Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

H.C. run by Nazis?

So you even preclude foul language as an adjective or verb to add emphasis to express a point? How restrictive!

That is when it is a test for your intelligence. Think about it, surely there are other descriptive words. The english language can be quite colourful.:)

An example. Garpal and his request for information on whether i was breast or bottle fed. I liked that one.
That is when it is a test for your intelligence. Think about it, surely there are other descriptive words. The english language can be quite colourful.:)

No doubt nioka. But sometimes it can be difficult to not express one's dissatisfaction without the occasional bad word coming out. That's all part of being human.
But sometimes it can be difficult

Most things worth striving for are difficult. I find trading the stock exchange difficult but I dont give up because it is. After a year or so trying not to swear I found that I didn't even think about it.

My 50 year old daughter commented recently that she had only just realised that she had never heard me swear.:eek:
Well I just got banned on HC when I emailed the admin and asked why 2 certain posters were allowed to continue despite being blantantly obvious multinics (ie signing in with wrong signatures, and not being banned despite constant flaming). I did not accuse HC of anything, just asked the above question.

I did not even receive the courtesy of a reply. I can only conclude that having negative multinics on that particular thread was in Hotcopper's interest, and to have somebody question this was not.:321:
No I consider bad language in mixed company is extreme. As I posted earlier, if anyone can't express themselves without resorting to foul language then rhe must be pretty dumb or very disrespectful. There is no other excuse. :mad:

A word is just a word, and it only becomes foul because you think of it as foul. To suggest someone is unintelligent for swearing is quite unreasonable, and while it may be disrespectful if used in the company of someone who doesn't appreciate it, the person who doesn't appreciate it is being just as disrespectful for forcing their standard on others.
Well I just got banned on HC when I emailed the admin and asked why 2 certain posters were allowed to continue despite being blantantly obvious multinics (ie signing in with wrong signatures, and not being banned despite constant flaming). I did not accuse HC of anything, just asked the above question.

I did not even receive the courtesy of a reply. I can only conclude that having negative multinics on that particular thread was in Hotcopper's interest, and to have somebody question this was not.:321:

HC is the home of multinics, yet when a friend of mine logged on to HC on my computer we was BOTH banned for multiniceing. No matter what we said, or done, we could not come back.
A word is just a word, and it only becomes foul because you think of it as foul. To suggest someone is unintelligent for swearing is quite unreasonable, and while it may be disrespectful if used in the company of someone who doesn't appreciate it, the person who doesn't appreciate it is being just as disrespectful for forcing their standard on others.

Are you serious Mr J?! If this is progress then take me back 50 years.
Who mentioned progress? I was presenting a counter-argument, that's all. As for progress, most people use it to refer to tolerance.
But whats that got to do with ASF ?

Thats like me ringing commsec to say that etrade messed up an order........

Personally i couldnt care less about what gripes or what goes on at another forum..

Why whinge about it here ?

Where else can such a subject be discussed?

I think it would be fair to assume many ASF users also check HC for coverage of certain stocks.

Judging by the number of complaints, its not possible to have such a thread on HC ?...their mods would not allow it?

If things are getting dodgy, here the disenfranchised may have a voice:p:

Maybe there is a disaffected thread over there damming ASF mods:D
Maybe there is a disaffected thread over there damming ASF mods:D

haha, they love us over there... :rolleyes:

Seriously though, this thread is like any other discussing a financial service, some people will ike it, others wont. So as long as it's kept civil then there is no reason why people can't comment
Re: H.C. run by Nazi's?

Definition of a Nancy as it relates to HC please.

If it is the suspension for swearing then learn to express yourself without it. Anyone that can type and spell should have had a good enough education to express themselves without vulgarity.

I used to swear with the best of men until an 80 year old maori that had never been to school gave me the above message. It was a wake up call and I rarely find the need for those expressions these days.

I've posted regularly on HC for years and never been moderated.:)

Please nioka, did I say I was swearing? You will give me an unfounded reputation. As Ubiqitious said in Post #64 it does not take much (or anything often) to be mod'd on HC, and I am often surprised to see comments mod'd for no reason and others I view as unacceptable allowed to stay. Some posters it seems can say almost anything without fear of moderation. Perhaps it is a case of who you know? As I mentioned I got moderated (90 days) without any prior notification for my name which had been acceptable for the previous 3 or so years.