GGY (merged with CUR and soon to be renamed CTM)
shares 589,385,087 (based on most recent app 3b)
options 101,009,392
total 690,394,479
sp .07
mc $48.328M (fully diluted)
cash at end of 4th qtr $8.673M
(est cash outflow this qtr $500K)
nil debt
EV $39.655M
Brazilian Fe projects
Itambe Iron Ore Project, Passabem Iron Ore Project, Liberdade Iron Ore Project (currently subject to legal action), Ferros Iron Ore Project, Serra do Bicho Iron Ore Project, Guanhaes Iron Ore Project, Rio Pardo Iron Ore Project, Itamarandiba Iron Ore Project
Itambe Project (1mtpa project - $20M cashflow pa)
50-83km from large smelters
20km from Vales Itabira Project (65 mtpa)
jorc inferred resource estimate 15.5Mt @ 37.2% Fe, 39.9% SiO2, 3.7% Al2O3, 0.055% P, 2.04% loi
mid '09 18 hole, 686m diamond core drilling program, results incl:
1.95m @ 53.18% Fe,
7.8m @ 50.57% Fe,
8.5m @ 45.03% Fe,
3.05m @ 44.88% Fe,
2.2m @ 44.63% Fe,
6.2m @ 42.8% Fe,
8.2m @ 42.1% Fe,
1.3m @ 40.0% Fe,
2.7m @ 39.9% Fe,
9.65m @ 39.36% Fe,
2.45m @ 38.26% Fe,
12.0m @ 35.1% Fe
scoping study for Itambe:
Stage 1 180Ktpa, stage 2 500Ktpa into the domestic Brazilian steel industry (note proximity to smelters - mine gates sales)
Capex for stage 1 US$1.15M, stage 2 US$11.02M
Stage 1 operational costs US$13.38/t, stage 2 operational costs US$12.91/t; gross operating margins $16/t; Project NPV (8% real) $19.6M [based on exchange rate BRL:USD 0.588, USD:AUD $1.094]
(note from recent preso total operating cost $14t v sale price approx $34t, capex $17M)
Passabem Project ( 1mtpa project)
52-63km from states largest smelters
jorc inferred resource estimate 2.6Mt @ 31.2% Fe, 48.9% SiO2, 2.9% Al2O3, 0.035% P, 1.16% loi
expl target 15-25Mt @ 30-33% Fe
mid '09 9 hole, 1,000m RC drilling program, results incl:
21m @ 33.07% Fe from 20m,
14m @ 32.01% Fe from 7m,
10m @ 31.95% Fe from 42m,
23m @ 31.43% Fe from 11m,
19m @ 31.25% Fe from 30m,
16m @ 31.13% Fe from 20m,
14m @ 31.04% Fe from 24m,
9m @ 30.71% Fe from 32m
only 10% of strike length currently drilled
Liberdade Project
jorc inferred resource estimate 5.31Mt @ 37.0% Fe, 43.52% SiO2, 2.21% Al2O3, 0.03% P (currently subject to legal action)
Fe production by 2011
3mtpa sold domestically by end 2013 (anticipated op cashflow $60m pa)
goal of acquiring or identifying (through expl of current holdings) a project capable of producing 12-15mtpa @ 64-69% Fe with mine life of 10 yrs
MD, Chairman, Ops director and neddy - ex GBG; another neddy - ex AGO; Ops director also - ex BHP
plenty of Fe experience there
other projects incl gold prospects