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Help with photo editing

She is a long haired, cantankerous cat who bites me, often. So I cant brush her; and she was moulting. Within a week she had serious clumps of matted hair close to her skin, affecting her walk! So I asked the vet to give her a trim - and she basically was shorn! She still has the ridge marks 4 weeks later, stupid vet. Will never do it again.

Sorry Julia :topic
your garden is so like mine Julia
Here's the missus and me/I - we go "casual" on weekends ;)


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I think I will be afraid to go outside tomorrow morning for fear of finding shaved cats and semi naked people frolicking!

Commiserations re the cat, Prospector. Why does the cat bite?
Don't envy whoever did the shaving job.
I think I will be afraid to go outside tomorrow morning for fear of finding shaved cats and semi naked people frolicking!

Commiserations re the cat, Prospector. Why does the cat bite?
Don't envy whoever did the shaving job.

Gnomes, in SA we have problems with Gnomes appearing in gardens uninvited.

The cat was anaesthetised for the procedure; I can't even take her to the vet for her annual checkup without being slashed by her; we have a lot of newly trained vets (ie young girls) who look at me like I am crazy when I say I will need to hold her, and they will need to wear hand protection when they examine her to give her the immunisations. "Stupid old bat" I hear them thinking. So I (knowingly) get her out the carry case and already her hair is rising (when she has some) and she is hissing and puffy. So the vet goes to take temperature like she knows who is the boss here, and in seconds the cat draws her first blood. At which stage the (sweet young and embarassed) vet has made a hasty retreat and sought the aid of the more senior vet; along with asbestos gloves. And the noise she makes. The cat, not the vet!

I now give her tranquilisers before I go. She was a kitten when she strayed onto our garden:eek: :p:and we couldn't find her owners, and I think she had been badly abused or taken away from her mum too early. Classic socialisation issues.
found these as well


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Nice set of man cans you have there 2020.
hi wys - lol - and you'll notice a close resemblance between the missus and Sharon Stone ;)

Here are a couple more reasons why it is sometimes necessary to edit photos.
You'll have to imagine what's under the polka dots ;)


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Julia you requested detailed instructions.
ok - You can do this with Microsoft's Paint I now realise. (I have Paint version 5.1 with Windows XP + service pack 2) :2twocents
1. Open the jpeg "Garden 1" with Paint (maybe right click and then choose "open with" etc).
2. Click the dotted rectangle top of the toolbar. (under the word "Edit" in the menu.) - see first photo below.
3. Ok the plan is to cut and then paste a small piece of leafy area over a piece of the rope. Left-click and drag a small rectangle to envelope the small leafy area. - first photo still.
4. Cntl+C will copy it to the clipboard. Of course you might prefer Edit> Copy.
5. Cntl+V will then paste it into the picture. It will appear as a small rectangle in top left corner.
See second photo below, outlined in red.


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6. Drag it to cover a bit of the rope (see picture below). Once in position you can stretch it a bit , but probably best nt to - i.e. best to leave the pixel density unchanged.
7. Repeat for the next bit of leafy area (see second picture below) always picking similar colours to background.
8. Slowly you cover the entire length of rope.
9. Save as new file. (third picture below).


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Then if you wish you can choose free-form select (the star) plus transparent background (at bottom of toolbox), and, for instance, trace around the yellow flowers, and copy and paste them as well. :2twocents

Bloody rough trying to trace though. Other programs allow you to click points around the perimeter for better accuracy.


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2020m very nice of you to be so helpful. Thank you. I appreciate your trouble.
yw julia
actually I was surprised to find that Paint is probably more flexible than Irfanview. :2twocents
And since I've lost the software CD for MGI Photosuite, I needed to do this bit of research for my own purposes. :)

Go to Additional Options

Click on Manage Attachments

A new window will pop up giving you the choice of
Upload file from your computer
Upload file from URL

Just make sure the file extension (ie. the last three letters of the photo, image, picture .gif, .jpg etc..)

Most files should be either one of these formats

Click the upload button on the right
and then click close window.

Then Click the submit reply button in the Additional Options
btw glen - If you resize a photo to be 350 pixels wide, then you can fit two side by side ( think I'm right there) :2twocents

PS more likely AUD Aus dollars mate - the govt can't afford greenbacks :eek:
Then you can get "fun photos" - for xmax cards etc ...


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THis card included with MGI Photosuite - there are plenty of other programs which permit you to make cards - just an idea :2twocents
PS easy to email as well


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