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Gay Marriage


people disagreeing with your view seems to be unacceptable. You take it as a personal attack. Just remember that on the issue of homosexuality the Church has a histroy about as good s it's reputation for protecting children while in it's care.

Show me how the pressent generation is thumbing it's nose at our noble forefathers? i think it's the boomers that disappoint the "greatest" generation the most. I see at the dawn ANZAC ceremony in martin Place so many many young people. They are remembering those who fought and died for the freedom we enjoy.

I'd think the extremely religious family is the first line in a totalitarian state.

Maybe the persecution of christians in the past has been due to the pent up suffering they have dolled out over the centuries. remember the Catholic church for so long supported the slave trade, all the way up to the 1890s. Talk about being progressive thinkers.

Remember the dirty deals the Pope did with Mussolini. Funny how the Catholic Church family didn't realise the truth of They are slaves who will not speak, for the fallen and the weak.

I'd have thought the biggest form of narcissism is the Christians (have to say it with a southern accent) who believe that the rapture will come in their time.

27% of US Christians are definite the rapture will occur in their lifetime, and 20% say probably it will occur, so you have nigh on half the US Christians believing God is coming for them. Now that's narcissism.
Modern Leftists are now often so consumed with self-righteousness that they can't accept that others may hold different views to their own

Let's not turn this into another Fabians vs the Forces of Light please. Gay Marriage/parenting is not a political issue. A lot of Labor people voted against SSM the last time it came up in Parliament.

The first thing they did was smash the ten commandments -- open slather.


why should any of us that aren't part of your cult care about your 10 commandments?

A bunch of the 10 commandments are rubbish religious nonsense, and the only ones that are of any value are pretty much universal across all societies, there is nothing special about the 10 commandments.

What value do the first 4 have to some one outside of your cult?

Homosexual marriage is the single best illustration we have of narcissism in the modern age

Homosexuality is not just a form of sex, it's a form of love, and for that reason diserves our respect.

For all the time that your cult spends professing their love of love, you guys sure spend a lot of effort into trying to restrict its definition.
Stop viewing us as the enemy.

I don't view you as the enemy, but children only have one childhood and it needs to be done properly if they are to get the best outcome.

That requires not just the qualities you mentioned, but understanding of what it's like to be a boy (not present if a boy is raised by lesbians), or what it's like to be a girl (not present if a girl is raised by gay men), or what it's like to be heterosexual (not present in any gay parent household).

Of course there are other things that are important, but good heterosexual parents will give their children those qualities also, plus the understanding I just mentioned.

So, a good heterosexual biological family provides the best that we can give to children. I see no need to settle for anything less.
Modern Leftists are now often so consumed with self-righteousness that they can't accept that others may hold different views to their own.

You must be joking.

Who ever these so called "leftists" are, they must be on the ball, because the whole world (whether you like it or not) is folding against your self-righteous "righty" view.

Classic ironic statement, and you can't even see it.

i hate white men
but i want white sperm


Cramblett told the court she loved her mixed-race daughter, Peyton, who is now three, but argued she had ‘limited cultural competency relative to African Americans’ and is undergoing a ‘steep learning curve.’
"I'm not racist, just incompetent"

I love watching the liberal ****show eat itself. What a ****ing mess. What a ****ing embarrassment, all around.
A country that prides itself as the land of the free, is not free any longer, is what I was saying, Macquack.

PC has strangled them, not just with this past event, but even with removal of century old flags.
A country that prides itself as the land of the free, is not free any longer, is what I was saying, Macquack.

PC has strangled them, not just with this past event, but even with removal of century old flags.

I think it was only a small time in the seventies and eighties when we had a degree of freedom from stifling protocols. The rise of positive discrimination, to benefit women, ethnics, coloureds, gender benders. etc. has seen a corresponding progressive strangulation of those with a voice who want to keep the comfort of their own individuality .....instead of the drone existence and acquiescence of silent majority.

to paraphrase the bard:

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and most have govt mind control foisted thrust upon them."
A country that prides itself as the land of the free, is not free any longer, is what I was saying, Macquack.

PC has strangled them, not just with this past event, but even with removal of century old flags.

Just wow.

I'll acknowledge the Confederate Flag, in and of itself, isn't particularly bad.

Just as the Swastika is and of itself, isn't bad.

But as a symbol in the hands of the wrong people.

It amazes me that a Christian can continually contort themsevles so mcuh to try and justify many of the things in our society that can't be justified.

What level of cognitive dissonance do you have when you claim the family is the first line of defence against totalitarianism, but then then during a meeting at the Vatican, Pope Pius Xi said there were some people who argued that the state should be all-powerful – "totalitarian". Such an idea, he went on, was absurd, not because individual liberty was too precious to be surrendered, but because "if there is a totalitarian regime – in fact and by right – it is the regime of the church, because man belongs totally to the church". Doesn't this mean you are a member of an organisation who's goal has been total control over ones life?

This is the same pope who gave legitimacy to Mussolini and practically turned his back on the Italian Jews. Much of fascist ideology was inspired by Catholic tradition – the authoritarianism, the intolerance of opposition and the profound suspicion of the Jews.

I highly recommend you gain some understanding of your Church's history by reading The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe by David Kertzer.

Then come back and explain why your religious myths should somehow hold any moral standing when the Catholic church has acted so immorally for so many years.

To be fair even the old testament provides stories of the Jews being a pain in the ar5e for the communities of the day....... take Egypt for example.

Shakespeare didn't help matters for Venetian Jews.

It's what you get when you bankroll kings and princes and compromise their special connection with God .... eventually the loan payments give the divine ones the s4its and they purge the money lenders from the kingdom. Of course the Jews have discovered that distraction is the best weapon of defense, thus why they promote various generational fads and control the media/courts.
Why should those of us who are not Muslims have to eat Halal foods or pay for the certification ?


you don't have to eat it no government agency is saying they will only approve halal foods, and you don't pay for the certification.

Saying why should you pay for certification is like saying.

"why should I pay for the advertising that vegemite puts on TV, I don't watch TV"

Its a silly way to look at it.

Is the cost of certification part of the price I pay for the product ?

Advertising is used to simply sell the product, money doesn't go to looney religions.

I like roast chicken, but apparently 80% of chicken is Halal certified and this is fact is not conveyed to the consumer.

My main objection is that certification fees are used to spread mumbo jumbo religious nonsense.

If the whole Halal system was Catholic based instead of Muslim based and the proceeds went to building Catholic churches, would you have a different opinion considering your hatred of Catholicism ?

Obviously you have the same issues around kosher foods, since there's a fee involved with certification.
Of course I do, any religious certification of food is bunkum.

The buy the cheaper product. No one forces you to buy the more expensive certified products. You don't ascribe to the fantasies of either religion so you must be willingly choosing to pay the extra $$$.

But this is getting way off the topic of SS marriage...unless SS marriage is the non halal / kosher form of marriage
Is the cost of certification part of the price I pay for the product ?


No, it would form part of the marketing budget, and would not add to the cost of your item anymore than the cost of a tv ad, Infact things that lead to more products being sold can reduce costs due to economies of scale.

Companies pay for advertising and certification to sell more product, and make more money, it covers its own cost, otherwise they wouldn't do it.

I like roast chicken, but apparently 80% of chicken is Halal certified and this is fact is not conveyed to the consumer.

So what?

If the whole Halal system was Catholic based instead of Muslim based and the proceeds went to building Catholic churches, would you have a different opinion considering your hatred of Catholicism

I doubt there is much money left over once the certification bodies have paid to cover there costs.

Any way if a company pays $10,000 for certification, and then sells 2,000,000 chickens, that's 1 tenth of a cent per chicken, it's not going to affect the price.

But I don't want to talk about HALAL here, except I will make the below analogy.

So I expect to be given information that may affect my decision to purchase, including country of origin, and whether the food is "blessed" or not.

I doubt there is much money left over once the certification bodies have paid to cover there costs.

Did you watch Four Corners last night ?

A $5 million mosque is being built in Indonesia on the proceeds of Halal certification.

A leading Halal certifier says there are millions to be made from the business.
Why should those of us who are not Muslims have to eat Halal foods or pay for the certification ?

But that's another story.

If you want to use Halal as an analogy for this case, the correct analogy would be this one.

Imagine a person responsible for signing off on and issuing Heath inspection compliance certifications for all food processors for the state government, Imagine this person is a devout Muslim, and due to their religious beliefs, they decide they will not issue documents to anyone who isn't making Halal food, effectively shutting down non halal industry.

this is the situation the US clerk is in, she is refuse to process documents which it is her duty to process, even though the people comply with the law, simply because it goes against her religious beliefs.

I never said I agreed with her actions. I said she should have been sacked not thrown in gaol. But the Yanks have a strange way of dealing with things like that.

So are you saying that people of strong religious feelings should be banned from all positions of executive or administrative authority ?
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