Would not want to live anywhere near Townsville or Hamiliton Island right now, with hamish picking up speed. Wonder how all those coastal properties will fair with rising tides and cyclone force winds. Good luck
Nahh nothing like it demographically.. more like an amalgam of Canberra, Darwin and Gladstone. Canberra (we have a huge public service population, stable employment as most of the HQ's for the northern area public service is based in Townsville.) Darwin (we have the largest Army base in Australia, massive troop base and they inject a fortune into the city) as well as being typically tropical ie two seasons (wet and humid 'n hot and cool and dry), Galdstone (we have a large manufacturing base with a Cu, Zn, Ni and Mn refineries), logistical support for inland mining (lots of fly in fly out mining) and some tourism. All of the above leads to a huge turnover every year, huge public service /Army exodus and entrance, mining people moving in and out. Land up here is cheaper but the cost of construction is way more ie Building codes + transportation of building materials + cost of labour.Sounds a bit like the Goldcoast.
Nahh nothing like it demographically.. more like an amalgam of Canberra, Darwin and Gladstone. Canberra (we have a huge public service population, stable employment as most of the HQ's for the northern area public service is based in Townsville.) Darwin (we have the largest Army base in Australia, massive troop base and they inject a fortune into the city) as well as being typically tropical ie two seasons (wet and humid 'n hot and cool and dry), Galdstone (we have a large manufacturing base with a Cu, Zn, Ni and Mn refineries), logistical support for inland mining (lots of fly in fly out mining) and some tourism. All of the above leads to a huge turnover every year, huge public service /Army exodus and entrance, mining people moving in and out. Land up here is cheaper but the cost of construction is way more ie Building codes + transportation of building materials + cost of labour.
A few pics (taken by me)
Geeze, maybe I should get a job at the tourism bureau
Cairns is more like the Gold Coast, basically a one horse town with tourism being the main drawcard.
And then we'll be hearing about all the record repossessions, mortgagee auctions and all round "young families" hitting the wall..........but hey were all thankful for the governments grants and incentives to keep house prices at unaffordable levelsYoung families defying recession to lead revival
WESTERN Sydney is in the grip of a property mini-boom, with exclusive NSW Treasury figures revealing that young families are defying a national recession.
Liverpool, Campbelltown and Fairfield have recorded 12 per cent rises in sales, a six-year high, while Blacktown and Penrith have seen a 20 per cent increase.
A total of 8455 contracts were exchanged on new and existing homes during the three-month period in the Western Suburbs - an increase of more than 1100 over the same period last year.
And then we'll be hearing about all the record repossessions, mortgagee auctions and all round "young families" hitting the wall..........but hey were all thankful for the governments grants and incentives to keep house prices at unaffordable levels
The worlds financial systems come crashing down, thousands loosing their jobs left and right, companies going bankrupt and most affected countries housing values seem to have also been kicked in the gut.........but no not us, just a slap on the wrist..........I think I'll wait for the government incentives to run out and see what happens
What % has that place gone down that you bought 12 months ago ? whats it yield ?
Macca you've been watching too much tellyAnd then we'll be hearing about all the record repossessions, mortgagee auctions and all round "young families" hitting the wall.
Sydney auction results for today posted now: http://www.homepriceguide.com.au/saturday_auction_results/sydney_domain.pdf
71% clearance rateon 123/173 with only 2 properties withdrawn. That last part is significant, withdrawals have been common-place up until the last few weeks, so this, in addition to 6 weeks of strong clearance rates, is a clear indicator that buyer competition is back and we may be swinging from a buyers to a sellers market here in Sydney....
Median sale price from the auctions was $623k, and again several $1M+ sales like last week, including 5 $2M+ sales.
How long can this last I wonder? Certainly no great house price crash going on here in Sydney at the moment - quite the opposite! If the newspapers and ASF forums weren't screaming doom and gloom I'd almost think we were in a booming R/E market? Can any of the bears please explain to me how this can be happening?
Seriously ? We're used to it, really no big deal... happens every year and I have been in Townville since '75 and NQ since '65. Might be a big thing for you guys but while alert to the danger, we just deal with it. Don't put all your stock in News reports, much like the GFCthere is lots of hyperbole mixed in with the snippets of truth.
Thats alot of red for the one eyed permabulls to mull over !! ...
Yes, I can.... decided to take your APM suburb list from this weeks sales results (every suburb on the list as a random cross section of the Sydney market) and check how the 6 month median has been going.....
The majority of your million $$$ sales are in suburbs that have seen no growth/losses over the last 6 months and some buyers are obviously seeing some value there, they're probably down sizing to stay within their own neighbourhood and keep their kids around their friends in an environment they know.
Also, these million dollar price tags are in traditional million $$$ suburbs ~ that's obviously what you'd expect to pay if you were looking to buy in these suburbs!!!! Look at the falls across the board, not been many folks entering bidding wars driving the prices up over recent months has there...?
The question is though, "Can any of the bulls please explain to me how they can be in complete denial when it comes to Sydney property prices?"
You've been spruiking for as long as I can remember that Sydney prices bottomed out in 2004 and you're telling us all that auctions are bustling with vendors and the market is looking healthy ~ almost to the point where you'd have us believe that we weren't just heading into a recession but rather we were just coming out of a recession....
Please explain why you have been lying to us all and even worse, why have you been lying to yourselves???
Every bit of negative data or sentiment that sfomebody provides here gets nonchalantly rebuffed and has to be supported by the OP or argued about until the natural course of the debate gets sidetracked or changes direction...
The market may now be selling a lot more than over the previous few months but remember that rates are as low as they've ever been and the Government is providing additional stimulus to FHB's. These low rates and this FHB stimulus are both unprecedented and unsustainable factors which cannot be relied upon to provide support if the economy continues to slide and we enter an inflationary environment....
I should now explain to you what a median price is.
If in one suburb for example you have a lot of sales of newly built properties (which are of higher value than the average house) then the suburb median price will go up. This doesn't mean that the prices in that suburb have increased, it simply means that many properties of a particular price range have been selling
Now that you know what a median price is
I had to double take at that - I thought you meant 80% deposit, but no, 80% debt - very conservative. Don't stop at one, there's lots of bargains now so you may as well pick up two - you can't lose!
At least you've learned something todaycrackn me up dude ...
And from the same postI'm labeled a perma-bull and a spruiker (show me where I have ever spruiked property sales etc?).
...so that some people don't end up missing what might be for them the opportunity of the decade to take advantage of the Sydney housing market.
And from the same post
And what happens when rates go back up?Macca you've been watching too much telly
Dodgy lending is no longer possible so anyone getting a loan today must have a deposit plus proof of income and employment history.
lol You say Sydney has been in recession for the past 2 years and things will not get worse.
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