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House prices to keep falling for years

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nothing crashing in the lovely huon valley tasmania....... houses hitting the market getting sold in days / weeks if they valued right , quite inspiring actually . must be the value for money factor and currently tasmania unemployment levels going down instead of rising like the rest of oz .....

mind you it is a lil bit backwards here on some things so i dare say we just will keep going up until we overpriced in line with the rest of the nation

wow, what a crash +14.7% for 3mths,

or is that another prediction, just sent email to S.Keen cant wait for reply although I dont think I will get one,


wow, what a crash +14.7% for 3mths,

or is that another prediction, just sent email to S.Keen cant wait for reply although I dont think I will get one,


Yes but when the prostitutes move out when businesss goes off the prices will plumet, a downward spiral like nothing else witnessed on the face of the earth. -50% for starters.

Thank goodness for money in the bank.
A lot of this thread is a major ramp down. It seems to be the same contributors consistently.
The lesson has been learnt from America and we will not let our market plummet like theirs. There is still a lot of room to lower i/r further, and a significant room of spending before the budget is in deficit. I'm not advocating that this is right is the right way to go about it, just trying to even up the bias in this thread.

There's a lot of positive stuff in here too, like robots, so it's a bit of fun and a bit of star gazing, everyone thinks they're right, almost no one is.

There is always a residential property crash after a share collapse with a lag time of 12 months or so but now we have increasing population pressures on the plus side but high unemplyment looming on the negative side.

One things for sure the crunch hasn't hit main street yet and when it does watch for retail figures to decline and the residential housing market will go for sure, commercial property is already a wasteland.

Lower interest rates wont change anything, may help some existing owners to hang in there.


Toorak down 24pc for the half - not bad, youll get all the hillbillies movin in at that rate ! haha .... Seems Toorak might be filled with over leveraged gamblers huh ?

yes Number, look at Melton 207k median what a price, 35km from Melbourne and a house easy affordable,

what a day, the path to gold just out my front door, sure thats right +14.7% for St Kilda?


wow, what a crash +14.7% for 3mths,

or is that another prediction, just sent email to S.Keen cant wait for reply although I dont think I will get one,


14.7% per quarter = 58.8%pa

could be a St Kilda bubble?

no just a quality clean neighbourhood, affordable to the masses, great services and infrastructure

+14.7% for Sept08 quarter, who knows what will happen next quarter but you can guarantee it wont be a donkey like ABC, ALLco, MFS etc

if only the No. 1 colonel was still here, but hey, I will have a warm beer for you anyway

congrats on your good selection

as u r a building worker, you can probably add value, over time
i was talking to a brisbane property investor the other day. I told him to get his money out... Yet he remined confident that the decline in brisbane property prices is just a small down trend before it starts up trending and reaching new highs. (medium term timeframe).

He reminded me that there is 2000 new people to brisbane every week, and only 500 new properties come on the market.

since im not a property investors, i dont know if he is insane or not. Any other brisbane investors take the same stance as him?
I was thinking prices were going down and down and down.....but now I think that the burst has been averted.

The markets seem to be slowly recovering and interest rates are going down. Unemployment seems steady.

Could we have missed the perfect buying opportunity already?
Toorak down 24pc for the half - not bad, youll get all the hillbillies movin in at that rate ! haha .... Seems Toorak might be filled with over leveraged gamblers huh ?
Only 14 sales, not too much of a sample unfortunately. Those figures are about as reliable as the figures for St Kilda :
That old Furphy about people moving into QLD is not correct what is happening is people move BUT no one works out where they came from so some one moving out of one city is not counted but once they arrive in another city they are counted.
Bit like House prices double every 7 yrs.
Or Rents will go up but as things get worse they come down.
Good for a laugh but sad for the victims of RE fraud.


good morning, what a day on the cards

i think you getting RE confused with shares Glen48, keep up the posts fantastic writings

you received a letter from the landlord yet reducing the rent?

ah, paradise here in St Kilda up 14.7% for Sept 08 quarter and all that just for wacking the key in the door and enjoying life,

paradise, have a great day


I thought this was a serious forum where informed people discuss about shares and property.

But this guy is a clown, he just keep speculating and blafing without an end.

Moderators please keep up your game and exclude this type boring repetitive crap.


If they did that the place would be empty.

Everyone knows St Kilda will defy the odds world wide and spiral upwards despite everything else going down, why just this morning I heard the British PM saying in an interview that if only Britain could follow the St Kilda model all would be well with their housing market, they figure if they can fill all the houses with helium that might help keep things up, but Gordon Brown was desperately trying to contact robots for the "secret" to defying gravity in a property crash.
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