Here's a very interesting table published by DBS. Although it centres around the Asian countries, still there's enough other info to make it worthwhile for an analysis...
1) for China, note the US+EU still contributed to about a quarter of China's exports, almost halved compare to Pre-GFC's level, but still substantial. My read from here is this - at its lowest and worst moment, both these regions US+EU were still in need of Chinese imports. They couldn't do without them Chinese goods. Which is a good news to China and to the Asian countries that supply intermediate goods to China. It is also a good news for Australia that supplies the raw materials to China.
2) for the rest of the Asian countries, this table shows the declining influence of the US economic power, replacing by China. Between EU and the US, EU is doing better in both HK and S.Korea - quite revealing from the super power's angle.
3) HK's 48% increase should be discounted due to "entrepot" effect (for China). This means China's 62.4% increase could be higher...
4) more... when time allows.
1) for China, note the US+EU still contributed to about a quarter of China's exports, almost halved compare to Pre-GFC's level, but still substantial. My read from here is this - at its lowest and worst moment, both these regions US+EU were still in need of Chinese imports. They couldn't do without them Chinese goods. Which is a good news to China and to the Asian countries that supply intermediate goods to China. It is also a good news for Australia that supplies the raw materials to China.
2) for the rest of the Asian countries, this table shows the declining influence of the US economic power, replacing by China. Between EU and the US, EU is doing better in both HK and S.Korea - quite revealing from the super power's angle.
3) HK's 48% increase should be discounted due to "entrepot" effect (for China). This means China's 62.4% increase could be higher...
4) more... when time allows.