hi sharemadder,
thanks hope you have a good christmas and new year too.
about the 2 directors john and richard, i think it was mentioned on the other forum after the agm that richard had to go out of the room to speak with john to get some basic answers to some questions. It shows that there is not much communication between the 2 directors and its john who knows everything that is going on and he is the one that wont tell shareholders any news on the wells or upto date on other projects which isnt good. Might be best taking them both out of the company and getting directors with oil and gas experience especially since thats the direction gdn is meant to of been going in. Im surprised the top 20 didnt chose to vote at the agm and remove atleast one director and get someone better in place. The 12 new top 20 shareholders i dont think got in at prices under 20 cents and i think atleast 25-30 cents was the minimum price that they got their shares at, but thats just what i think about the new shareholders in the top 20. Just thought they would have wanted to remove a director if not doing a good job for their investment.
para 2 should of been spudded months ago but john or whoever is in charge of applying for permits waited until september 4 months after testing started and a month after testing finished before even applying for the next permit other drillers have their permits applied for and approved before previous wells are completed. Hes letting our investment do nothing for months while we wait for the approval to be given which isnt good.
Mike shumway must see something significant in the thompsons project and i guess he would know a lot about that area from past workings in the area. He has offered 2 small projects which is only about 1 hectare for the 2 smaller projects compared to the 7000 acres that the thompsons project has but he might be able to get the smaller projects up and running in a shorter time frame for even a small cashflow for the company which could help with the thompsons project. From what i read mining at deeper levels past 170 meters is completely untouched which might be what mike shumway is after plus there should be a lot of uranium in the shallower levels based on the grades found on some of the holes drilled at other times.
I used the whitecanyon website to send an enquiry last week to ask 3 questions im still waiting for a response, considering they would want to get people interested you would think they would take 2 minutes of their time to answer the questions.
In the last month there has been only 9 days of trading thats broken the million mark the other 14 days were all under 1 million shares traded thats going back to the 9-11-07. Considering there is over 190 million shares on issue and only 35 million is held in top 20 thats a lot of shares that would be traded outside of the top 20 but no significant volume is happening in the last couple of months. If this company is as bad as people keep saying wouldnt the volume be higher on a daily basis for the longer term holders to get out and move on to make their losses back on other potential investments?
There is a lot of potential in the paradox basin and from the companies like delta encana petro canada that are starting to drill in the area this might suggest there is something worth holding for, we could all be wrong since big companies get it wrong too but there is a lot of things happening in utah to do with oil and gas wells which suggests that many companies think the costs involved to get to the gas will be worth it in the long term.
On the uranium subject, i dont think they are concerned about not getting the 70 million shares subscribed to. I guess that like mike shumway did this deal with gdn that some american investors might also buy shares into this company because of what he might be able to offer as utah is picking up and is expected to get very popular for uranium explorers in the next couple of years. I was thinking maybe the reliance company that is supplying the drilling rigs and crew might choose to buy shares into the new company, but thats the only reason i can see why they are so confident the company will be subscribed to. Based on forums no australian shareholders of gdn want this new company but then maybe some of the larger banks that have shares in gdn might choose to buy into the new company too.
Hopefully some news is announced soon for shareholders.