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Hottest January Ever

I’m always partly amused, partly annoyed when someone yells ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ because it’s the hottest month/year/summer/decade since records began.
If we had records going back 50 million years, or even just a few thousand, we’d find many hotter/colder/wetter/drier periods than any that have been recorded in the last 150 years or so since we started keeping records.

Five or six years ago my area registered the hottest winter day ever recorded, with 36 degrees twice in August. It was quite predictably cited as ‘proof’ of climate change and global warming.
Two years later we broke the record twice in the same week for the coldest winter day on record. Nobody suggested it was proof of climate change or global cooling.
Parts of Britain and the US have in the last five years had their coldest winters on record. Again, nobody screams GLOBAL COOLING, yet they’re quick to say ‘global warming’ when we get a hot summer or two.

Chris Flannery, aka Captain Bulls*it, is a national disgrace for some of the ridiculous claims he’s made about climate change. One of the most laughable was his prediction just a few years ago that Lake Eyre would never fill again. Since then it’s filled two or three years running from heavy rainfall in the catchment of the Queensland river systems that feed it.

It's an industry now and Flannery has to justify his job, so you'll never really know the truth, he only sings from one song book.
Arent you so glad you're paying for him

Rubbish; it has often been claimed that global warming is contributing to both extremes. In fact said it myself many times and why.

Again, the extra heat creates extra cloud which increases cooler areas where they have not been before and also unseasonal rain and extremes of it too. The more frequent storms and cyclones are all part of these new effects.
I'm actually enjoying this as soon enough it will be dark and cold for months..........I hate that.
Yes I dont mind the warm days, but days like today are too much - 37, or maybe because its just been ongoing.
Melbourne has always had a few days hot, then a cool change would come through, freshen it all up, then hot again, I like that. This constant heat is just never ending...
Spring and Autumn would be my favourite, as probably with all
Our winters arent really that cold, I do enjoy the change

Yes we arent getting the storms we used to get after the hot days either, better go water the garden

You nailed it Tink. It's the relentlessness of it that is hard to cope with. I don't mind the hot weather either but I really hate hot nights, barely sleep a wink . When you get the odd hot night or two here and there it bearable, but night after night... I too love the vagaries of Melbourne weather but this isn't really typical Melbourne weather.

On the upside, I have discovered a lovely little suburban beach where I have spent the past two days so that has cheered me up a bit
36.6 in Hobart today which is a bit ridiculous for Tas in Autumn.

But anyway, there's a positive side to all of this. Air-conditioners. People have air-conditioners, particularly in Vic and SA which have been getting the most heat. People turn those air-conditioners on, and to do so they need electricity.

Now add in the National Electricity Market which is working as usual to run the most inefficient, polluting plants possible whilst better ones are turned down in order to drive prices up. Prices went all the way to $12,500 today for a brief period, that's a lot higher than the $50 or so (with the carbon tax) that is "normal". Gotta love this "competition" stuff combined with hot weather.

All this is a dud for consumers of course but a nice little earner for the power industry.
Yes Mr Burns, we arent getting our storms anymore, sadly.

Agree, MissHale, so many complaining today with the lack of sleep after 26 degrees overnight, I too love the beach, but as said, this isnt normal Melbourne weather that we are used to.

Too true Smurf, airconditioners. I had a giggle coming home today in the car, and not one was enjoying this lovely summer weather, all windows up and air conditioners on.
Personally I'm loving this Melbourne weather and would be happy if it were like this all the time with a cool change once every 8 or 9 days or so

Have had no issue sleeping and enjoy the heat during the day.

I think Melbourne people have it built into them to complain about the weather no matter what, cause normally it is cr@p
I think Melbourne people have it built into them to complain about the weather no matter what, cause normally it is cr@p

We don't complain about it we just like talking about it and it's not normally crap it's just, ahem, interesting

This is not normal Melbourne weather hence the complaints
I remember Summers when we didn't get even one day this hot. This year however, it's happened so often that it doesn't even make the news anymore.

Climate change or not, it's certainly been an unusual run of hot days that's for sure.

Now, I wonder if there's much chance of us getting a Winter like parts of the Northern Hemisphere have had. That would be nice, build snowmen in the front yard and get up to all sorts of antics sliding down hills etc. Haven't done that in an urban area since I was a kid unfortunately as not enough snow has fallen since then.

So, you're using data which is exactly what you would expect if there was no climate change to prove climate change. Great!
Again, the extra heat creates extra cloud which increases cooler areas where they have not been before and also unseasonal rain and extremes of it too. The more frequent storms and cyclones are all part of these new effects.

If we had records going back thousands of years, we’d find that the current weather patterns are just a repeat of what’s happened many times before.

The shorter the timeframe over which we view weather patterns, the more likely that we’ll see seemingly abnormal weather events setting new records within that time frame.
Extend that timeframe out by six or eight or ten times, and the so called ‘record’ heatwaves, cold snaps, cyclones, droughts, floods etc. would clearly be no record at all, but rather just a normal part of the huge variation in weather patterns that form our climate.
It's an industry now and Flannery has to justify his job, so you'll never really know the truth, he only sings from one song book.

Exactly. And not just Flannery either – there are many others just like him whose jobs depend on them preaching the government’s line about climate change.

There are many well-credentialed and respected climate researchers who disagree with the climate change mantra being spruiked by government and the media.
The media aren’t interested in them because they don’t provide the sensational, attention-grabbing headlines that idiots like Flannery provide by making outrageous claims.
And the government isn’t interested in them because they provide no excuse for new taxes such as the carbon tax which is nothing more than a money grab by a cash-strapped government.
bunyip;760028]If we had records going back thousands of years, we’d find that the current weather patterns are just a repeat of what’s happened many times before.

Would we, how do you know?

And what of the icecaps breaking up/melting and exposing methane that has been trapped for millions of years now also adding to the increasing temperatures according to general scientific discussion. And I say those last three words because we can only go by our anecdotal observations in these discussions as the so called distortions on which, who or what are right or wrong is buried within the extremes of views. A bit like religion's beliefs. The indoctrinated are unable to think and see for themselves unfortunately. It is why I am so dogmatic about education.
So, you're using data which is exactly what you would expect if there was no climate change to prove climate change. Great!

Full item at

And a good chart of the rise from 1900 to 2000

Anyway we are probably going to have to start a thread for the hottest February and looks like also the hottest March may get a run too.

Explod old mate....I’m not even interested in debating you on this one. If you think that records kept for 150 years are proof of anything, then I think you’re kidding yourself.

As for methane and the ice caps and whatever else you’ve claimed....this isn't the first time I've seen it presented as evidence of climate change. And I could quote you info from well credentialed people that disputes the info you’ve quoted. And around and around in circles we’d go.
Not interested – believe whatever you want.
Love the cool change today in Melbourne.
Just refreshing. Might get a shower tomorrow.

I was on a camp all last week, got back Monday night. On Sunday and Monday the gums were dropping their branches. I heard 3 drop Sunday night. I think that may be a sign they were lacking water.?

The El Niño must have kicked in, though I haven't heard it reported.
Explod old mate....I’m not even interested in debating you on this one. If you think that records kept for 150 years are proof of anything, then I think you’re kidding yourself.

Well if you are not interested in debating me why are you in the thread at all. And I do not think that my own view based on observations over my lifetime (close to the land) are beliefs.

It is not in concrete to the general community I agree, but we may have a problem most will agree, and to that we should be doing something about it for our future generations.

And do not say we cannot, changing the community mindset, as is happening, will bring about change.
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