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House prices to keep rising for years

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Medians can be just as skewed on the upside as the downside, and have been used to boast about how much values have risen in certain suburbs in the past, so quid quo pro when quoting medians in heavily rising *or* falling markets.

546 FHB for WA is a woefully small figure, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than that. The RHS index of that page is a laughable list of RE propaganda titles:

"First fruit for home buyers"
"First home buyers snatch bargains"
"Cheapest suburb is underrated"
"Big jump in Cotteslow values"
"Market falls but less than you thought"

yup, all 546 of them are really storming down the gates.

A suspiciously similar article to that WA one was also printed in the QLD papers about that time, simply change a few names around Later articles also suggested that while enquiry was good, this was yet to translate to any reasonable level of sales.

The amount of "contract crashed" listings in QLD is already a testament to how many buyers have bigger eyes than their borrowing budgets, and how tougher lending standards are stopping a few in their tracks.
Yes Id love the permabulls to start providing links instead of "personal" stories in the " House prices to keep rising for years " debate.

You're doing the devils work NC. What do you think sells papers? A good story. What better story than "facts" about prices going up and prices going down. It's the information age, there is no shortage of "evidence" to support either side.

I very much look forward to the day when you buy that Gold Coast mansion for 1977 prices. Then I'll know you were right all along.
The amount of "contract crashed" listings in QLD is already a testament to how many buyers have bigger eyes than their borrowing budgets, and how tougher lending standards are stopping a few in their tracks.

So what are you saying, new buyers want it all now?

Maybe they should start a bit smaller like previous generations did instead of aiming for mummy and daddies house as a first home.

Some of the auctions I have been to recently had more than a few young buyers with "stars in their eyes" getting a dose of reality
Yes Id love the permabulls to start providing links instead of "personal" stories in the " House prices to keep rising for years " debate.


see post #2991 from Robots, council does valuation every 2yrs

so in two years gone from 1.2mil to 6mil, put that one in the pipe Numbercruncher,

what a day, looks like plenty of life out there in the property world

just also sent email with attachment to S.Keen on above, havent heard much from him recently has he left the country or something?

I guess that single sale is what keeps the property boom going hey robie lol. Good to see you spending your unemployed hours fruitfully.

thankyou, over and out
Pity that the rationale for this increase was due to a rezoning which the owner did not want. So extracting that "good luck" what would the property be worth.

Really, robi, you do tend to distort facts - just like any other PR person, ie manipulate the data to suit your hypothesis.

yeah man, unemployed, distort facts awesome writings will make the day even greater, thanks for the words

fact is council has valued at 6mil now, yes thats right brothers 6mil for this guy's humble home, gotta be in it to win it

paradise here today, 25degrees, sun blasting from the sky about to head off on a walk into the city centre,

booked in to enjoy the succulent bird at an Indian joint

might even flip a homeless guy 20cents

Robi Robi ...

Man o man you tempt fate and stir bad Karma ....

.... best you flip that guy 50 cents for good measure



Where is this Indian brothel bro? Watch out you don't get mugged for that 20 cents on your walk.

thankyou over and out
Wonder if Robots had to hock his Car?
At least he is not racist to go perving on some Indian School girl helping her parents in the store ,the smell of Curry is a powerful force and can make you image thing that are not true.
I,m very suspicious of any real estate reporting in any newspapers
I think a lot of it is loaded with self interest. In my local area a full page colour add cost $4000.00 for one issue
Ive also noticed that my colour section of the real estate in my local rag, has dropped quite a lot in quantity of adds in the months prior to christmas.

I also understand that realestate adds are number one in revenue for the papers with car adds next!

The papers must be hurting

I believe the press will grab at any positive news, and will ride to death all the way down, just like they did in the UK

I have two friends currently on the market,both of them are now at prices from 2004,both are still not sold

well fellow brothers an eventful day in the streets of this fine city, walked in via St Kilda Rd a grand boulevard at least

the succulent bird came out on a sizzling plate, some chutney, salad and ordered 4 naan breads, superb

2 mango lassi's, what a day

as we were leaving got caught up in the protest going on over gaza strip so a bit of disruption to the trams, around 95% rent a crowd at the protest i would say, usual suspects

probably the same free-loaders squatting in the Melbourne uni house,

got some cakes to enjoy at home with a couple of ruski's

I have two friends currently on the market,both of them are now at prices from 2004,both are still not sold

Location, location, location.

What's the location and configuration of your friends' properties?

Post pictures of your friends, I'm sure someone would be interested in buying them.

Seriously Adam, what papers are you reading? They have been full of bad news. Also, the period before christmas is always quiet for property.
Gee, how about that lucky family in Sydney, robots. Paid heaps for a waterfront mansion seven years ago and cannot live in the place or even sell it as the grounds are contaminated. A little like the reverse of your 1.6m to 6m but in this case it's 1.6m to zero.
Friends propertys are located on the northern beaches of Sydney and con sist of, one three bedroom house on a 600 m2 block the other is a two bedder house on 1000m2 block

I realise that their has been reporting on the negative side of the margin by the press, however what gets my goat is that it is now being reported that its only the rich people who are suffering ie Mosman,Bellevue hill,Vaucluse,Palmbeach, ect,and that the western suburbs still has some hot spots??

IMHO if the world economy continues to falter and peoples jobs are on the line,then the property boom is over,and folk will have to go back to saving money and working hard,no more houses as an ATM.

Im a great believer in property and it will come back as a wealth creator. I guess it all depends on when you buy.

The bottom is not in yet IMHO

How about all those lucky people who had all that money and super on the stock market.

Paid heaps for all those shares and now down to zip, what have they got to show for it?

Sydney people have a roof over there heads at least
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