Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Global Cooling????

Im gonna push my luck and see if the ASF will accept three (3 ) of these nonsensical ramblings... ;)


let’s DisaPpear inTo some Shakespeare Verse
And see if we can make the margins rhyme,
At worst, we’ll make them marginally worse
At best, mark you, we’ll probably mark time,
McDonaldbain, Macbeth, McDad, McDave
Four Big Macs of their day say last goodbyes,
For bony thinner Shakespeare, one last rave,
(For Thicker-Shakes, it’s ninety cents with fries).

Example – “harken digger!, wherefore dagger!”
“dog-gone it Doug? Again you’re on your ear?”
“I’m stabbed, I’m stuffed, I step, my final stagger,
‘Twill be ‘twards the fridge for one last beer.”
My guess is that you get the picture clearly -
You’re not obtuse, and these are not acute
The cute ones I suspect were written beer-ly
The obtuse ones I flushed right down the chute.

Hamlet soliloquising:-
To be or not to be that is the question
The bloody answer seems to be the hitch
Ahhh great – a coin – bet - “heads or tails?”, Sebestion
We’ll either go home poor or filthy rich.

Hamlet Reproaching the Queen:-
Such an act that blurs the grace betrothed
Of modesty; calls virtue hypocrite
Makes marriage vows as false as dicer’s oaths
Ahh – double 6 !!! well now we’re in the **** !!

If done, when ‘t is done, then ‘t were well, done quickly
Participants contributing as one,
Now “up and doing” for the well done quickie
And alternating “down and being done”.

Is this a dagger which I see before me?
The handle toward my hand – come let me clutch!
Ahhh no , it’s just that dead-cheap Scotch you pour me
And some dead Scotsman had me by the crutch.

I’ve Done the deed – did You not hear a noise?
Lady Macb:- I Heard the owl scream and the cricket’s cry!
Macb:- Reminds me, I should Be out with the boys
and What’s the score?
Lady Macb:- bout 2 for 25.
From Billy Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” (Jacques):-

And then he drew a dial from his poke….
And looking at it with lacklustre eye
Says very wisely “It is ten o’clock……
Thus may we see” quoth he “how the world wags..”

Tis but an hour ago since it was nine
And after one hour more ‘twill be eleven”

And 9 hours hence ‘twill be mmmm ….err….nineteen ?
And 87 prior ‘twas only …seven.?

"And so from hour to hour we ripe and ripe
And then from hour to hour we rot and rot"

And thereby hangs a tale and lots of tripe
And such words mean the least when there’s a lot.

The question is I guess which is the faster
Which, ripening or rotting, takes the lead
The thing determines which one is the master
Is whether we eat onions or birdseed.

And so we “let er rip” - if given rope,
And reap our wild oats where the wild oat grows,
And under grip of grape we probably grope,
But who-the-Hell remembers days like those.

And so we pass through life like someone blind,
Or live to make a pass at someone blond,
And so we stretch out here our wayward mind,
And way-out minds in stretcher wards respond.

(needless to say - I prefer to write gibberish than things like well TV for instance ;))
Now...What was the thread again ? ... ahh yes global warming - serious stuff !!! ;)
The tipping point is near 2020. Popular opinion is gaining momentum and governments will be forced to act shortly. Why because even the corporations are changing their tune. Living in denial just wont cut it anymore. Profits run companies and global warming is a risk to that.

I can say i've been following the issue for many years now and this year in the media ive seen more stories and articles then all the others put together. Why, are movies in cinemas. Richard Branson and Warren Buffet dedicating vast amounts of money to the issue and finally an admission by governments that this is no longer a fantasy story.

Don't get down about the issue 2020. Lead by example and run your car on biofuel or source your electricity from a renewable source (i do both). Join the growing chorus and help start a revolution.
GO OUT AND PLANT A TREE THIS WEEKEND. The nursery trade needs the help too. Plant one each week, not a great ask, and you won't need to feel bad about driving the car.
billhill said:
and help start a revolution.
VIVA LE (LA?) REVOLUTION!! :viking: :)
(Maybe one of you francophiles will assist here;))
plant a tree
Nioka - also refrain from pulling up weeds ?
PS I planted a tree called "Robert the Spruce" when my son Robert was born - now although it threatens the house I'm not allowed to touch it lol.
2020hindsight said:
smurf - thanks for jumping into the ring so enthusiastically :) i would bet my house - no i would bet $1M that you dont live near a wind turbine :) i.e without hearing distance.

I would also bet (despite my respect for you and your opinion) that you have never been sprayed by the cropdusters near the Tasmanian timber country. People have - and theyve contracted terminal illnesses DIRECTLY as a result. (relevance? damned if I know - but Id be interested to know how it sits with your philosophy Horatio)

Have you ever seen the graphs of what noises affect animals compared to humans? The humming of wind turbines is massive albeit outside to 200 to 20kHz audible range for humans.

And as for your answer to Q4, mate - we can afford to be generous on this one, like - are we to be compared to economic pariahs like Malaysian timber companies who go into neighbouring countries and trick the locals into clearing their virginal forest!

PS if I live to regret this post I will blame the tequila - good enuf for Mel Gibson - good enuf for me ;)

PS But I have to be fair - you want to know my area of vulnerability? where I am most easily attacked ? I believe that nuclear power will be way of the future! - and due care with the spent rods etc. Dont forget that the scientists are saying that compared to global warming, "Chernobyl will pale into insignificance"
The only wind turbine that I've lived near was an experimental unit that is no longer in operation. It was within 15 minutes walk from my front door and my neighbours didn't even know about it for quite some time.

In the photo is Woolnorth wind farm stage 1. It's a lot bigger now with many more turbines and still more under construction (stage 3). I was there the day it opened and I will say this about noise, the WIND noise was incredible but to hear the noise of the turbines I had to literally press my ear against the tower. The wind at the top of the cliffs being so loud blowing against my body that I couldn't hear much above it. All I could hear was a faint whirring noise - the machinery seemed to be incredibly quiet.

All that said, one of the reasons why it makes sense to put wind turbines along the coast in the scenic spots is because nobody lives there. That scenery will, of course, be PERMANENTLY destroyed by global warming whereas the turbines are temporary and removable if they become obsolete.

Forests - an area I know little about although I've been quite vocal in my opposition to burning them for heating for quite some time due to air pollution. The levels of pollution we had in parts of Tas 10 years ago from domestic wood heaters had to be seen to be believed - Sydney's air being incredibly clean in comparisson. I would much rather have more hydro / wind than blackened lungs and stinging eyes (wood smoke being literally "tar" and not at all healthy). Thankfully this has changed in more recent times.

I'm not keen on aerial spraying of anything, especially not when it ends up going directly over people, food or water catchments. We're not supposed to be eating, drinking or getting ourselves covered in anything that comes from an oil refinery.

Overall, I think what's needed in the climate change debate is vision of the kind that lead to the development of the New Zealand, Victorian and Tasmanian power industries in the first place. All three have an incredible history of doing things "against the odds" and relying on "unconventional" energy resources. We need to get that kind of vision back but this time on a global scale with the focus being on renewable energy only.

I see now as being somewhat similar to the situation a century ago. Back then there was a pretty convincing argument that it was outright dangerous (in a physical sense) and financially reckless to build this "long distance power line" then proposed in Tasmania. The Commonwealth even went to the point of insisting that it would be in no way responsible for the consequences of this scheme and strongly expressed the view that there was unlikely to be any long term use for electricity and hence no point in producing it.

The underlying anti-progress attitude of the Australian Government doesn't seem to have changed too much over the years. But then neither has that of most other world governments. :2twocents
Smurf1976 said:
and I will say this about noise, the WIND noise was incredible but to hear the noise of the turbines I had to literally press my ear against the tower. The wind at the top of the cliffs being so loud blowing against my body that I couldn't hear much above it........
The underlying anti-progress attitude of the Australian Government doesn't seem to have changed too much over the years. But then neither has that of most other world governments. :2twocents
a) thanks
b) your contribiution is as usual worth more than :2twocents
c) As for the noise of the wind turbines I was only recalling a documentary which includes some stats and also some character who was interviewed who said "ok mate, YOU try living beside the bludy thing then" - he was quite prepared to swap homes - with ANYONE! and he doesn't even have canine/ tas devil / blue footed boobie bird , etc audio range of onset of pain.
d) by "antiprogress" i guess you mean "anti GREEN progress" /aka sustainable energy progress. I agree with you that that is the case, but AGAIN I come back to the point that we should be asking for ACTION.
(But as I mentioned, I'm only marginally interested in tinkering at the margins. Id be real happy if we cut emissions 20% in 5 years !! - possible?? buggered if I know. necessary ? SURE !! and I'm positive of that fact)

PS as for Tas forests - Ive heard near black-eye arguments in pubs in Tas - greenies vs timbergetters ...."but the bludy trees would fall down anyway after 10 years - why not harvest them, you dill brain !!! - " how we all love to "adjust the facts" towards our own case lol.
billhill said:
Can i ask why they are going to fall down?
Bilhill ;) the argument put forward by the timbergetters is that trees live then fall down then rot ... ashed to ashes etcetc. It is true to some extent, but Im personally not convinced that the act of harvesting them ( and knocking down hundreds of healthy saplings in the process) is justified ;) To say nothing of the fact that natures way is to return everything to the soil, lets face it, we will all end up there one day ;) I want to succeed as fertilizer - heaven knows Ive only been mediocre at everything else ?? ;) :goodnight
2020hindsight said:
a) thanks
b) your contribiution is as usual worth more than :2twocents
c) As for the noise of the wind turbines I was only recalling a documentary which includes some stats and also some character who was interviewed who said "ok mate, YOU try living beside the bludy thing then" - he was quite prepared to swap homes - with ANYONE! and he doesn't even have canine/ tas devil / blue footed boobie bird , etc audio range of onset of pain.
d) by "antiprogress" i guess you mean "anti GREEN progress" /aka sustainable energy progress. I agree with you that that is the case, but AGAIN I come back to the point that we should be asking for ACTION.
(But as I mentioned, I'm only marginally interested in tinkering at the margins. Id be real happy if we cut emissions 20% in 5 years !! - possible?? buggered if I know. necessary ? SURE !! and I'm positive of that fact)

PS as for Tas forests - Ive heard near black-eye arguments in pubs in Tas - greenies vs timbergetters ...."but the bludy trees would fall down anyway after 10 years - why not harvest them, you dill brain !!! - " how we all love to "adjust the facts" towards our own case lol.
Agreed that wind farms shouldn't be built near houses where noise will be a problem. But in my opinion they should be built somewhere and realistically that means they'll have to go in those places where they can't be heard but can be seen. We'll just have to get used to seeing them much like we accept buildings, roads and power lines now. There was a time when mountains were considered "ugly"...

As for trees, mature forests don't soak up as much carbon as a rapidly growing forest and wood is a renewable resource. But that's not a valid reason to clearfell the lot although we do need to cut some down for timber (it's less polluting than building with steel).

I'll throw a real cat among the pigeons here and list some things that I think will have happened by 2030 in Australia. Specific projects. I don't necessarily think they should all be built, but I think they will happen in practice.

1. A large nuclear power station will be built in NSW. It will supply an amount of power equivalent to at least 15% of NSW's present consumption and could well be double that size.

2. The notion of limited oil supply will be common knowledge and widely accepted. There will be general acceptance that gas is also limited and thus is not a long term alternative (though it is a short term alternative).

3. Tourism will no longer be viewed as a "green" industry (due to reliance on oil-fuelled aviation).

4. A substantial geothermal (hot rocks) industry will be in operation. It will be particularly significant in SA where it may supply perhaps 50% of all power used.

5. A new high tech brown coal plant, probably more than one, will be in operation in Victoria. It will produce liquid fuels (diesel) with electricity as a by-product. The scale of individual plants will be comparable to present brown coal power stations (very large). The technology will involve capture of carbon emissions and pumping them underground, most likely into depleted Bass Strait oil and gas fields.

Queensland will also build some form of coal-fired power plant that involves carbon capture and underground storage. It is likely to be less financially sucessful than the Victorian plants (due to being electricity only, no liquid fuels) and will be built, with some form of government support (possibly outright ownership) amidst much political fanfare.

6. Public attitudes towards large dams will have totally reversed. I think this is much closer than most realise and could come before 2010. First it will be new water supply dams in Qld, NSW and later Vic.

Later when there is a need for the power and widespread acceptance of climate change it will be in the form of a return to the "big dams era" in Tasmania. Whether the Franklin will be dammed is hard to say, but if it isn't then that will mean damming only the lower Gordon (an option considered but rejected in the dams referendum in 1981) rather than "no dams".

7. It will be virtually impossible, quite likely illegal, to buy an electric hot water service for household use except as a booster for a solar water heater.

8. There will be some form of government involvement aimed at reducing vehicle fuel consumption. This could involve practical penalties for gas guzzlers (banning them from all but one lane on highways, for example), much higher taxes on petrol, legislative requirements for minimum fuel economy standards and a registration system which charges based on fuel consumption. I wouldn't be surprised to see all of those.

Depending on the general political climate, we may see some form of rationing of petrol (due to oil shortage and imports harming the economy rather than concern about emissions although emissions will be the stated reason for political purposes).

9. Southern NSW or northern Victoria will be home to a substantial solar thermal power industry.

10. Wind turbines will still be in use but they will no longer be being built to supply the major grid (due to having reached the technical limits of market penetration and the emergence of other clean power sources).

This isn't a complete list, just some of the things I think will actually happen. I don't agree with all of them but I do agree with some. I don't think total emissions will have fallen by a large amount but attitudes will have shifted.

:2twocents :2twocents (Four cents this time :D )
Smurf1976 said:
This isn't a complete list, just some of the things I think will actually happen. I don't agree with all of them but I do agree with some. I don't think total emissions will have fallen by a large amount but attitudes will have shifted. :2twocents :2twocents (Four cents this time :D )

PS (we have a bloke at work we call Mr 110% - because whenever we ask him for an answer he always answers 10% more than you could ever have imagined - now why would I have thought of him I wonder ;) lol - thanks man. - adios amigos - maniana

Im going to end on what I'm choosing to call a positive note - well more bludy nonsense to be honest - but then there's no way I can keep up with your bludy intellect at this hour;) This concerns the predicament of "a reluctant and rather grumpy optimist"...based on a bloke I know down the road lol ;)

Why is the grass so God-damned green, since I decided to smile,
Pain in the **** that it grows so keen, and all on account of my dial,
Kick the damned dog, and stone the damned crows, I’m so sick of starting that mower,
Maybe I’ll frown and sort out the bastard, and then it’ll grow a bit slower.

Why is the sky so God-damned blue, since I decided to laugh
Bloody hot sun, and mowing too, it’s enough to make you barf,
Dog in the way – I could’ve kicked her – making mountains of charf,
Next person gets in the way of my Victa, I’ll cut the bastard in half.

I wanna know why the sun in the morning has got this God-damned hue,
I wanna know why the world without warning can wake to a dream come true
Tell me each day why my God-damned re-borning gets christened with God-damned dew,
Christ it gets tiresome each perfect dawning, It’s enough to make you spew.

I wanna know why the salt in my blood is the same as the salt in the sea,
Ancestors rose from the primeval mud, with their crusted-on will to be free,
But they bloodywell brought with them blood from the oceans, and now it lives in me,
Now my tears and my sweat are these magic potions – Ahhh, bugger, I need a pee.

I wanna know if the “hedonist” path can be trod with your “head-in the sand”,
I wanna know if the “pragmatic” ploy is like practically “prag-on-demand”
I wanna know if a beer or thirteen gives a fellow an “ideal-list”
Ahh, bugger this bull**** and smiles and stuff - I’m goin’ out to get pissed. ;)
Wayne, When stern report said global warming would result in 20% drop in GDP, I couldn't help thinking to myself - and the solution? 30% drop in GDP ! lol :2twocents . Sorry dont have time now to read your article completely.

Another quik comment - nuclear is the answer - and btw the sun (way up there) is nuclear, so solar is strictly nuclear as well ;) - but sure , lets go photovoltaic as well.
2020hindsight said:
Wayne, When stern report said global warming would result in 20% drop in GDP, I couldn't help thinking to myself - and the solution? 30% drop in GDP ! lol :2twocents


easy really!
Re: Global warming

Do your bit for global warming this Christmas.

DONT turn on any Christmas lights....AT ALL.

Show us that this is being taken seriously!!!

Imagine if every country in the world did this. Every council, every Govt. Don't switch streetscape decorator lights on 2 weeks before Christmas and don't leave them on for around 1 week after Christmas.

Even though the lights are low voltage they will still consume an enormous amount of energy globally.

Yeah Sure!!!!
In all seriousness, avoiding any form of tourism this Summer will do far more to help stop global warming than worrying about christmas lights. That and avoiding any other form of organised activity that involves travel to get there.

Tourism is a massive polluter - aviation accounts for about 11% of all oil used and then there's petrol in cars driven as part of holidays etc. When you put that in the context that most of the time we are NOT on holiday, it is a truly massive impact per individual for those few weeks every year.

In contrast, the power consumed by christmas lights is in practice undetectable - load in the evening doesn't go up noticeably in December and back down again in January. Obviously the load does exist, but I would be surprised if the energy consumed nationally for this purpose exceeds the output of a single wind turbine over the course of a year.

Not that I'm against tourism or christmas lights, but the latter is an insignificant source of emissions. Just build ONE more wind turbine and that fixes the problem with emissions from christmas lights.

All those TV's turned off with the remote - now there's a real polluter that we could easily get rid of... :2twocents
Smurf1976 said:
avoiding any form of tourism this Summer will do far more to help stop global warming

Tourism increases global warming. Global warming bleaches our coral reefs and destroys our forests. No Forests or reefs mean less tourism. Problem fixes itself. ;)

If only it were that easy.
when i was in cairns a few weeks back, i heard that we only have 3 years left before global warming destroys the reef...

and the message was... get to the reef as soon as you can...

I couldn't help but smile at the irony of it all! :rolleyes: