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House prices to keep falling for years

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Yes - but my point here is that the 75% of the market on any weekend would be unaffected by whatever LVR tightening may or may not be occurring.

Ok good. I would dispute though that the main source of existing equity is from the credit boom pushing up prices. There is such a thing as actually paying off your mortgage you know....I have paid off 2 completely (not through sale but by paying off with income until living rent/mortgage free), and won't have my current one around for much longer either (very very low LVR). So regardless of price growth or not, for whatever reason, most existing owners will always have low LVRs as they upgrade up the property ladder.

I'm only disputing the average $70k deposit.

OK well that's good - here is the only point of real disagreement then surrounding the facts. You may be right, however, if the average deposit is in fact less than $70k, then the actual average purchase price for FHBs must also be lower than $350k, as we know for a fact that the average first mortgage is $280k - agree?

Therefore, whatever changes may or may not occur re required LVR, will only really have an impact in the sub $300k range, where it doesn't take that much extra saved to make up the difference anyway, therefore I still argue that LVR tightening down to a 90% level will have little impact on the market over-all, if any.

By using the US Federal Reserve definition of subprime, where regardless of the borrower's creditworthness, a loan security with a LVR of more than 90% is regarded as SUBPRIME!!! So over 57% of the FHB's loans are considered subprime.

That's not the normally accepted definition of sub-prime in the US. It's all about borrowers with poor credit history and a whole range of other factors, not just the LVR! From wikipedia (

This is again where we disagree; I think the grant has provided an incentive, in addition to the prime drivers of low interest rates and flat/lower prices, for large numbers of people who have felt priced out for many years to feel the time is right to come into the market. FHB participation was below trend for 5+ years so that is the basis for my view, backed up by loads of anecdotal evidence amongst extended family, friends and colleagues who fit into this category. So really it's all about pent up demand being brought forward. When the grant is removed the market will be fine as all the activity at the lower end of the market will flow through; this takes 1-2 years to work through the market fully - wait and see!

The economic doom and gloom plus rising unemployment will stop any great boom from developing, but the fundamental factors that have been at play for the past 12-18 months will continue to shield the bulk of the AU market from any precipitous wholesale falls - certainly the major cities such as Sydney and Melbourne.

As you say you can believe what you want to believe as well! Time will tell...


This can go forever.

I wouldn't go commenting on the rest of your points. (with the exception of one thing that I find interesting) There is alot more I can contribute but consolidating the information I have collected so far in here would be extremely time consuming. However, I would still comment that it is totally irrational to believe any increase in LVR across the industry will not AFFECT the housing market at all. Ask someone in the mortgage loan industry and see what would be his reaction if this was the case.

Another excellent question for someone to answer is, why the banks are increasing the LVR anyway? It's certainly not in their interest to lend LESS MONEY out, because this is how they make money in the first place!

If anyone feel that he/she needs to commit themselves (using large amount of savings and accepting a repayment level 50%+ to their income) in order to enter the first home buyer market for fear that they will be priced out forever, then be prepared to take responsibility of anything that might happen to you. Do not assume the interest rate will remain low forever or your job is 100% safe.

So be rational and think DIFFERENTLY.

That's not the normally accepted definition of sub-prime in the US. It's all about borrowers with poor credit history and a whole range of other factors, not just the LVR! From wikipedia (
Here is an interesting table from the US Federal Reserve.

If I quote the report again, 57% of the FHB has a LVR above 90% INCLUDING the GRANT. One can go ahead dispute their findings, but I am not in the position to do so. Based on their reputation of producing excellent reports, used both by the government and professional around the world and with little vested interest, I would conclude their study to be fairly accurate at this point of time.

Now if the FHB only represent 25% of the entire residential mortgage market, then does that mean the Australia banking system are holding 14.25% of subprime grade loans? I'm sure this number would be higher if we leave the grant out. (or maybe I'm wrong that the FHB loans DO NOT represent 25% of the market)

An interesting comparison would be the subprime loan at peak only represent 20% of the entire lending market in the US in 2006.

As you say you can believe what you want to believe as well! Time will tell...


Yep, and I'm sure time will REALLY tell soon enough.

yes its fairly evident people may request another 2 yrs for the "belief's" to come true:

Harry Triguboff 3rd BRW Rich List 2009, top effort man

and then another 2 yrs, another 2 yrs, another 2 yrs

associate professor robots
Yep, and I'm sure time will REALLY tell soon enough.

I agree, the time is near.

I make it within the next 12-24 months when the real picture from America and China becomes known, and the real effects of overgearing and unemployment are felt.

As for AP Robots and the 2 year statement, I hope we are all still around here in 2 years to compare notes, I look forward to either serving up or eating humble pie

guess what folks?

Geraldton WA just voted best city to invest in re property in the whoile of OZ

its true! i just saw it on tv !

walkin tall man anyone wanna buy one ?

Let's cite some figures on Housing credit growth from Beej's favourite source, the RBA:

Housing credit growth up 7.2% year over year, the slowest rate of growth since Feb 1983.

Owner occupier housing credit growth up 8.5% year over year, the slowest since June 1999.

Investment housing credit growth up 4.2%, the worst ever recorded (stats back to 1990).

April stats due out Friday.

FHB's now account for 27.3% of housing finance, the highest ever recorded and 37% higher than the long term average.

No bubble here in the FHB market, it's all good brothers.

carry on

professor kuntbots


  • Housing Credit Growth Mar09.gif
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now some information to cheer you up regarding anticipated falling prices...

on aca the other night, Las Vegas houses that were selling for 1 million are now selling for 100k....unbelievable...and 25,000 people living in tents...??? what the... they cannot even afford to buy a 100k house at 5%, or 100pw
no....go on pull the other leg....oh and did you notice thats a fall of 90%or the 100k houses are now selling for 5% is 1000 pa.....thats 20pw interest only....what they cannot afford that either....go on...pull both legs...see if that works.... did see flying pigs.....hohoho...I bet you did

if I did not dislike the place so much I could be tempted to go and buy a heap of houses over there....but then again the taxes are several thousand dollars a year....but the interest is deductible for income tax....

wonder why some of you are still here in oz...why not go over and get yourself some real bargains over there....90% off is some discount....stunning 2 story mansions....grand stair case etc...I would love to buy something like that here in OZ...oh well...
hope that cheered you all up now...guess you will be waiting for oz houses to slide 90%.....after seeing that...anything is possible...
cheerio then
Anyone see the program on Detroit the other night ?

The freeking place is empty, you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it.

Here's their main railway station - abandoned ....................


  • 2806658055_8c1d0390ac_o.jpg
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its certainly a majestic building...wonder if they want to sell that off now...
now there are no car makers left
Anyone see the program on Detroit the other night ?

The freeking place is empty, you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it.

Here's their main railway station - abandoned ....................

wanna go halves and turn it into a crackhouse?
Here's another of deserted housing, some cheap ones there no doubt.

Whoops sorry that not Detroit it's actually a projected visual of Ackland St St Kilda after the crash.


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i hope there a Walmart somewhere to get a glock 9mm, taser, ak47, 3030, bullet proof vest, tank, shotgun Mr Burns

planes are still going to the US if you so fascinated with the joint

associate professor robots

i hope there a Walmart somewhere to get a glock 9mm, taser, ak47, 3030, bullet proof vest, tank, shotgun Mr Burns

planes are still going to the US if you so fascinated with the joint

associate professor robots

Well I might be going there next month, I'll tell the FBI all about your facination with their gun laws

take some ear plugs with you to cut out all the propaganda


video Cops tonite 12pm ch10 for some real life and times in good ol' United States of America

representation of EVERY street in that joint

associate professor robots

video Cops tonite 12pm ch10 for some real life and times in good ol' United States of America

representation of EVERY street in that joint

associate professor robots

You think that's bad. Have you ever driven throught the northern suburbs of Adelaide? I had the pleasure today. Scary by daylight!

video Cops tonite 12pm ch10 for some real life and times in good ol' United States of America

representation of EVERY street in that joint

associate professor robots

You think that's bad. Have you ever driven through the northern suburbs of Adelaide? I had the pleasure today. Scary by daylight!
its become very quiet on here now...maybe busy working or trying to hold onto their jobs...or back at school
nothing much to say now...since there are no falls in prices worth mentioning...except the ones below 1% that are taken at 10 times greater .07% as 7% etc
oh well it was fun while it lasted
looking at the would think the GFC is behind them all now...
I am off to enjoy the sun in Melb today
oh and my 5.2% rates...that one in a 50 year window of opportunity...
I guess its quiet because of the holiday weekend.....

gee its a bit quiet around here at the moment,

probably all back at school or just thrown the arms up in the air, all to hard at the moment, given up

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