Well of course, we are dealing with a couple of religious nut jobs here...
It is this kind of mentality that starts wars and drives fear, division and hate through society.
This is how ridiculous you look! CRAZINESS!
No longer does the world want to be enslaved by YOUR NONSENSE, YOUR LIES AND YOUR HATE.
But no more... the people are standing up for what's real, what's right and what is true. We don't need some book that makes no sense written by the deluded thousands of years ago. ALL WE NEED IS TO LOOK IN TO OUR HEARTS. That is where the truth lies.
Take your B%$*SH*T and save it for church.
This would appear to be off topic on this thread, but considering some of the posts made here yesterday, it seems very very appropriate.
View attachment 63235
Happy 60th birthday to Ruby Bridges! As a six-year-old, Ruby Bridges famously became the first African American child to desegregate an all-white elementary school in the South. When the 1st grader walked to William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans on November 14, 1960 surrounded by a team of U.S. Marshals, she was met by a vicious mob shouting and throwing objects at her.
One of the federal marshals, Charles Burks, who served on her escort team, recalls Bridges' courage in the face of such hatred: "For a little girl six years old going into a strange school with four strange deputy marshals, a place she had never been before, she showed a lot of courage. She never cried. She didn't whimper. She just marched along like a little soldier. We were all very proud of her."
Once Ruby entered the school, she discovered that it was devoid of children because they had all been removed by their parents due to her presence. The only teacher willing to have Ruby as a student was Barbara Henry, who had recently moved from Boston. Ruby was taught by herself for her first year at the school due to the white parents' refusal to have their children share a classroom with a black child.
Despite daily harassment, which required the federal marshals to continue escorting her to school for months; threats towards her family; and her father's job loss due to his family's role in school integration, Ruby persisted in attending school. The following year, when she returned for second grade, the mobs were gone and more African American students joined her at the school. The pioneering school integration effort was a success due to Ruby Bridges' inspiring courage, perseverance, and resilience.
If it wasn't for the love that Jesus taught you wouldn't be where you are now. Your entire race would have been annihilated 6 times over. It's the Christian civilisation that triumphed because it finally unified people with morals and ideals.
And around we go (my bolds) Man and woman produced .....
Man and man = adoption
Woman and woman = adoption
Man and woman = LIFE
Now forget all the test tubes and technologies and a gay man copulates with a donor womb ad infinitum etc ... is this a true statement?
Lets see. As a society we've turned out backs on those who have children.
Ah, we have what a $250M trial to see if nannies will work in helping to provide child care for parents both working. Then another $357M to help children in disadvantaged families.
It looks like child care funding will be roughly $8.5B by 2016-17.
Can't easily find what family tax benefits costs, but it's up there with what spend on Child care.
Then we have Govt schools providing free education for any child who enrols.
I think as a society we provide quite a lot of support to parents with children.
So you feel that a woman with more than 1 child under the age of 3 is having it really tough. I'd prob agree with you on that. But if the mother and father aren't willing to accept the difficulties of having children, why is that my fault? Shouldn't parents take responsibility for the children they have? Is it fair to complain about how expensive it is to have children, how hard it is to get day care or juggle work and family life? Shouldn't a couple do their budget and determine if they can afford to support the family size they'd like. If they can't should it be acceptable for them to force the rest of society to provide them with the funds to achieve their goal?
You then go on a ramble about the debts being accumulated. How is that in any way related to gay marriage? if you want to impart on your children a mentality of take and not give, that's sad. Definitely not how I would want to raise my children. Definitely wouldn't be telling them to pay as much tax as you can, but would like them to understand that part of the difference between Australia and countries that are behind us is the fact we have a reasonable tax and transfer system that tries to help those who need it and fund the community infrastructure and institutions that help keep civil society running.
Can you please provide some examples of the hate towards "normal" families. While you're at it, could you please provide the definition of a normal family?
Gay marriage has nothing to do with incest. That's a very derogatory statement. Religious families on the other hand have quite a notoriety with incest. In the bible there's some incestuous marriages.
Would you like to compare marriage today to marriage say 300 years ago? Are you supporting the same thing or supporting the destruction of the traditions from your ancestors?
Gays are not infiltrating schools to force anything onto children. Unlike religious organisations we're not forcing weekly classes onto children, or as in NSW, stopping parents from knowing that instead of religious classes their children could be in an ethics class.
I doubt we'll ever have no gender, but social constructs have changed over the millennia and will continue to change. Would you like to be a woman from 200 years ago? They were similar to children. To be seen and not heard. You seem to think that how we are as individuals and a society today is how we have always been. Look back on history and you'll see a lot of traditions like slavery, arranged marriages, dowries, are probably left in the past. I'm glad we don't have concubines as the spoils of war any more. I'm glad the idea of beating someone and then saying if they die more than a day later that's fine.
There's no giant conspiracy going on here. Gay are not some frendlier version of the illuminati or jesuits out conquering the world. We'd just like to be treated as equal members in society since we contribute on an equal basis. Is that such a scary concept? It goes along with one wo(man) one vote. Equal pay for equal work. These concepts would seem to be central to the Christian faith, but I'm starting to doubt that now.
If it wasn't for the love that Jesus taught you wouldn't be where you are now. Your entire race would have been annihilated 6 times over. It's the Christian civilisation that triumphed because it finally unified people with morals and ideals.
The thing with annihilation is it only need to be done once
Yes you should be treated as equal members of society, even I will fight for that with you. I just want marriage to be between man and woman
So what's your point then?
Why did you even mention evolution?
Not only does the fact that gay members of society can't breed together not have anything to do with gay marriage, but bringing up evolution doesn't mean anything either.
The existence of gay's does not go against evolution, gay's exist because of evolution.
Ok this is good, this is great, now we're getting somewhere. There is nothing "wrong" with that we just want to understand why. So, without deflecting to an irrelevant side issue which has nothing to do with marriage just answer one thing. Why don't you want marriage to be between two men or two women? Look deep. You can't use the excuse about gay parenting because gay couples can already be parents. We are not talking about that. We are talking about a ceremony and a commitment that will be legally recognized, a couple of rings and it will all be over. Nothing else will change. What is it that you can't accept about two men or two woman getting married? Please give us an honest, relevant and direct answer to the question. You will not be told you are wrong. Just speak your own truth.
Oh Man!
This thread is going nowhere.
Then I realised something.
There is no hope for the future of normal family life in Australia. Things have gone to far.
The ISIS that is the LGBT and atheist movement in Australia has won. There will be no traditional family values nor an understanding of morality in Australia. There will be no real religion in Australia.
If Jesus had to walk the earth in Australia he wouldn't find even twelve apostles, nobody would even bother to crucify him because they wouldn't even care what he had to say. Jesus if he arrived in Australia today would have a completely failed mission. Everyone is too egoistical and selfish.
It's hopeless, it is.
I retreat from this thread tail between my legs, head for the hills, worn down to the bone. Nothing to argument here
Good luck, but it won't come.
It's definitely better not to bring children into this mess. It's a regret to have conceived them.
I think how deluded of me. Why did I do that?
Marketing 101 ...... indoctrinate the children of the next generation
It's the Christian civilisation that triumphed because it finally unified people with morals and ideals.
Ok this is good, this is great, now we're getting somewhere. There is nothing "wrong" with that we just want to understand why. So, without deflecting to an irrelevant side issue which has nothing to do with marriage just answer one thing. Why don't you want marriage to be between two men or two women? Look deep. You can't use the excuse about gay parenting because gay couples can already be parents. We are not talking about that. We are talking about a ceremony and a commitment that will be legally recognized, a couple of rings and it will all be over. Nothing else will change. What is it that you can't accept about two men or two woman getting married? Please give us an honest, relevant and direct answer to the question. You will not be told you are wrong. Just speak your own truth.
If Jesus had to walk the earth in Australia he wouldn't find even twelve apostles, nobody would even bother to crucify him because they wouldn't even care what he had to say. Jesus if he arrived in Australia today would have a completely failed mission. Everyone is too egoistical and selfish.
I thought I had answered this already,
You know that the interest payment on 500 billion every months can build a new school or pay a years of a teachers salary. We couldn't get places in childcare in Australia except at $170 a day per child and then the government wasn't even subsidising it.
Oh Man!
This thread is going nowhere.
Then I realised something.
There is no hope for the future of normal family life in Australia. Things have gone to far.
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