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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

I don't put much credibility in polls, untill it really counts.
However, it will put the wind up an already shaky government.
The splash of cash will be coming to a letterbox near
If women voters continue to walk away, it all over.

A Rudd return must be in doubt now. He will read the tea leaves, it's a poisoned chalice.
If women voters continue to walk away, it all over.

A Rudd return must be in doubt now. He will read the tea leaves, it's a poisoned chalice.

It IS all over and Rudd, I think, will be content with watching Gillard crash and burn, he wont want the job, it's been trashed, but he is enjoying this immensely.
He really is a dag, we're well rid of the whole party frankly.
Two polls in the last two days have shown similar much increased support toward Tony Abbott, even for women, and I doubt Ms Gillard would ever have anticipated him coming out as preferred PM.
I don't quite know why such a marked change has occurred. Her involvement in the dud mining tax?
A gradually dawning realisation that the whole sport doping horror has turned out to be a government diversion from their own problems? An awareness that the world's greatest treasurer is looking very shaky on his feet?

Julia, I believe the majority of voters just don't trust Julia Gillard any more. It is quite simple to understand her modus operandi.

I can't see us having to wait until 14th September. I believe an election will be held before then because the Labor Party are about implode big time.

It's the surplus, it's the mining tax, all shreds of credibility have now gone.........Rudd is enjoying this no doubt.

Let's face it they are stupid, why would they promise a surplus without qualification for instance ???

Stupid...and no ne wants stupid Govt and thats what we have now.

Who for instance thinks for a minute that the recent $1B promise will be one.


This tragedy has gone on long enough.

5 years of incompetence endured by Australia. We deserve an early election.
IMO now that the libs have got some good momentum going, its all down hill from here for labor.
Its basic psychology where by everyone is starting to favour abbott so those who were hesitant to vote for him will now be more inclined to vote for him; once one goes, others will follow
That would in my view be the most practical choice for Kevin Rudd.

Sock it to her Lady!

Every time I watch Question Time seeing him in the background reminds me of this video. What a hoot!

Sadly this video is still relevant.
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Sock it to her Lady!

Every time I watch Question Time seeing him in the background reminds me of this video. What a hoot!

Sadly this video is still relevant.

Julia got fed! she beated around the bush big time there.

also one thing that really sh*ts me with Labor is the way they think everyone is stupid. Just look at how condescending they both are to that woman, who obviously knows what they are talking about. Julia is the worst at it
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Oops! :fan
Kevin Rudd sulks after losing the Labor leadership ballot.

"We need to lance a boil," she said.
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