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House prices to keep falling for years

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the thread went quiet because people realised its all over

the previous predictions have gone nowhere so now many are reloading with a new set, great reading

keep ramping it, and title holders will keep collecting EquityMate

Doctor Robots

good evening, bit more action over here at doom & gloom headquarters

check this:

fantastic reading, armchairs critics will no doubt know everything

Doctor Robots

the rhetoric from those ramping to take the fees for ziltch are pretty desperate as all else is failing, we must be close to the blow off top by the reading of it dOCTOR

My stocks up an average of 10% today on a down day too. Be able to buy some prime real estate with it after the fall, great investment opportunities all the time.

any chance of flipping the Doctor a dollar or two, help out a battler from the street

Doctor Robots
If one was to buy a development block that was under a "distressed" sale scenario and was paying what the seller paid in 2003/04 would that be classed as buying at the wrong time also ?

Heheheheh gotta love capitalism and over extended people .

And the debt pain has not even kicked in fully yet overall.

Sunshine and Lollipoops Brothers

any chance of flipping the Doctor a dollar or two, help out a battler from the street

Doctor Robots

Dear Doctor,

I have researched all your thousand's of posts and notice that 99.9% in essence refer wholly to yourself about yourself.

Is your REAL name Doctor Dorothy Dix?


Dear Doctor,

I have researched all your thousand's of posts and notice that 99.9% in essence refer wholly to yourself about yourself.

Is your REAL name Doctor Dorothy Dix?



Too true Aussie J, but Dorothy s message had some content. The banter of course has us way off topic so we are falling for the same.

If all else fails the diversion reigns for the pillars supporting house prices. Is pRolly why he has dOCTORATE
If all else fails the diversion reigns for the pillars supporting house prices.

A request for clarification:

Are you suggesting that people like Robots, myself and others are actually responsible for house prices rising? Ie our actions have "supported" prices in the way say low interest rates or the FHB grant boost have?

Or do you mean that Robot's et al "support" house prices, as in they/we have always argued here over the past 2 years that nominal prices would not fall significantly despite all the endless bearish arguments, predictions, statements of absolutely certain outcomes and so forth that turned out to be completely wrong, and that we have turned out to be correct so far?

If the former then I am truly humbled that you see such market power being held by little old us!

If the latter then I can certainly see how house price "supporters" are worthy of derision and ridicule!


Patience is the key for the bears and action for the bulls.

We are nearing a junction :

Rising IR's from an incredibly low base
Decreased government revenue (not good given size of deficit)
Reduced FHBG
Government still predicting unemployment to rise
Share market about to take a correction
House prices surging in a classic blow off
USA about to rain down debt across the world with defaults on the rise and the next set of Alt-A /R loans about to mature
China has plenty of stock piles of resources/commodities
China exports down 20% this year
Our banking sector might be better than other countries but that does not mean it is bullet proof, actually a water pistol could bring them down
High $AU.

Conclusion property must go up because a Doctor told me so.

Cheers & enjoy Melbournes sunny day.

Oh, forgot, we have our own subprime, thanks RUDD, going to bail them out to with tax payers dollars.

good afternoon, another great day across australia

oops, wrong thread

doctor robots
australian housing is the last great bubble not to burst

here in brisbane, i bought my ex ppor for 180k in 99 in bardon, sold for 685k last year....

am now renting, sitting on a big wad of cash...

This is not the time or the place to be in debt

Robots....i don't know how many IP's you might be too late to get out....i wouldn't want to be the last to the exits mate, you and other DIY property investors who are used to seeing endless growth might be crushed..

I got out at the right time...will you????

This is from a bloke called Gerald celente, who predicted much of the financial crisis with surprising it if you like...

this won't be pretty, as he is calling it as worse than the great depression......if he is right we are in big trouble..

i wouldn't dismiss what he he has been right so many out below
ouch...and all the mortgage resets coming.......

subprime is the next stage, and they have run out of bullets!!!!!!!!!

now for round two.......but i'm not the one risking my financial future......but i am sure uncle ben at the fed is right, the recession is over....just like they said saddam hussein had wmd!!!!

for your enjoyment, mortgage resets in the, that is one steep curve up!!!!!!

this is from a bloke called Doctor Robots, you dont need to google, he right here in the house man with over 2000 posts right here

this guy (along with 4 others) predicted the boom with 100% accuracy, yes man 100% accuracy

Got It Right Crew, i will ride the bumps along the way

Doctor Robots
robots....u do know what you are talking about.....i have read your posts, and u made a great investment in saint kilda...

the game has changed though......

i have made good money in is the time to get out...

the world is in a bad, bad way...i just got back from europe a few weeks ago...the US is worse

australia is not some isolated place...this will hit here, and hard.....we have no more to throw at this

I am not risking my financial future any more...i am 100% AUD....

this from the US.....but sure, the recession is over there, according to BB

no worries Winnnieblues

it is some isolated place, like a hobby farm, self sufficient, paradise man

all the best for your investments, i hope people are still killing it with RE in years to come

doctor robots
good luck robots.....i hope you make a motza......i am out of the game now....sitting on a big lot of gotta know when to hold em and all time to get out....i have taken profit off the table....

there is no harm in getting out while you are still ahead.....quitting while you are ahead is not the same as quitting

just my 2c

I can read the signs...the writing is on the wall IMO for almost every asset bar cash and gold....deflation is going to kill off most asset classes..

the last few years....we aint seen nothing yet

do your research.......i did, and i was worried....forewarned is forearmed
You forgot to mention that we don't actually produce anything anymore we are no better than a banana republic until we start to produce something again, but then again the housing bulls don't seem to worry about no production and high debt. It has always ended badly can't see why this time will be any different I'm just amazed it has held up so long. But it is not going to happen overnight could take best part of 10 years or so. when you read financial history and step outside of housing prices to look at how stupid they have become compared to our wages (and how low rent has become compared to price of house) either rents double (the old formula was for every $16000 a house or unit cost you should get $40 a week) or prices half roughly to get back to some sort of real value because we certainly don't have inflation at the moment
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