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GTP - Great Southern Plantations

Great to see GTP back into the $4.0' range. Technically looking good. First resistance $4.21 then $4.44 and then $4.65 before attacking $5.03'

A stab at an EW count, just practising so it may not be correct, if this move up continues then that last correction may have to be amended.


  • gtp 25Apr06.GIF
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savtin1 said:
Great to see GTP back into the $4.0' range. Technically looking good. First resistance $4.21 then $4.44 and then $4.65 before attacking $5.03'


yeah hopefully, but still risks still remain atm

also majority of sales bunched up before year end, hopefully they can get alot more than this time last year, but cant say atm

RichKid so is that bullish or bearish on GTP?


Its good to see the appointment of the new non-executive director and it also confirms what i said a while ago that gtp will continue to diversify to continue growth. GTP is about to enter fund, superannuation and investment management on in various assets and equities.
With the May 9 budget coming up how do other GTP shareholders feel at the moment? As it always seems a volatile time.
Sure the SP will be volatile until we get past MAY 9 BUT i don't think the government is going to do anything rash. come late next week it will be back to business. sure you'll probably get some nervous nellies with pea hearts fleeing the stock until this is over but that could be considered prudent management of valuable capital.

i personally can't wait until may 9 is over............lets just all hope that the governement see it our way and deletes that awful sunset clause making the 12 month prepayment rule and permanent one at least until 2020......that would be fantastic.


Yer...the 2020 would be great.....i really am not concerned about the May 9 budget......but i think it has reduced the buying volume until after the date.
TheAnalyst said:
Yer...the 2020 would be great.....i really am not concerned about the May 9 budget......but i think it has reduced the buying volume until after the date.

hi not concerned with May 9 budget, but what other possible concerns for GTP do u have if any?


michael_selway said:
hi not concerned with May 9 budget, but what other possible concerns for GTP do u have if any?



No concerns really and just getting ready to see it rally once its announced its earnings targets are exceeded in June as well as increasing its product range to new ventures and its expected earnings are likely to grow and increase on a year on year basis.

I think the dividend should be increased to 5% at least as well.....this will really help the share price and it can afford to do so.
Hi all GTP holders,

Great Article on GTP in the AFR- interview with the CEO John Young and his ambitious drive to take the company's market cap to 4 -5 Billion within 2 years ( i think that would be fantastic but i think alittle tooooo bullish - especially if we get negative news on tuesday) i mean that would be a SP of $10 - $12.50.

Anyway he (john young) thinks that they may extend the 12 month prepayment rule until 2010 - 2012 the best scenario he said would be if it was deleted altogether i.e. referring to the "sunset claus".

Anyway it also mentioned that John.Y said that they were aiming to increase the mix ratio between plantation and other plantations (horticultural/agribusiness) mix------ changing it to a 50-50% in 2 years..........with some other schemes in the making ............but wouldn't elaborate, so as not to tip off the rest of the competitors, .....something about a product to satisfy demand from the growing asian markets.

Anyway I wish him luck and hope he pulls it off.................let's just get through tuesday nights budget first.


Thks Satvin

Great would not surprise me if John Young did increase the market capitalisation to this amount. The first sign of this indicator is the new executive that was appointed.....and i have always said that gtp will increase diversity and do not be surprised if it ends up in fund management as well.
Thanks again for the update Savtin. Wow cap at 4 - 5 billion. There are definitely plans about to create new business. When you think about it, GTP has now a huge financial services network. Companies like AMP were always valued highly because of this ability to take a new profitable financial model to a ready made client base. Perhaps part of the hoped for larger cap will be for a rerating in GTP's multiples if this part of their 'assets' starts to flex their muscles.
I reckon u are right on there Abucs....the thing with this stock is it aint a senetas which is a high risk due to its type of technology....GTP is rip roaring to go and can easily grow and has its networks already in place. It is a company that is establishing its self to be around for a long time in all economic cycles. At the moment it is like a lot of the ships and submarines that the Australian Navy brings into service: that is they are fitted for (things such as the ability to fire cruise missiles and screw on screw off cconvential warheads to nuclear warheads on missles and submarines) but not with.

GTP is the same it is fitted for so many things and as its earnings increase and networks grow it can take on and establish many different projects.
So you reckon GTP will go nuclear then TheAnalyst. )

Interesting comment above about Asia. I heard a rumour about that large trade a month or so ago before the market opened.

There is some speculaton that it might have been a consolidation of Asian shareholders into a financial structure allowing them to take advantage of franking credits. Also there has been reports from Macquarie that there are major Asian holders of the TREES investments.

Two days to go now before the budget. Will we be smiling or whinging ? )
Hi analyst and abucs,

I am lead to believe from a friend of mine that there will be no changes announced tomorrow. My understanding is that they have not had time to review the MIS industry properly and will review later. (due to the whole wheat scandal cole enquiry etc etc) so it will be back to business..

i.e nothing negative and nothing positive either...

conclusion - how will the market take to NO NEWS ???????anyones guess.



what are you thoughts? and anyone no news good or bad for the stock in the coming weeks??
As suspected no news (bad or good) so it is back to business for all the agribusiness companies.....

I guess they will review the 12 month prepayment rule next year.

Well the initial reaction Savtin/Analyst seems to be positive.
Still some large parcels being bought, and after the bell as well.
Does anybody know who gets to trade after the 4.00 pm close ?
i'm guessing it is still cba /ubs.
would be good to see confirmation of more buying by those two at these prices.
Up 18 cents .....that was great. Hopefully it can now sustain a good rally up.


Hi Nick,

What are thoughts from a technical perspective??

Go GTP go as we have seen the last week weak hands passed on their stock to the professionals once again....
Interesting reading the weekend Fin Review from 6-7 May.
Apparently GTP now has control over 2.5 million ha of cattle land and are in the top ten cattle barons of Australia.

If only a small fraction of that land can be used also for timber plantations GTP would greatly increase their cashflow.

Below is a link to an 'Australian' article reporting on GTP's aquisition of the WA cattle station Moola Bulla. The deal was for around $30 million and involved 660,000 ha of land, 35,000 head of cattle and 300 working horses.

All we want now is for them to discover oil there. ),20867,18783362-25658,00.html
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