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HCH - Hot Chili

Yeah good luck with it you chaps.

I missed the trade ... About half an hour too slow the other day.

It jumped as expected. Such is life
I could wish I missed some trades several months back. It still owes me money, and got some way to go. But as you say such is life.
I read these posts and decided yesterday to buy a fistful of HCH shares and put them into my set and forget box. That means I am willing to wait 12 months to see the results i want.
I've been slowly building for a couple of years. I note that they have snuck in a general meeting to ratify the issue of a sizable chunk of shares to directors under the employee incentive scheme. Since when have directors been employees. They're further diluting our interests. I am really starting to tire of this. What does one do?
Hot Chilli announcement today
Mining Commences at Productora. Four Months Ahead of Schedule
• Recent increases in copper and gold prices has seen mining commence ahead of schedule at the Company’s Productora copper-gold project
• Initial production targeting 1.8% copper and 0.5g/t gold head grade will generate important revenue for Hot Chili
• First ore delivery to Chilean government agency ENAMI’s nearby Vallenar processing facility expected soon – discussions already underway to expand the scale of the Lease Mining and Processing Agreement
• New diamond drilling results from the Company’s flagship Cortadera porphyry discovery expected to be released shortly
• Cortadera maiden resource estimate nearing completion

I am looking forward to the Cortadera Resource Estimate.
I've bought a fair wack of these recently. Very speculative. I'm looking for short term gain with the potential to free carry a little bit for the long term. It's hard to stay invested in these sort of explorers for the long term because even if the discovery is massive its still a long and dilutive road to production with many vultures circling overhead. Taurus are a shareholder and they are vultures. Plus there are convertible notes on issue which constantly drip away diluting shareholders every time interest is capitalised.

Some good drilling results for Cortadera on the back of the rising copper price could make this a great short term specki.
Yes I understand your sentiment, a while back I bought a whack of them too. They whacked me back for a while. I thought they would have progressed more with the continued good drill results at Cortadera. At least they are now in production at Productora to help cover some costs.
A good interview of MD Christian Easterday by Crux Investor.

A very good background on the history of Hot Chili and the people behind it.

Cortadera maiden resource to be released within the next two weeks.
I enjoyed that interview. I feel confident in holding my shares in HCH for the next 2 years. Because I feel that's how long it will take to play out until they get to their next crossroad in decision making. Whether to sell the company, which no doubt will be on their minds. Until then, I feel the shares will be good.
The resources report didn't come out at the end of August as I had hoped. It was still a 60%+ increase in the month. So I am sure it should be out in September.

A good interview of MD Christian Easterday by Crux Investor.

A very good background on the history of Hot Chili and the people behind it.

Cortadera maiden resource to be released within the next two weeks.

This was great to watch and listen to.
It is my selection for September monthly competition
Disclosure: I hold.

I'm in deep now, so I'm going to have to take my profit at some stage and hopefully free-carry into production.
Down 10% today. This is my second biggest holding. Market is understandably not happy with the delay in maiden resource release for Cortadera, especially given the recent pump in share price and all the nodding and winking Easterday has been doing lately. The market had an expectation that the resource was going to be released in August. Now we are looking later this month apparently. Whenever Easterday gets asked it is always a couple of weeks.

From today's announcement:

"Hot Chili has applied a strong degree of internal and external review to the Cortadera maiden resource to ensure the independent estimate is compliant, robust and able to be audited at a high standard. Through this rigorous and comprehensive review process, Hot Chili has managed to secure all assay certification for historical diamond drill holes. Although retrieval of this information from laboratories in Chile has pushed out the timeframe for the Cortadera maiden resource, it has ensured a very robust resource estimation utilising all historical diamond drilling. The Company expects to announce Cortadera's maiden resource as soon as the final estimation is complete and has been approved by Hot Chili's resource audit committee in the coming weeks."

Anyway, a little pullback here gives the chart the opportunity to form a nice little handle onto the cup which would be a bullish signal.
I've been topping up lately. Patience is needed here. Damned annoying that so may traders have hopped on board and are likely to panic at the sight of an excited squid.
I've been topping up lately. Patience is needed here. Damned annoying that so may traders have hopped on board and are likely to panic at the sight of an excited squid.

A fair few upset shareholders: however I have spent a great deal of time looking at the company, listening to interviews with Christian, looking at the drill results from Cortadera, the positioning of the prospective Cortadera deposit with the satellite deposits; and I have decided to buy in with a few hundred thousand shares and will double my position if the share price drops back to half the price I bought in at.

I believe Cortadera will be a massive well-defined copper-gold complex that will get mined.

This is the first company that I have bought which has been brought to my attention on any financial/investing/trading forum; and I analyse 40 to 50 stocks a week.

But hey; many think I am crazy
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I've been topping up lately. Patience is needed here. Damned annoying that so may traders have hopped on board and are likely to panic at the sight of an excited squid.

I can also run my own rough resource estimate before the release if I had more detail on the spacing between all the drill holes in Cortadera; however I believe that we are looking at a mid-tier deposit which is mineable, at the least. With adequate disclosure on the technical reports; when they are released; we could move to multiples from where we are now.

We all make our own financial decisions, and never forget that nothing is certain.
I've been topping up lately. Patience is needed here. Damned annoying that so may traders have hopped on board and are likely to panic at the sight of an excited squid.

Really I am just an intelligent pig sniffing for truffles in a forest at the moment; that's what I would equate my life to right now.

I am sure I have found a good truffle with HCH; it may take another 6 months or so to get everything moving though.

We all make our own financial decisions; and I have kept my powder dry to double or triple my position if needed.

So I am not lying:

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