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Has the 100 year Jihad (war) begun ... ???

Reminds of the ubiquitous graffiti scrawled all over Sydney around that time period..."Police verbals equals lies"

Nothing like a good scrape goat to appease eh!
Oh dear, with great respect for Tony Abbott, why can't we have an Australian Prime Minister like Monsieur Fillon?

Maybe Abbott is hamstrung by our stupid laws.

This is well said! At last a Prime Minister with guts.

The rest of the world could take a lesson from him.

Hats off to Monsieur Fillon!!!

Prime Minister of France

For once, a French politician has the courage to say out loud
what the French think and sometimes cry out about.

Interesting approach?
Learning to live in peace and harmony ?

Muslims who want to live under the law of the 'Islamic Sharia'
have recently been told to leave France in order to guard against
possible terrorist attacks, the government has targeted radicals.

Apparently, the Prime Minister, Francois Fillon has angered
some French Muslims in stating:


Take it or leave it, I am tired of this nation worrying about
whether we are offending some individual or their culture.
Our culture has developed with struggles and victories by millions
of men and women who have sought freedom.

Our official language is French, not Spanish, or Lebanese, or Arabic,
or Chinese, or Japanese, or any other language.
Therefore, if you want to be part of our society, learn the language!
Most French people believe in God. This is not some Christian obligation,
influence by the rightists or political pressure, but it is a fact, because men
and women founded this nation on Christian principles, and this is clearly documented.

It is then appropriate to display this on the walls of our schools? ?
if God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world
as your home, because God is part of our culture.

We will accept your beliefs without question.
All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in peaceful harmony with us.

And we offer you the opportunity to enjoy all this.
But if you're tired of our flag, our commitment, our Christian beliefs, or our lifestyle,
I strongly encourage you to take advantage of another great French freedom,
If you are not happy here then LEAVE.
We did not force you to come here.
You asked to be here.
So accept the country YOU chose.

(Perhaps if we circulate this email to the world's citizens
we may find a way to stand up and spread the same truths)

...Well said Mr. Fillon!!!!!


Noco, do you ever check anything?

That has been going the rounds for some time and has even been attributed to Julia Gillard

When you get this sort of stuff, simply copy a complete sentence from it and paste it into Google. You will quickly find if it is genuine or one of the myriad of hoaxes circulating the web
It is a wonder, with all that free time you had in the "sin bin".

Joe should give you a ASF Loyalty Card.

can you please refrain from personal comments like that. As Joe put it some time ago:
This thread is about jihad and the issues surrounding it, not about those participating in the discussion.
Discuss the topic please, not each other.

Perhaps you should do some checking yourself on "SNOPES"........They have been exposed for not telling the truths.

Rumor example:
Email text contributed by Elliott F., Oct. 20, 2008:

Subject: Snopes under fire


Snopes under fire

I have suspected some problems with Snopes for some time now, but I have only caught them in half-truths. If there is any subjectivity they do an immediate full left rudder.

Truth or <> is the better source for verification, in my opinion.

I have recently discovered that is owned by a flaming liberal and this man is in the tank for Obama. There are many things they have listed on their site as a hoax and yet you can go to Youtube yourself and find the video of Obama actually saying these things. So you see, you cannot and should not trust ever for anything that remotely resembles truth! I don't even trust them to tell me if email chains are hoaxes anymore.

Because is all about rumors, it was only a matter of time before rumors began to circulate about it and its operators, such as the following:
Snopes receives funding from an undisclosed source. The source is undisclosed because Snopes refuses to disclose that source. The Democratic Alliance, a funding channel for uber-Leftist (Marxist) Billionaires (George Soros etc.), direct funds to an "Internet Propaganda Arm" pushing these views. The Democratic Alliance has been reported to instruct Fundees to not disclose their funding source.


I also did like you said and this what came up.......maybe you will now believe it.
Perhaps you should do some checking yourself on "SNOPES"........They have been exposed for not telling the truths.

Actually, the Urban Legends link is an expose of the so-called expose of Snopes and proves that it too is a hoax. Did you even read it?

Since you used Urban Legends to dismiss the Snopes article, this is their assessment if the same alleged statements.

Another source

I also did like you said and this what came up.......maybe you will now believe it.

Your link seems to date those statement around Feb/March 2013.

Urban Legends has Gillard saying it in 2010 and Rudd in 2009 and says various other versions of it have been circulating since 2005. And of course, you can always get it straight from the horse's mouth....

Je dénonce un "hoax" détestable relayé sur le net
Depuis quelques semaines, la toile relaye des propos inacceptables sur les musulmans qui me sont attribués et qui se propagent sous forme de courrier électronique repris par plusieurs blogs. Je vous confirme qu'il s'agit d'un "hoax", en français un canular, détestable, en l'occurrence une fausse déclaration. Ce courrier circule en réalité dans le monde entier depuis plus d'un an et a déjà attribué ces propos à plusieurs dirigeants ou chefs de gouvernement étrangers. J'invite les internautes qui seraient susceptibles de croiser ce canular à le dénoncer. Le web ne doit pas être l'espace des mensonges et de la haine raciste. Ceux qui me connaissent savent que de tels propos sont aux antipodes de ce que je suis, de ce que je pense, de tout mon engagement politique républicain e humaniste.

François Fillon

I guess it is a case of who is telling the truth and what ever you want to believe.

I believe you now realize what Fillon stated is true but you have trouble in admitting it .....I know what I believe so there is no point in you coming back to me to try and prove I am wrong.....end of discussion.
You will get no more engagement from me on this matter....the subject is now closed so best we move on.
What is the hell is this one time great country of ours coming to?

Has it come to this stage where we are afraid to fly our National flag in case we offend a few Islamic radicals?

You know I hate harping on it but this exactly what Gillard planned by opening the flood gates to 50,000 Muslims..

She wanted to create dissension and division in the Australian community and now she got what she created.

Call me a me a bigot.....I don't care.

If these goons cannot accept our way of life and integrate with us, then bugger off.

If they want Sharia law then go back to where you came from....we will never accept it here.

We have one law is called Australian law.......abide by it.
What is the hell is this one time great country of ours coming to?

I'm not sure of your age Noco, but I remember a time when Australia was radically different to today.

In the early part of my life racism didn't get a mention (it was unspoken), Tshirts with anything remotely lurid or insulting might result in a police having a word, but certainly some disapproving stares from the moral majority, we spoke with a different accent compared with the once comedic strine that seems to have eaten into our pronunciation over a generation or two and you could and would land in court for the most trivial offences to public decency and the rules.

We have moved away from a polite society to one that predicates it's current identity on a misnomered past.

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I'd rather bodgies than bogans.
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I'd rather bodgies than bogans.

I often get rather confused about the origin of the word "bogan" being attributed to Kylie Mole or whoever, when I distinctly remember going through the phase of wearing black DBs, stove pipes, flanel shirt, jumper wrapped around waste, etc and collectively we were called bogs or bogans...way before the Comedy Company show... might have been a name that came late to Victoria.

I always assumed that the name derived from the bogan moths, stupid creatures that ran around in swarms annoying people and then self destructed in flames like teenagers in their cars.

This maybe a bit off the beaten track of this thread, but I can tell you, having received my OBE some years ago, I have lived through what you have indicated and a lot more before.

There has been a small minority of Muslims living in Australia for many years with the odd mosque located in various parts of Australia and there were never any problems....It is only since Gillard opened the flood gates to the illegal entry of some 50,000 Muslims has the trouble began purely because of the build up in numbers they are now starting to show their muscle......They were never happy in their own country so they come to a happy Country like Australia to make us unhappy.....And now we are expected to bow to their demands.

I have said it on this Forum for some years now that the Islamic movement want world domination just like so many other organizations before them have tried and failed....They have done it by infiltration into the Western world.

Perhaps with a little diversion from the theme of this thread, one of our biggest threats in the 1950's and 60's was communism where they infiltrated the union movement in order to destroy our economy......They did it with demands for higher wages, annual holidays from 2 to 4 weeks, 17.5% leave loading, outlandish penalty rates, shorter working weeks, strikes like you have never known before....and with all those added costs to our manufacturing industries we are suffering today....Very little is now manufactured in Australia thanks to the communist dominated unions.......unfortunately, communism still exists in the unions and the Labor party today.

So there you have it.....there have always been times when we have radical organizations wanting to disrupt our way of life.......wanting to change our way of life and wanting to force their ideology on our citizens.

So our current threat is Islam with communism taking a back seat for now.
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I always assumed that the name derived from the bogan moths, stupid creatures that ran around in swarms annoying people and then self destructed in flames like teenagers in their cars.

Totally off the theme of this thread but in reply.

The word 'BOGAN" does not exist in the Oxford dictionary and may have been derived by some bogus individual with spurious intent to discredit another.......the word "ASSUME" can also make AN ASS OUT OF YOU AND ME.......

Assume.....taken to be true when it may not be.

There was no 'bogan' moth but there was a bogong dark colored moth that was eaten by Aboriginals.
You know I hate harping on it but this exactly what Gillard planned by opening the flood gates to 50,000 Muslims..

She wanted to create dissension and division in the Australian community and now she got what she created.

This is just extremism right here, its radical on the extreme scale. It is absolutely irrational to suggest Gillard had an agenda to lapse the immigration policy and let in 50k Muslims as to cause division in the Australian community (it was Rudd that dismantled the policy anyway). There is no possible logical reason for this, opening the flood gates was always going to be political suicide to have such a failing immigration policy. It's obvious that he didn't think that the policy change would have that effect (you cant really means test an immigration policy). How many of those 50k become Australian citizens btw? If you're going to suggest some radical thing like it was to win the Muslim vote then no, they would go after the 4-5% green vote before that.

Don't get me wrong Muslims intolerance of other cultures is a substantial risk to the future of our country which may be possible from the left wing political correct brigade but you are way off the mark on this one.
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