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GDN - Golden State Resources

SevenFX said:
(9) Strong Relation with Bank Manager!! .66c (Down 20%)

Define SOON for all those holding.


Soon enough!

I wouldnt be suprised if it pulls up around 55-60c .618 fib level and old congestion area.Then sideways.(20c range.).

And the Melbourne Cup winner is--------- for 2007
tech/a said:
Dont have to.
If you trade pure price action its not necessaty particularly short term.

However long term holders,fundamental and tech Analysts would have more interest in the Fundamentals of the stock.

What you mean you dont have to fundamentals etc etc all have a direct effect on the price and guessing your not a long term investor maybe even a day trader.

Be interesting to see if they come with any solid results which i would be very suprised i mean is there anything that they're not telling us which is why the directors are dumping there stock ????

I dont hold this stock just my input.
I'm still in. Thank god for my other fund hasnt moved thanks to their rises. Its not nice seeing a stock you have backed fall. Quite a few people have called the director though. This is quoted off another forum site.

"I'll try and write this so no gets or can get into trouble.
Once I figured out the number to ring (different from NZ), I decide to call to assist me in protecting my investment.
1. I introduced myself
1a. Spoke with someone called John
2. He was very much awake and friendly and polite throughout the entire call (about 10 mins).
3. Was unaware and surprised at todays shareprice close.
4. Is not aware of anyone selling.
5. Is happy (Adament) this hole in the ground is already commercial. Although not sure of total resource yet. 2 -3 mcf per day was all they needed and expected to get lots more than that.
6. Was impressed with this was going to make the company rich and shareholders along with it.
7. Put down selling to impatient and trader action which was irrational. Things do take longer than a week....LOL
8. Will be drilling on site for a year, in which they can drill 4-5 holes a year.
9. This was only the first hole and is a great indicator of the full potential of the acreage.
10. Is not and is not planning to sell any shares even though he has a sizeable stake in the company. Wealth is to be had here.
11. Wirelogging is still actually being studied. Lots of hits to wade through. Will need further tests to confirm all with the deeper drillling. (obvious)
12. Will continue to drill to the bottom. (cobber-digger m8 was spot on earlier) they will be able to go down to 16000 feet.
13. They were better than a miner (this made me laugh) as they can go straight into production.
14. They are planning more holes. (I guess they might be considering more than two now)."

Once again there will be critics..but I have always believed they have a commercial well. Hopefully news on the wirelines will be out tomorrow. Good luck to holders.

I took a tax loss and got back in for the same price. Smartest thing I could possibly do atm. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

I trade both long term portfolio trading and shoter term which can be a day or up to a week depending on price action.

Both are vastly different trading styles.
Both I trade technically.
The longterm method is a designed system (My own) which is traded live on Reefcap.
Links are here.;f=74;t=000004;p=9;f=74;t=000024

As you'll see some trades are held for years.The Fundamentals are of no interest to me.
They either conform to the system rules or they dont.

Short term is the similar I buy breakouts and look for outlier moves.
You'll see a thread in the Trading section here at ASF outlining some of how I trade.
Hmmm, a close at 0.65 today from a peak of 1.265.

10. IT'S A TWO FOR ONE SALE. Buy tomorrow where you can buy two shares for the price you'd have paid for one last week. Hurry, hurry, hurry, the doors open just after 10:00am. First in first served. Goods as new - hardly used by last owner.

Note for the humour impaired: This is commentary on market psychology, not a ramp, and not financial advice. (Read my sig.)

Very good Michael a scratch it rich ticket that they will be over $1 within 2 weeks

Is that Alfred Hitchcock (picture) or you. :run:
There is a good chance it will re test the recient high.
However the further it drops the less likely it is to take out the last high.
The longer it takes to retest the high the more likely it is to range in no mans land.

Continue on and bolt past all time highs from here is worth 10 scratchies.(Timeframe 3 mths).
ANN posted at 10:04 today

SP has really dropped

Drilling Status Report – 9 November 2006
· Paradox Basin #1 well is at 14,107 feet (4,230 m) in Cane Creek
member of Paradox Formation
· Results of analysis of wireline survey received
· The drilling rig is currently running a new bit into the well

Golden State Resources is pleased to announce progress on the Paradox Basin #1 well in Grand County, Utah.

Paradox Basin #1 is at 14,107 feet (4,230 m), in the Cane Creek member of the Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation (see table and graphic below). The Cane Creek Member comprises a cyclic sequence of salt, dolomite and shale.
Since the last report the rig has been running pipe to change the drilling bit and it is anticipated that drilling will re commence today.

Wireline Log Survey Analysis – preliminary results Wireline logs were run by Schlumberger over the previously announced gas shows associated with the well’s secondary objectives in the upper Paradox Formation, over the interval 9,500’- 12,974’, prior to drilling through the Cane Creek salt units.

The logs were submitted for computer petrophysical analysis, the preliminary results of which have been received. The interpretation process was lengthened by the complexity of well rock types, which include limestone, dolomite, sandstones, shales and anhydrites and hole conditions, which included washouts and extreme changes in salinity.

Porosity derived from the logs averaged 5% increasing to 10% in some zones (hydrocarbons are produced elsewhere in the Paradox Basin from reservoirs with similar porosities).

The sonic log has been used to establish effective porosity.

Fracture porosity could not be estimated by this method. Zones with fracture related gas shows in the Upper Ismay and elsewhere in the well will need to be assessed by other methods.

Gross sand over the log interval is approximately 860’ (247 m) with 69’ (21 m) of net gas saturated dolomitic sandstone with additional gas potential possible.
**** glad i didn't hold too long on this 55!!

sold at a MASSIVE loss at .87 *few* buying at 1.175-1.18 when it was skyrocketing
Added this one to my watchlist yesterday, to do just that.....Watch. "I like to watch".
WOW!!! :horse:
yeah not good. Im wondering if I should cut my losses and put it into something I think will double.

People are very dissapointed with the wireline logging. Its not definitive..then they caused delays because of it. What to do.
i would seriously question the director about hos behaviour..

absolutely feel for anyone going through what they are..

btw if hosston sands are paying,, its worth $1 to the share pice of ARQ, as they hold 25% of adi..
not saying what you should do,, but maybe do your research and perhaps you may see what i see.. btw ADI AUT and EKA are in not trading pending an announcement
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