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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

My contacts at the resignation speech in the Douglas Room of the Willard Intercontinental in Washington tell me that Rudd was genuinely affected after his resignation speech.

Poor bugger, 2 resignations in 2 years, where will it all end for Kevin?

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

This pathetic circus of clowns continues to make Australia suffer.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

He would have been so much better off legacy wise leaving parliament after Gillard knifed him. He could be playing the role of the elder statesmen while watching Gillard flail with record low approval ratings.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What is it Abbott stands for again.....................besides photo opportunities?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Wayne Swan rips in to Kevin Rudd.

The gloves are off.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I thought the 7.30 Report was live, If so it's amazing that nobody bothered to ring Chris Uhlmann and inform him that Gillard was going to call a spill on Monday and hold a ballot for PM. Even Bruce Hawker, Rudd's chief adviser and plotter didn't seem to know. :shake:

Gillard has since denied this Channel 7 report.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What is it Abbott stands for again.....................besides photo opportunities?

I suppose that beggs the question what does labor stand for?
Wastage, increase taxes, shut down manufacturing, increase retirement age, relax restrictions on overseas ownership of Australian land, increase illegal assylum seekers in detention from 4 to what is it now 10,000? fair work debacle, pandering to minority ideology to maintain office and for Bob and Penny hopefully gay marriage.

The only thing I can comend them for is shoving through unpopular nation changing policy, without allowing the electorate to vote on or have any say in it, Putin would be impressed.

At the end of the day people will have their say, only hope Kev and a few more walk. But that would take principles, the only one in Canberra that seem to have them is Bob. He may be a fruit cake but he has achieved more by getting labor to prostitute themselves, than even he would thought possible.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I remember all those years ago, the day after election (07), waiting in Sydney airport to fly to Perth, and all those 'Ken '07' T-Shirt wearing fans. Where are they now?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Ballsy move by Rudd and one that could turn the tables for him.
Lol they pushed a little too hard and shot themselves in the foot. He has made Labor look like a bunch of ****house rats.
They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I honestly thought he would slink away for another 6 months. But now he has damaged the labor brand so much and set himself apart that Gillard will have a hard time staying as PM. Big power play didn't think it would play out like this, and he still is hated throughout the party. But do they risk annihilation if Rudd pulls the plug and walks away. Labor is stuffed.
Ahhh Ruddy always good for a laugh. I like the guy just not as PM or a politician.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I remember all those years ago, the day after election (07), waiting in Sydney airport to fly to Perth, and all those 'Ken '07' T-Shirt wearing fans. Where are they now?

That's the whole thing Danny, the electorate had a belief and confidence that Kev could deliver a better outcome. It is a confidence thing.
Take for example Barnett, he has cranked up electricity prices through the roof in W.A, however the general public still have confidence he will deliver a better future for them.

Howard was the same, even though he took us to war, people still maintained confidence in his government.

Now looking at fedral labor, their time in office has been shambolic by any measure, the general public feel disenfranchised and powerless. Meanwhile the government career on their unpopular way completely disinterested in public opinion.
There is absolutely no confidence as can be seen in our stock market, treasury officials telling everyone to brighten up, the treasurer begging everyone to spend money.
The situation can only be resolved by allowing the electorate to have a vote of confidence and or no confidence.
Untill that happens the country is frozen into inaction. People wont spend untill they have confidence the government in power is represents the majority of people, be that labor or coalition.
The Dow has recovered to 80% of the pre 2008 crash we are still down at 60%, yet we are the chosen ones, we have a boom, we have the worlds greatest treasurer.
Labor need to get over the self interest and go to an election, they have the runs on the board, they have weak opposition. Why not go to an election?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Jessica Rudd's tweet:

"Effing proud of you, Dad. xxxx"

Potty mouths must run in the family.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Everybody who is anybody is tweeting - Rupert even does it.

RUPERT Murdoch has taken to taunting the former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd over his ongoing involvement in leadership speculation.
His latest barb on social media site Twitter, posted late last night, read: “KRudd been promising imminent knifing for months. Believe it when we see it.”

My question is promising who?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

GG, what are your sources telling you?

Kevin's plan is to force an election, which he will fight as ALP Leader.

It is possible he may have to wait and get the leadership after an election is called or forced with Julia still as PM.

That is his plan, my sources at the Willard told me tonight.

I have a robust bet with a local bookie on this occurring.

In summary Kevin wants Julia to remain as leader until an election is called, and then he plans to take the leadership prior to election day.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I have a gut feeling that if Gillard calls for a leadership challenge, Rudd will not throw his hat in the ring.
I mentioned sometime ago if Rudd did not succeed with his bid for the UN Secretary General job and missed out on becoming PM again, he will resign from parliament and he and Terise will move to London to be closer to her business activities.
If he does resign he may take one or two Labor MP's with him and the rest will be history.
I also believe he beat Gillard to punch of being sacked as Foreign Minister.There is no doubt the writing was on the wall.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

New car sticker out called GROG :

Get Rid of Gillllard.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

He would have been so much better off legacy wise leaving parliament after Gillard knifed him. He could be playing the role of the elder statesmen while watching Gillard flail with record low approval ratings.
Agree, banco.

Wayne Swan rips in to Kevin Rudd.
Good heavens, that was really vicious from Swan. Surely after that, plus Tony Burke's comments on 7.30, there's just no way Rudd could even exist on the back bench.

Ballsy move by Rudd and one that could turn the tables for him.
Wasn't it though! I can't help rather admiring his tactical skills by usurping Gillard's chance of sacking him. And, although he's completely disingenuous through and through, his speech did come across very well, as though he was being noble and doing the only honourable thing for the country.
Just unbelievable how filthy this whole fiasco is all round.

Yep, agree.
They are totally gone after this.

Howard was the same, even though he took us to war, people still maintained confidence in his government.
Perhaps because John Howard was a clear conviction politician. This is in total contrast to the present bunch, on both sides of the house imo.

Because they know they would lose horribly. It is absolutely not in their interests to go to an election. We can only hope it will be forced on them.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Go Kevin, the people's champion (by 2 to 1). Quite the flair for the dramatic, and a good understanding of the 24 hours news cycle. Senator Doug Cameron on Lateline tonight is saying openly that PM Gillard can't beat Tony Abbott.

Progress score:
Kevin Rudd: 1
2007 Election voters: 1
Faceless men (and women): 0
Unions: 0
QLD Labor: 0

How many votes will Rudd get? Well it's a good chance that 'Ruddy' has Hughesy and Charles' vote on The Project.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Doug Cameron is no idiot, he has been around long enough to know he needs 3 terms in office.

He also knows his best chance is Kev. LOL What a terrific bunch of people we have running our country.
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