When loans dont get paid off - noone wins. If for example, Greece defaults, plenty of banks will lose money on Greek gov bonds, loans to Greek people, businesses etc. This will have knock on effects for all interrealated financial products/entities and worst case, freeze up banks lending money while they work out who is exposed and not safe to lend to.I try (obviously in vain) to try and keep abreast of things, but I just can't work out how everybody loses in this scenario.
It will go to banks to shore up their balance sheets to help contain losses and prevent the freeze of lending by banksWho is winning? Who is getting the losers money? If the solution to all of this is to keep printing more money while trying to balance that against the risk of hyperinflation or deflation...who is the printed money going to?
You cant go to war with a bank. The problem is all the large banks are so globally connected now, 1 falls, it could bring a lot more with it. Look at what happened when Lehamn Bros went down. And JP Morgan have recently shown that it has been business as usual since then.WHO has the bank account that's getting bigger off taxpayer funded bailouts?
When we've answered that, can someone please explain how it's not cheaper for the world to go to war with them and take it all back? Seriously. Where is it going and why can't it be recovered?
It's gotta be cheaper to kill them. Wish I was kidding.