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Has the 100 year Jihad (war) begun ... ???

Hamburg this week

Pro-ISIS radicals with machetes, knives attack Kurds in Hamburg, Germany

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What luutzu said, is actually happening.

So what is your actual position on religion, Noco, for clarity?

That is for me to know and for you to find out......I am certainly not one of you old boy.
Why are there two separate categories for atheist and agnostic?

Makes me think the people who put it together didn't know the meaning of those words.

There is a difference between atheists and agnostics. Atheists don't believe there is a God, ie they have made up their mind. Agnostics believe there MAY be a God but the evidence hasn't been found. You can't lump the two together. One has a closed mind, the other has an open mind.
Agree, Rumpole, that is how I see it also.

We have had this conversation in here before, but yet, they keep moving the posts.

You either believe, you don't believe, or you are not sure.
And so endeth the first lesson.......the second lesson will be after one of these idiots beheads one of our innocent Australians or blows up a rail station or a sports center.......they are starting to show their muscle now as their numbers are increasing.......they will soon give us two choices.......either become a Muslim or be eliminated.

This Galah and his 50 disciples should either be deported or if they were born here they should be locked up.

Please Tony Abbott, don't wait for some disaster to happen.....please don't wait for them to disrupt our way of life.....intervene now before it is too late.....
I believe freedom of speech should be tolerated to a point and at that point we should not allow speech full of threats, intimidation, fear and hate to our citizens and our way of life.

Our generous freedom of speech is being exploited by Muslim radicals who insight war on our home turf if they do not get their own way and this is where the line should be drawn.|heading|homepage|homepage&itmt=1412995072985

The correct word is incite

Insight is wisdom, knowledge of a deeper meaning
The correct word is incite

Insight is wisdom, knowledge of a deeper meaning

Thanks for that correction Rumpy.

When I was a boy I always had trouble with my alphabet.......I would say L M N O P Q S T....I was always slipping on my r'se.

Agnostics don't believe in God, they're just being polite about it.

Like having a friend who have statues of his god/s everywhere... it's rude to say you don't believe these things... more polite to say you haven't yet been fortunate enough to see the light.

noco... they will not do that. They will soon, if not already, run for public office. And those Muslims whose parents or grandparents were born here, they might even start to join ASIO or ASIS... or god forbid, run one of those agencies... then we're all screwed.

Should go and watch "the Americans" TV series and see how the red commies did it; or the Manchurian Candidate.
Agnostics don't believe in God, they're just being polite about it.
No. I'm agnostic. I'm not an atheist. I simply do not know whether any sort of god exists, don't really care either way, but have no basis for declaring that there is no god.

Agnosticism seems the only stance that makes any sense to me, given that no proof exists for either absolute belief or non-belief of any god.

So perhaps don't make declarations on behalf of other people, luutzu.

I don't know... freedom of speech is pretty important in a democracy. I'm pretty sure there has always been laws against telling someone to go and commit crimes or terrorist act - classified as an 'accomplice' [?].

I heard our Foreign Minister saying she want more power to be able to suspend passports of suspects where intelligence assessment hasn't yet reach that "threshold"... so while "evidence" is being gathered to prove the obvious crime or intent to commit the crime that would enable her to suspend people's freedom to travel, she should be able to suspend it anyway until the evidence is gathered to then prove it need suspending... haha

I thought politicians know the law and the Constitution... or at least know the foundation of our democracy.

Yea I know, was trying to be funny.

We already have a Muslim MP in the federal Labor Party.......When he was sworn in by the Governor General he took the oath with one hand on the Koran....We certainly do not need anymore thank you.

His name is Ed Kusek and his silence on these latest Islamic demonstrations is deafening......Not one word from him.

Yes they know the law and the constitution, but the current law does not allow them to ban this particularly Islamic organization and that is why there is legislation before parliament now.

They have been banned in some countries including Canada to the best of my knowledge.

Are you accusing Ed Kusic of supporting terrorism ? Why does he personally have to denounce the actions of ISIS ? His party leader has already done that.

While you are at it, lets get rid of this lot as well, they'll have us declaring war on Palestine.

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