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GDN - Golden State Resources

If this is a large discovery it wont take them long to bring the gas onstream either. Infrastructure is close..everything is in its favor atm.
There are a lot of day traders in here to make a few cents. You can tell they are pulling their money out of it right now. Id rather they pull their money out of the stock.
Wow. Mad scramble at the end. Day traders and profit takers wanting to get out..and investors scrambling to get in. Will be interesting to see what it does tomorrow. Hopefully it gets some media exposure.
Chris just one question... Have u made a loss this year? Bought any dogs at all?

From bannerman, to PMH to GDN, i have to say, very well done, ur a TRUE CHAMPION....

Keep up the good work...
nizar said:
Chris just one question... Have u made a loss this year? Bought any dogs at all?

From bannerman, to PMH to GDN, i have to say, very well done, ur a TRUE CHAMPION....

Keep up the good work...

Naa..just had some good runs lately. PMH wasnt a very successfull venture. Broke even on that one. Best returns have been BMN, SMO, AOE and now GDN. Ive been lucky..but in this market lots of people are picking winners.

Kevro has been pointing out a share..I also think it has "potential"..LOU. Have a good read of their latest activities report. Very interesting. Going to change their name to Erongo Energy Limited.

Biggest loss this year was FXR. sold at 65 and I was in at 81..just under 2 grand loss. Sold in the panic when the market went down. Wish i had of kept them

Back onto GDN..i really wonder what this stock can do now. Potential is endless..if it turns out to be a dog..i'll add it onto the list of break evens or small profits..because I wont stay in if it starts to fall..I really dont think it will though..buyer strength towards the end of trade suggests it will keep going? Not that I know about all the technical stuff.
chris1983 said:
Kevro has been pointing out a share..I also think it has "potential"..LOU. Have a good read of their latest activities report. Very interesting. Going to change their name to Erongo Energy Limited.

They should change their name to Uranium Energy Limited
When Uran changed their name from WGM or wateva to it was, the stock immediately jumped 3-fold... gotta love the market
You guys thinking it will gap up in the morning when the word spreads?
A strong close when I feared it may drop the ball at the end...

The music indeed stopped now!

The director told 5+ million shares on market!

Wake up! Wake up!! Wake up!!!

The director SOLD 5+ million shares during past a few days on market!
Quoted from another forum:

For clarity~

Sciano(director) position held prior to today...


2,700,000 class A
2,700,000 class B
2,700,000 class C
2,700,000 class D
2,700,000 class E

Position held now...


2,300,000 class C
2,300,000 class C
2,300,000 class C


Net position change:
Shares = +1,570,000
Option = -6,600,000

No sign of hit and run here...just a smart move of exposure from options to shares to gain as much exposure as he can.

A positive sign.

What I understand is that director had sold 5,030,000 shares worth about $5m.

Don't fool yourselves!

He has put more money back into the company by exercising his options. Then sold some on market afterwards right? Maybe he needed some cash! I dont know

Anyway it doesnt change the facts that they allready have a significant discovery and are still yet to hit the primary target..I'm not going to sell based off the director selling some of his holding. It definately has scared some investors to pull out their money. Sentiment can change fast. Have to wait for the next drill results now.
Certainly has put some doubt Jackob in the stock, as the price reflects, but it creates buying/topping up opps, as I tend to agree with Chris on holding for next drill results if your in profits : and didn't buy at the top.
Its stabalised around 1.15-1.16

They reported a "SIGNIFICANT GAS DISCOVERY" in their last drilling reports.

I have to hold based on the facts so far..not on the directors actions..maybe he needed the cash. Definately has changed momentum though.

A lot of guys are accumulating right now.
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