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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

You do understand that carbon based fuels are do understand the ramifications of that in a world with endless growth.
What was the message about a carbon tax from Gillard Labor during the 2010 election campaign ?

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Whatever his personal failings, Kevin Rudd is absolutely correct when he says that Labor under Julia Gillard has lost the trust of the electorate

1.55pm: A lack of trust is haunting the government, Mr Rudd says, in response to a journalist's question.

2.21pm: Some of the notable quotes to come out of this afternoon's press conference:

On Julia Gillard:
‘‘Rightly or wrongly Julia has lost the trust of the Australian people and starting on Monday I want to start restoring that trust."
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

For the devoted family man, he seems to spend an awfull lot of time anywhere else than home.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Whatever his personal failings, Kevin Rudd is absolutely correct when he says that Labor under Julia Gillard has lost the trust of the electorate.

I can agree doc, but I can also understand Gillard's frustration with KR. If he came anywhere near Casa Gumnut I would give him a dose of Mortein, and ask questions later.

He is a godbothering nuisance to rational people.

He has, though, an attraction for mr and mrs shoppingtrolley, as PKeating famously described the individuals who make up polling numbers

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

If she understands the benefit, she should enlighten the electorate during the election campaign and not do the opposite.

This will ultimately be her undoing.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I can agree doc, but I can also understand Gillard's frustration with KR. If he came anywhere near Casa Gumnut I would give him a dose of Mortein, and ask questions later.
I would give them both a dose of Mortein and not bother with any questions.

They've allready been answered.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Yes doc, Julia should maybe listen to herself and have a reality check.
"I get things done"
Wether you want them or not, I don't listen, I don't care, I am in charge and you can all get stuffed.
Oh not you Bob, I didn't mean you Bob, sorry Bob, Bob, bob, boob, bboob honest I didn't mean yoooouuu. Pleeease Bob.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Welcome your new Foreign Prime Minister Kevliar "Non-Stick" Grudd:

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What was the message about a carbon tax from Gillard Labor during the 2010 election campaign ?

Oh how silly of me...its about a politician back flipping, cos that's such a big deal right?


A carbon tax couldn't possibly be about positioning this country for the INEVITABLE transition from Finite fuels to renewable dare a politician actually do something about the future, have a little vision and take the appropriate steps.

Because we all want our politicians to do nothing hey.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Oh how silly of me...its about a politician back flipping, cos that's such a big deal right?

By that logic, they are all saints in comparison to Julia Gillard.


If she understands the benefit, she should enlighten the electorate during the election campaign and not do the opposite.

This will ultimately be her undoing.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Voters back Rudd in Newspoll - Sat Feb 25 2012

According to the latest Newspoll published by News Limited on Saturday, voters were asked a series of questions over the past two days as to who, out of Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Opposition leader Tony Abbott or former PM Kevin Rudd would be their preferred leader.

Labor Leader: 53% Rudd, 30% Gillard
Australia's Leader: Rudd 48%, Abbott 40%
PM vs Oppos Leader: Abbott: 43% (+3% since Jan), Gillard 34% (-3% since Jan).
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

It seems odd that 2/3 of Coalition voters prefer Rudd to Gillard. Is it because they think he would be easier to beat.:shake:

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

It seems odd that 2/3 of Coalition voters prefer Rudd to Gillard. Is it because they think he would be easier to beat.:shake:

I think the issue that most reporters are missing is the overwhelming majority want a new election.
The polls reflecting this are approx 80/20, this is what the public percieve as Gillard not listening and talking over them.IMO
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I think the issue that most reporters are missing is the overwhelming majority want a new election.
The polls reflecting this are approx 80/20, this is what the public percieve as Gillard not listening and talking over them.IMO

I think the reporters are concentrating on one media event at a time. The media are going to have a ball.
The campaign on the weekend, then the ballot, then the reshuffle, then the vote of no confidence by Abbott, then,,,,!!!!! it goes on. It will be a media Christmas.
Throw in the Independent's trying to gain more for their support. Rob has already started.
Finally a Federal Election.
Gillard does not like the Australian voter because of the polls, so she has said stuff the voter, I just need to work with the MP's to "get things done" my way. I believe her ego and socialist attitude was very much on display in her reply to Rudd's afternoon media statement on Friday. ( with his Family in the background)
Today"s poll results says it all.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Oh how silly of me...its about a politician back flipping, cos that's such a big deal right? ...

SC - Major policy should be put to the people. Gillard clearly deceived the people pre-election to get votes with her infamous promise. It was akin to Howard's never, never GST.

At least Howard had the decency to take his backflip on major policy to the people. Gillard is a coward to push this through against the will of the majority and shows she knows it would not have been approved by the people.

Shame on her for this massive insult to the Australian people.

IF the problem is as bad as you suggest, then I believe the people would have embraced a workable solution. I don't believe the problem is anywhere near as bad as alarmist warmists want us to believe and, even if it was, carbon tax is clearly not the best solution.

So, on both counts, I believe Gillard has it badly wrong.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Albanese consulted his electorate, and acted honourably, offering his resignation to the PM (she declined it), good on him for that. More honourable than some other Ministers who shall remain nameless, and deserve to.

Anthony Albanese declares support for Rudd - Lanai Vasek From: The Australian February 25, 2012 12:09PM

SENIOR cabinet minister Anthony Albanese has confirmed he will be supporting Kevin Rudd in Monday's leadership ballot...."I make this decision with a heavy heart," Mr Albanese said. "However it this is a judgement call....."
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I agree. However I can understand Cynic and Focus and the other usual suspects going off their rockers. They have lost their gloating rights. We are witnessing the destruction of the Labor party. :flush:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I think the issue that most reporters are missing is the overwhelming majority want a new election.
The polls reflecting this are approx 80/20, this is what the public percieve as Gillard not listening and talking over them.IMO

I hope Gillard wins on Monday as the split in Labor ranks will continue unabated; the hatred among Labor MPs will ultimately bring on an early election.

Or Perhaps the other senario may be if Rudd loses he may resign from parliament and take Ferguson with him which may also bring on an election. Rudd would love to bring down and humiliate Gillard!!!!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Thanks dutchie,

That was pretty much our experience here in Queensland when he headed the Premier's Dept. as a Public Servant. His relationship with Ministers is the stuff of legend.

Rudd is an odd fellow to work with, indeed.

He is much easier to deal with when he is agin you, than on your side. Quite a piece of work all told.

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