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House prices to keep rising for years

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"If the government reduces the first home buyers' grant at the same time as forcing banks to tighten lending standards, the lower end of the housing market will face dramatic devaluations"

Article by Robert Gottliebsen, "Business Spectator" - see HERE
For a start, you don't need a new kitchen/bathroom every ten years - maybe every 20.

Well obviously we differ here. I have never, and will never live in a property where it is not basically refurbished every 10 years.

As for the "wishful thinking" comment by previous poster regarding price drops. I hope you are not wishfully relying on prices going up or wishfully requiring that they do not come down

Well I'm sorry that I can make 30%+ returns owning businesses and that I do not own properties and can therefore rent and get better alternative returns.

There is logic in renting at the moment, perhaps you do not believe that prices can fall, but they can. Have a look at America and the UK, and remember that our houses are more overvalued than theirs.

The only thing that is protecting the housing market is the huge injections of cash into the market by irresponsible tax cuts and FHBG.
unfortunately I dont read Gottliebism....I did many years ago and found him out of touch....just a bland follower for the sheep people

no wishful thinking on my part...I hold several IP's and intend to buy more and reno one this year...and to continue doing same for as long as I can...30 years of retirement in front of me.....oh and now some of my friends who put their money into shares...are really unhappy....but all of them own houses...most without a mortgage....and some have mutliple IP's like self..with manageable mortgages....all a pretty happy with the prop market....
but expect to be even happier in the future....absolutely no gloom here, we leave that for the bears

I suspect there will be quite a bit of egg on face today. Although I guess you're right if by most of Australia you mean Canberra, Hobart and Darwin. Your constant claims that the Sydney property market has stabilized just don't hold water. Sydney and Melbourne both down more than double Brisbane during the quarter. Dec 08 quarter revised lower, oh yes, stabilization is here.

This will be like water off a ducks back I fear....

standard responses to include :

"..... but we were expecting this"
"..... this is nothing new"
"..... median prices are not indicative of the values dropping"
"..... etc, etc, etc"

Pity the figures don't reflect the exaberated falls outwith the lower/middle FHB sector.
speaking for myself..but know many others think the same...we prop bulls are pretty sure of eyed you might say....and some compelling numbers for most ....70% of the adult population are home owners.....thats double the amount of renters.....

Seems I don't need to bother typing a reply as there are plenty here happily putting words into my keyboard for me!!

PS: For the record, I am surprised by the ABS stats for this quarter, and it doesn't fit with what I have seen in the area's I watch or in the area's that people I know are currently trying to buy. Also there seems to be conflicting data with APM and RP-Data figures telling a different story - so I suspect that there is a fair bit of median skewing going on due to the widely acknowledged FHB mini-boom in the lower price segments. Having said that, I've never said prices can't fall; they certainly did during 1990 (last recession), before rebounding strongly a few years on. I am still confident that this time around things will prove no different.


Quote from SMH article on latest ABS figures: (

Seem's JP Morgan's Helen Kevans had similar views on the market to mine. IMO her explanation seems logical given the conflicting data from other sources and the clear FHB mini-boom figures.

Either way, I didn't particularly enjoy my piece of humble pie that I just had to eat for lunch



I think you're right in that our houseprices will certainly again one day bounce back after the economy sorts itself out (whenever that may be...), there's only a few misguided individuals I believe who seem certain we're following the same path as Japan.

...but certainly what is worrying is the median skewing you mentioned due to higher volumes at the lower end. It seems REIV wasn't too far off with what they published only a few days ago.
its the median figures they are using
if they said 100 houses sold 50 @ 500 and 50 @ 400 the average would be 450...and if they could prove all houses were advertised at a higher price but sold for a lower price I would tend to agree with their figures

...if the majority of houses selling are in the 400-600 range and the middle number is 400 ...there you go...that is the magic figure they are all raving does not mean the price of homes in the 600k range has fallen in price....nor the 400k...which have probably increaed in price......
phoohey to the 1 or 2% figure...clutching at straws...playing scaredy cats again......
out to shopping now for some big sales....

" House prices to keep rising for years "

haha funny stuff .....


" House prices to keep rising for years "

haha funny stuff .....


May as well close down the thread boys. Seems the crash is playing to the script perfectly. FHOG? No problem, just a blip on the radar.. crash continues on regardless. Whod have thought australia had less power to stop a housing crash than US or britain? Every bear on the forum thats who!

I wonder if rudd will let housing roll over die its natural death on budget night..........

Rudd will prop it up as long as YOU still have money in your wallet to fund it.

House prices will rise again beyond their previous highs but in the meantime it will create great buying opportunities, not like the FHB's that were sucked into the bubble.

looks as though they on some of Burnsie's cheech & chong gear at the ABS, amazing

just goes to show you cant trust the government, i am starting see what you all go on about now

oh well, lucky we have APM Property Monitors and RPData to get the proper results out to the community, paradise

i think we will use data APM or RPdata for the bet Satanoperca, what you think?

word out to ROE, thanks for the encouragement


sunshine and lollipops boys ?
Merely consolidation before the next upswing. Sorry fella's but that penthouse in Point Piper is going to remain a pipedream.
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