks like the robot is malfunctioning, but that's what happens when you drive off a cliff looking in the rear vision mirror with beej whispering sweet nothings in your ear and kincella in the back seat with his ......... up your ..........

CLASSIC dhukka !
I love some of the SHEEPLE on here he he !


  • propaganda4sheep.jpg
    106.7 KB · Views: 140,28124,25426654-643,00.html?referrer=email

The media must got it wrong, damn it when am I going to double my money?
my money going down the toilet with -ve gearing and house price going backward sound like margin loan all over again.

and I like to save this quote for future references

“The acute shortage of new homes and accelerating population growth will, however, prevent falls similar to those in weaker, offshore markets,” Ms Kevans said

ROTFL man I haven't done that since University IRC days
that was time truly wasted with lot of ROTFL

Ahhh yes, the old housing shortage chestnut, well here is some good news on the shortage front:

Little story, in late 1991 bought a house for 113 grand In Townsville, at the time rent was 310 dollars a week, pretty good wellwithin 18 months I had people offer me uptwoards 150 grand for th ehouse but I was young and knieve and though at that rate I was going to be rich soon.

Anyway that was the end of the boom, well lucky for me I got in during the boom and so did not pay exhorbaitant house prices. I ended up selling that house for 137 grand in 2002 just before the start of the next boom, (stupid mistake in hindsight but that house had caused me a lot of pain and I was sick of the pain) but by then I wanted rid of it etc. But the interesting thing was that my rent received was only 180 bucks a week in 2002.

So what do we know from my little story and other experience, first house prices go up and rent goes up as well, but then rent softens and goes no where fast for years until you have a new boom etc. We are there now, the rents have peaked and we are not going to see much rent rise in vast majority of places until we experience a new boom in a number of years time.

The problem is that even though generally property is a medium to long term investment none of us know our financial circumstnaces in 5-7 years time, you know families etc, blah blah blah and if you are not prepared for the hard years then a lot of pain will ensue.

Ultimatley who cares, we play the cards and make out own decisions and accept eh results be they good or bad.
Last time I mentioned this you scurried around the floor like a cockroach looking for a dark crevice.

C O N D E S C E N D I N G . . . . . . .

phoohey to the 1 or 2% figure...clutching at straws...playing scaredy cats again......

Please tell us, what have we got to be scared about?
seems Winter has arrived ?

The Resident RE Permabulls have Hibernated ?

Maybe the budgets of the RE lobby groups are getting slashed and their army of Bloggers are off the payroll and vanishing ?

which perma bulls are you talking about ?? robots and beej, tech/a, were here yesterday..there are a few others who post from time to time...are there others?
myabe they are busy at work,
"Last time I mentioned this you scurried around the floor like a cockroach looking for a dark crevice.

C O N D E S C E N D I N G . . . . . . . "

oh and when was that pray tell ?

if you cannot debate the subject... a personal attack is your answer
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