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Has Kevin Rudd misled parliament?

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Mr Burns, this is really unreasonable, isn't it, not to mention being completely off topic? It probably constitutes slander and doesn't contribute anything useful to the discussion. I understand how much you hate Kevin Rudd, but you need to keep some sense of perspective.

Oh Julia that was a joke, ....then again:rolleyes:
Watching both leaders being interviewed by Kerry O'Brien this evening, Mr Rudd simply took control of the interview and occasionally allowed O'Brien to get a few words in. He managed very successfully to focus entirely on the fraudulent email, and equally successfully deflected any questions about Wayne Swan's possible preferential treatment of Mr Grant.

In contrast, Mr Turnbull looked very uncomfortable, fumbled with notes and sounded unconvincing. Even the most diehard Liberal supporter couldn't claim this to be one of Mr Turnbull's finest hours..


Rudd does take control whenever he is interviewed. He focuses on a single point (fake email) until it becomes ingrained in your mind while simultaneously dodging questions. Very media savvy. Turnbull's weak attempt to get the issue back on track was terrible.
Rudd does take control whenever he is interviewed. He focuses on a single point (fake email) until it becomes ingrained in your mind while simultaneously dodging questions. Very media savvy. .

Yes he does that, I think it wil backfire on him as he thinks the public wont notice, but they will.
Yes he does that, I think it wil backfire on him as he thinks the public wont notice, but they will.
I don't know about that. I think to the average viewer he probably comes across as decisive, firm and authoritative. At least to the confirmed Labor voters.
Who cares if it's fake Rudd should go anyway for crimes against manhood and aussieness in general.

crimes against truth, crimes against good taste, crimes against earwax, crimes against pigeon toed people who are , I believe taking up a collection to get his gait corrected so they wont be identified with him, crimes against closet homos who marry a rich woman and hide behind her talent and live off her earnings, the crimes are endless

The only better example of the failure of democracy is Rudd.

Mr Burns, this is really unreasonable, isn't it, not to mention being completely off topic? It probably constitutes slander and doesn't contribute anything useful to the discussion. I understand how much you hate Kevin Rudd, but you need to keep some sense of perspective.

Julia, you must forgive Burns, he has not been taking his ADHD medication.
I agree 100% with son of baglimit here. A lot of the resident ALP-bashers refuse to acknowledge the distinction between industrial capital and finance capital. They are two completely different things. But even though it was finance capital that was hugely to blame for this mess, they just insist on bashing the ALP, the Unions & the battlers without even a mutter about the orgy of incompetent finance capitalists who invented the Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction as Buffett would put it.

yeah ok - i'll the credit for saying all that lol.

I don't see what the lefties should be gloating about either. There should be no taxpayer dollars going into bailing out car dealerships.

um - fact checking time - ozcar wasnt to bail out car dealerships - it was to make available credit to allow dealers to obtain cars for showroom display.(or something like that)
and dont assume my attitude towards car dealers either lol.
yeah ok - i'll the credit for saying all that lol.

um - fact checking time - ozcar wasnt to bail out car dealerships - it was to make available credit to allow dealers to obtain cars for showroom display.(or something like that)
and dont assume my attitude towards car dealers either lol.

Oh no far from it, I'm not casting any aspersions about you baglimit.
I was just agreeing that this has become an anti-alp thread. It's very rare on ASF during my membership to read about the misgivings of the tories. I totally agree with you, but hence not being a linear political paradigm thinker, there is more to everything in my opinion.

The FEDS are involved now, that should take care of everything. ;)

Mind you every political party needs questioning in my opinion. That's the beauty of democracy!

If I started a cafe with the missus and it went under due to lack of sales, competition, lack of understanding of the market etc.. do I have the right to go cap in hand to the government and ask to be bailed-out? That's just the game mate.
Julia, you must forgive Burns, he has not been taking his ADHD medication.

Thanks for grouping them once again I just love re reading my own brilliant insight without having to scroll back :D

You're very good at this (organisiation) are you an old bitter librarian spinster ?
According to the ABC's 7:30 Report the email was created and destroyed in treasury and was also on Godwin Grech's home PC.

Why then would Godwin express uncertainty about any such email (whether it be authentic or not) to the Senate as he did on Friday ?
I don't know about that. I think to the average viewer he probably comes across as decisive, firm and authoritative. At least to the confirmed Labor voters.

I think I can judge the average Aussie and Rudd will have a hell of a time convincing them that he identifies with them after the cheques in the mail syndrome wears off.

Simply because he doesnt fit in , they will see though that no problem.
Yes he does that, I think it wil backfire on him as he thinks the public wont notice, but they will.

I'm not so sure.
The fake email is now "Turnbulls fake email" having been pushed all day by Labor. I have no doubt that many people think Turnbull wrote it himself after Labors spin effort in the media.
The Libs need to polish up before walking in half assed. There have been numerous times when they could have attacked the government more ferociously but failed. Possibly just plain old weak leadership, they don't gel very well as a team either.
One thing I will say about Rudd in the positive is this -

He is the Prime Minister and all his knockers aren't. now dont expect me to repeat this or admit it's me who said it, in fact I'll say now that this post is a fake, a fraud and someone should call in the cops to check it out.

I will not resign.
Thanks for grouping them once again I just love re reading my own brilliant insight without having to scroll back :D

You're very good at this (organisiation) are you an old bitter librarian spinster ?

A builder actually, and like Kev I drive an Aussie Ute and not a mercedes like some tossers.

I suggest you get a job Burns, you obviously have way too much time on your hands (and this time get a real job).
yeah ok - i'll the credit for saying all that lol.

um - fact checking time - ozcar wasnt to bail out car dealerships - it was to make available credit to allow dealers to obtain cars for showroom display.(or something like that)
and dont assume my attitude towards car dealers either lol.

You again with your facts and your level head
I'm not so sure.
The fake email is now "Turnbulls fake email" having been pushed all day by Labor. I have no doubt that many people think Turnbull wrote it himself after Labors spin effort in the media.
The Libs need to polish up before walking in half assed. There have been numerous times when they could have attacked the government more ferociously but failed. Possibly just plain old weak leadership, they don't gel very well as a team either.

I think they'll see though it but without a gutsier Lib party Rudd may win again by default, which is how he got in in the first place.
Of the three main players (from the footage of today's parliament on the ABC's 7:30 Report), Wayne Swan struck me as as looking the least comfortable.
A builder actually, and like Kev I drive an Aussie Ute and not a mercedes like some tossers.

I suggest you get a job Burns, you obviously have way too much time on your hands (and this time get a real job).

A builder ? you mean bludger and rip off merchant with a big dog to make up for you r teensy weensy .........well whatever.

Mercedes are great cars . they'll be scrapping you out with a spatula after our head on while I'll be sipping fine brandy at the pub on the phone to my insurer ordering a new one.
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